Monday, September 10, 2012

One barrier dissolved.....

It has been a while since posting here but that is not to mean all has been quiet in my life.

This week is the final week of employment at Radford University for both my wife and I.
We venture North to begin orchestrating the next phase that will provide for us while hiking the trail.
Working on financial independence.
The job barrier has dissolved.

We both managed to go from full time to part time with little hiccups and now we venture back to where we grew up to assist our families concerning family matters.
The taste of time freedom has been a welcome taste. 
I desire more of it.

South Western Virginia has served as an awesome place to raise the children to adulthood while allowing us to reacquaint ourselves to each other.
Each new day, we begin the rest of our lives together.

Fear is making its presence known and we accept it for what it is,
thank it for its feedback to our situations and chant:
"Oh, - What The Hell, - Go For It Anyway!"

That phrase alone has allowed me to continually become a human being and not just a human doing.

To The Trail is becoming etched in my soul as something that I want to do NOW more than when it was contrived several years ago.

..... to be continued.