Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Becoming Ultralight

Words.  Set # 90 counting down.
(Power) Intuitive

  1. using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.

(Force) Literal
  1. 1.
    taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory.

I've decided to pick up a book at the public library to read while walking.  I needed a masters opinion on how to take the high road in situations.

The book is "Becoming" by Michelle Obama.

So far it is a great read.

We stopped to deliver a bunch of new packs of undergarments for their "Drop Your Drawers" campaign.  I know I always got new sets of drawers each year at Christmas.  Seems there is a major need in the elementary schools in the area.

Other than that, I've spent a good portion of the day working on my new laptop and it is the one that I'm typing from now.
I like it's feel and thinness.  I didn't like the factory install of Win 10 so I blew that away after it did not recover from its recovery program. 


Other than that, got in my walk and crunches with pushups today.
Should be sewing samples tomorrow as I get ready to build my quilts first.

Sleep is important.

~ Kindle