Friday, October 30, 2015

A wildlife viewing in the town park

I've been walking a flat path recently for recovery and was visualizing walking a hiking trail.
Generally on hiking trails you get to interact with wildlife more than squirrels and I asked the universe for better interactions.
A dog showed up.....That was quick!
OK, nice one God! I get the joke. -

Well, on my birthday I got to witness a red tailed hawk (with about a 4' wingspan), silently swooped for 300 yards in front of Annette and I from atop a power pole.....and nailed one of the squirrels.
That was cool!
I received an awesome wildlife viewing!
It happened so quick I could not get my phone out in time but I had a witness!
Thank you for being there with me Annette Tokarczyk!

Ask and ye shall receive!

I love how the universe conspires to do me good!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

"The beginning of freedom is the realization
that you are not "the thinker."
The moment you start watching the thinker,
a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.
You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm
of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a
tiny aspect of that intelligence.
You also realize that all things that truly matter -
beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace -
arise from beyond the mind.

You begin to awaken."
~ taken from "Practicing The Power Of NOW"

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!
This has always been a saying I embrace.
Just like with trading, my past events do not predict my future outcomes.

The past few walks have me spending time with my thoughts.
Many times, I let go and allow my mind to wander while walking.
It's a game as I catch my mind go off on some negative direction.
When I catch my thoughts at those times I do my best to flip the process positive.

After catching myself, I then try to quiet my mind to allow new thought to flow through me from beyond the mind.  

It is easier for me to get to that level AFTER I catch my mind doing its "committee" work.
"The Committee" I refer to is the self talk that is regurgitated over and over in my thoughts by voices I have heard from my past.  
Self voice and the voices of: Mother, Father, Brother, Sisters,  Friends, Associates, Bosses, Teachers, et cetera.

Years ago when I stopped blaming anything outside of myself for my personal situation, that is when I learned I even had a committee occupying and fighting for time during my best thinking moments.
I'm told that is the case for many people. Sadly, many do not even know that they argue with themselves silently.
Such was the case for me until I was made aware and watched for it to happen.
Worse yet is that I used to use the advice of that committee without further questioning if the reason and logic was sound.

No regrets at all.  At the time, each of my decisions was made by using the best information I had available to me at that moment.
I accept full responsibility for my choices in life and will continue to moving forward.

I can also say that seeking higher council is different in my life now as well.

You see, I am continually training my mind to accept that it is a part of me and it is not me directly. 
This is a big step and one that needs continual focus for me as I am more aware of it happening and I enjoy the work.  
It has been most beneficial and rewarding.
A spiritual being enjoying a human experience.

There are many trails and sights to witness.
Penny and I are doing it together.  I would not want it any other way.

I've chosen to see the world through grateful eyes and it will never look the same again.

~ Kindle

Rehab, walking and moving forward.....

I again sit here at my writing / trading desk, analyzing all that has transpired since November 2014.
I can already tell this is going to be a long entry.

Update to our adventure:
  • Rehab is a process.  I am learning patience at a physical level.
  • I'm grateful that I've begun walking distances again. Flat paths and soon hills.
  • Walking twice daily is my seed thought to how it will be when hiking.
  • Commitment, desire and drive is the foundation needed.
  • There will be pain, challenges and achievements along the path. 
  • We will be 100% self-funded.  Building slow and steady like walking to hiking.
    I am blessed and grateful.
    Here is a picture from today.

    Fall is here and other than that, it shows not much else but a segue for my wife and I.

    I have my 5th year birthday coming up and I try to do something memorable to me on those days. 
    Recent few:   

    45th - "Lit Candle" Hostess Cupcake in front of the White House,
    when my daughter stated: "Wow, there are people with guns on top of the White House!" 
    50th - Started a trading llc (a long time goal accomplished).
    So for my 55th - I'm going to set up a new Word Press blog titled, 
    "Walking Through Forests."
    Yep, WTF (reference intended).
    Our future adventures needed a better set up for smiles and laughter.
    I trust my new layout will be much easier to read.

    This present blog "To The Trail" has just about run it's course. 
    It was my first attempt at this style of writing and it served me well.
    I also remain optimistic that natural healing will allow me to continue walking for a very long, long time.

    The goal for me initially was to use it as a learning tool. 

    I had questions like:
    •  What type of commitment does it take to blog?
    •  Do I honestly have anything to say?
    •  What is involved with learning html?
    •  How committed am I to better filming and photography? 
    •  Low bandwidth - how does that affect updates?
    Well, I believe I've found a voice that I want to share and I've decided that I would like to continue with a blog.

    In reading a few long distance trail journals and then reading some trail blogs recently, I believe the blog gives me more control and with that more challenge.

    I've been following the adventures of a long distance hiker named "Wired" through her blog: "Walking With Wired"
    I'm thankful that Wired shares her daily events and even her technical challenges with updating a daily blog while hiking.  
    Some of those shared challenges had me look at starting WTF fresh and new.

    So, word press was recommended and that is where I will be blogging next.

    Reading Wired's journey has really helped lately when it takes my full effort to walk down to the end of the drive way just to get the mail.   
    I know I can get where I need to go even if it takes little steps to get there.
    Just so you are aware, the driveway here on this mountainside is steep and even has a switchback in the middle.
    I consider it a training ground.  
    Soon I'll be doing laps around the driveway once I build up some strength and endurance.

    Thank you Erin for documenting as well as you have.  
    I appreciate it.  
    Your travels inspire me.

    So for now, I'm still:
    Keeping it simple, keeping it positive and still moving forward, always forward!

    ~ Kindle

Monday, October 19, 2015


     noun mox·ie \ˈmäk-sē\

: the ability to be active
: courage or determination

(I sense this is going to be a long entry.)

I was reminded today of a word I've had to lean on hard lately for my own sanity.  Moxie.
Several times seven, my inner positive talk was tested.

As of this past weekend, I'm officially being processed for lifetime disability.
This event and the process has been humbling.
Regardless of the outcome from the process, I have moxie and I will continue.
I will face this wall as all the others.
It will not stop me for I have four choices:
Over, Under, Around or Thru

I know I am not spineless - it hurts everyday.

I wrote on my FaceSpace wall these words:
"Pain is temporary.
Allowing the memory of it to linger and control one is a choice.
I choose to not be a victim."

This means, I know I am being healed.
The past is gone, the future remains to be seen;
I am NOW.

I will not become a victim of my own thoughts.
The inner "Committee" that tries to discuss my fate & has no business or control over me.
I've been using the "Catching the devil behind the third tree" techniques that I have learned from Guy Finley.
I'm thankful for the teachers, sages and masters I've listened to along the way.  Each play their segments in my head when I need them most.
The pain I experience daily is not much different than the pain I know I'll experience when hiking any of our great trail experiences in this country.  
Just right now, I don't have to do anything different than sit, stand, lie down or walk normally to get the same grand experience.   
Yee Haw!  I am a Cowboy!  lol.
Still, I have no one to blame but myself and how rough I've treated my body through these past 55 years.
No regrets.
So here is my logic:
Since there is going to be pain, I already know it has it's peaks and non-peak times -  I just move forward.  

Greeting the day thankfully and with a smile! :)
I am thankful to get to experience another wonderful moment in space.  

Yep, nothing is fixed - I float along with the orb we call Earth.  
To transverse what we are still trying to figure out that is labeled the Universe, while enjoying each flooding moment of time that we are allowed to experience life in our own way.  
Flowing with the stream and not fighting against it.
Each moment being a gift as it is appropriately known as the present.
I've been allowed to remain within this moment in recorded time with no Darwin award or trophy from my past and I'm not going to explore the possibilities of one ever being in my future.

I'm still here.  
Bone headed choices made and all.
Hold my beer moments.

I breathe breaths that are given to me and I receive heartbeats that given to me as well.  
I own nothing and I am thankful for all that I've been given and continue to receive.

I desire to live the "dash" in between October 28, 1960 and ?????
And when complete I desire the closing line to be: 

So to "Keep it simple" in getting from here to there: "To The Trail" (the essence of the blog to begin with) I am following my personal health orders to begin a walking routine.

No prodding at all, there actually has never been any guidance from the medical community about this part of my rehab.
Nor have I heard:

"Hey Buddy! You're FAT!"  

Lose 75 pounds and you will put less stress on your joints!

you can bet I've been offered a boat load of pills though.
I'm not going down that path.  
I've watched my family and friends toxify themselves with that pollution.
Funny how they all passed on from Liver Cancer.

Dr.'s are the only ones who can bury their mistakes.

Pain or no pain - each day is a test and a chance for me to document my progress in a pain journal.

I am going to go deep within and seek healing.  
The body is an amazing miracle.
It can self heal and I'm willing to do everything within my being to become a specimen of health.

This means I begin at the simplistic of wisdom:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Doing my best to live my trademark phrase:
Keep it simple, keep it positive and keep moving forward, always forward.

1.7 to 2.1 miles each day.  
First goal is to get to 10,000 steps a day.
I've logged 18.7 miles so far and it's been worth all the BioFreeze, Arnicare, Tart Cherry Juice, Turmeric and multiple Icing times I need to do to keep walking.

Now with this daily walking routine, I get to spend each day sauntering with my life long hiking partner Penny Grateful.
Hiking means we must be willing to walk each day. 
Soon, new shoes will appear but in the mean time new inserts are on my radar. 

Originally, "To The Trail" was set to document our journey from where we were at the time to what happened before we began hiking our first long distance trail.
It has become what I need to do to just do ANY walkway or path!

We live in a part of Eastern KY surrounded by National Forests and beautiful trails.
We have full use of 20 acres of a Southern Facing Mountain with a limestone cliff to scramble right behind the house.
What more could any future hiker dream of?

To be honest with you, I have an issue with walking down the steep drive way to get the mail each day.
Soon I'll be able to hike the perimeter of the land, clearing a hiking path.  

I need a constructive strength goal to build towards; it is just me.

Here is my new routine:

Kindle's Rehab - DAILY LIFE.

Now, since I've achieved my first goal of hiking a path daily.....
(ok, it is a Senior Citizen Walking Path of .5 miles but it is a trail)
at least I've strung a few days together.  ;)

I'm going to continue to do progress updates here as I also begin designing & creating our journey blog.
The triple crown and travel to all National Parks for starters.

Go big or go home!  ;)

I'm not going to sit still and watch the "Price is Right" daily, I'm going to be active within my limits until those limits change.

Each day, striving to better my previous.
Ok, I'll be active in the morning and ice during the "Price is Right" then I'll continue to be active.  :)

So now with a revised goal, we are onward to the trail!

Thank you Erin "Wired" Shiver for inspiring me to become a better blogger, hiker and person.
Actually, she does not know me from Adam but I just finished her long distance hiking blog which details her adventure of hiking the AT and thus completing the Triple Crown.  (PCT, CDT, AT)

(if you care to read of her amazing adventures, here is a link:)

I admire her ability to document daily and with no filters sometimes.  
She kept it real and very reflective.

I begin where I am.
A fire builds within me to hike.  
All it took was a spark.
I'm moving forward.

I'll keep ya posted.
~ Kindle