Monday, November 18, 2019

Red Sky come morning .... Sailor - take warning.

Yep, Red Sky come morning this day.  Rain is on it's way.

I like the sunsets that are red:
Red Sky At Night, a Sailor's delight!

Woke up hiking sore today.  Even muscle and tendon pain.
Arms, shoulders, core, back, legs of course.
Feet are doing well.  5 miles to look forward to today.
New socks were a welcome change.

Mat work: 
Crunches -Yawned at 53 pushed to 60
Cobra - upper back is starting to gain some flex - Abs 💖 this stretch.
Modified Push Ups - 3 sets of 20.  Each a different modification.
I'm no where near doing a standard push up.  When I can, I'll be closest to goal which is "Planks". :)

Words for today:
(Power) Humble


  1. 1.
    having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.

(Force) Diffident

  1. modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.

Diffident only has one definition.  Not sure I've heard the word before and I know I've never used it.  I can see it in a lot of faces.

I'm glad that grade schools are starting to understand that the children are the means of the earths future. 

Stopping the nonsense GIGO model of the industrial age.

Fill the minds with Quality Information in a learning environment, very novel approach.

Oooops, I just fell off my soap box.  It was a little slippery anyway.

  1. *******

Brushing up on my cloud/sky reading.  How the day changes.
With Accu-weather on my phone I do not have to rely on sky changes but when walking, I'll see how much I can leave the phone in the pocket while hiking. Skills mastered or elevated at one time but are rarely today used can quickly come back. Bike riding is an example.  I can get on one today having not rid for 20 years.  I don't need to remember that gravel is loose, I just know it to be true.

I grew up in the agricultural mecca of NY.
A cross roads with 2 stops signs. (not lights, signs)
Fields upon fields upon fields.
An actual stage coach stop for early travelers of Western New York.

Not much has changed except for the new towering Windmills and Windmills and Windmills that now help the farmers pay the taxes on their land.

Both taverns in the town I grew up in burned down.
One when I was younger and then was rebuilt as a modern bar.
It was the towns landmark "Central House Hotel".
That was the original Stage Coach Stop.  I read it off the news clip after the fire.
The owners also ran the tiny post office too when I was young.
Second or Third smallest in the world at the time.  Just trivia now.

The other was more current.  North Java Inn (Dodge City Bar).
The owners I grew up to know where of immigrant background from Italy.  When they passed, several others kept it alive through the 70's, 80's, 90's and into 2000. Pool table, Juke Box, Pinball, Darts and beer.   In my life, it went from family dining to a card playing, piss hole.  Now it's a used car lot.  Very fitting.

Long lost was the Fish Fry Fridays.  It was Drafts and shots until ashes.  More of my childhood and teen friends, I understand have taken themselves out of the game with the establishments help. 
And so it was.

The bank was bought and sold several times and now is a corner fixture.
It's no longer a bank, just a building in town.

Volunteers at the newer Fire Station, still do put out the fires and save the cellars of homes.
Livestock outnumbers the community members
(1000's to 1)

I walked thru the creeks.
Hunted the fence lines, fields and woods after the harvest.
I've bagged my fair share of game as humanly as possible.

My father was sure to teach my brother and I how to "take the clean shot" vs. the shot that tries to clean the animal and scrambles the innards.  My Dad was sure to let us know that we would be cleaning our own catch, and his, as we later would learn.
My techniques are slower and more thought through.  @1 hr.

My Brother can clean a deer and be alert enough to catch a wandering deer that is curious as to what transpired a bit ago.
All in less than 15 min.  30 if you count the curious one that happens every now and then, and a hunter with a second tag to use.

2 shells were always allowed and BETTER be used.
One to take the animal and one to be sure the animal does not take you with it.  

It sometimes happens that more than one shot is used to knock down the animal with horns and sharp hoofs, BUT but the LAST was always essential.

I bring this up for I read recently of an "Expert" hunter that was taken out by the Buck he "wounded" - unaware. 
He was teaching a teen, I understand. Must have been distracted.

Back when I last hunted, 16ga slugs cost .25 cents.
My Dad's words: "Use .25 cents to be sure it is dead.  If you crack the rack in the process, no big deal cuz you don't eat rack stew."

His way of saying, put a bullet in it's head BEFORE you try to gut it.  That advice would have saved the "Experts" life.


Opportunity is what you make of it.
When the time came to choose a profession after quitting college,
I called an 800 number ad and ended up on a flight to Boot Camp.

North Java held no interest to me and I was gone one week after my 18th birthday.  Nuclear candidates needed for the Newer Navy.
I may have been conscious but I was very unaware of what my next steps or my path would present.  Jumped and let the net appear.

Been there?  I believe we all have.

Scared.  Fear Filled. Unsure.

I can say this ... I'm glad I was scared.
I'm thankful I've had pants pissing moments.
I take better care of my decisions now and look out for myself a little bit more from time to time.

This trail being no different.

My hunting skills should prove to be helpful.
Goal: Zero Bear Sightings or Attractions.
Yogi, Boo Boo and Smoky best have other business when I venture thru.

If I do see one, it will be by surprise ... to them.
They understand being hunted and "should" run.
I'll know I do not have a gun but they won't.

I understand early morning and late evening wind patterns on hillsides, valleys and terrain.
A bit tougher on the fly and always being new area but I'll manage the puzzle and it's pieces.  I like topo maps & a compass for good reason.

Should work to my advantage. 
I'll act conscious while visiting their home environment.
I'll respect the environment and the wildlife I'm visiting as well.

Leave no trace. (except online in a blog, lol) :)

Moving forward still....
~ Kindle