Monday, January 27, 2020

Water ... under ?? days

Words.  Set #49 counting down.  

(Power) Novel

  1. new or unusual in an interesting way.

(Force) Pompous

  1. affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important.

Water Choices:
Below is my water captures (smart bottles with HH2O Auto Magic Water Collectors - tarp funnels) and containers (Nalgene BPA Free) to choose from with my MSR filter, and my Guyot Designs cup and bowl sets.
The scale is for picking the lightest of the heavy.

(Under ??? Days)  My Contingencies:
It seems to never fail that when one makes long term plans, life makes other ones to thicken the plot of the adventure.
Weddings, Funerals, Family Gatherings, Job Interviews and Offers .... things happen.

My trip is no different.  I'll adjust as needed.

The A.T. Guide 2020 data arrives today and I begin to finalize my itinerary data.  This will take a bit but will be easier than typing it all in again.  I'll just be verifying line for line and adjusting.

Today's word messed me up as I had recently looked up the story (noun) definition of Novel and when it appeared for me to enter it today, I had to go back thru my notes to see if I hadn't already used this pair. 
At the end I know I'll list all the words I'll be using more often as replacements to the list of words I'll be using less frequently.
A writing game of sorts.  Reminds me of writing evaluations.
To anyone who has had to write an evaluation of another human can attest, lists of words to describe character, actions, sound or unsound judgement on their part gets to be difficult sometimes.

I'm blessed to have had to write hundreds of them and for all types of characters.  The ones I wrote the most for were on the Kitty Hawk.
It generally was their last evaluation as I was their last supervisor.  Our Department (Electrical Division) was generous enough to give me many of their "Final Straw" types of characters to work in the Pits, Trunks and tight locations where wires happened to be.
Since I had a system, it made it easy to do those evals before I would go home for the evening.  Update all the daily and weekly paperwork and "the computer" at the time.  
One computer shared by all of Engineering and it was off the ship and in the Admin Building in the Shipyard.  Getting time at it during the day was impossible.  I had to wait late one night a week or two nights if the shipyard jobs were moving quickly.

Do I follow a format when writing?  Usually the one designed by the H.R. department is fine.  It's the descriptions of the person that makes the difference.  Words in order.  Proper order for the task at hand.   Examples and Warnings.  lol 

In my young supervisory career, I was encouraged to purchase a paperback that I have with me to this day.
The Navy EVAL and FITREP Writing Guide.

The link goes to Amazon where one could purchase the 3rd Edition.  I believe mine is pre 1st edition, lol.

Also, if someone would desire to learn how to become better at Technical Writing, there might be some gold nuggets in this book:

The Naval Institute Guide to Naval Writing, 3rd Edition (Blue and Gold) 3rd Edition

I'll be getting a copy for myself as there are guidelines for communicating better in this day and age of emails, texts and vids.

Anyway, with those books comes the lists and lists of behavioral trait phrases to use when writing honestly and openly.

Just reading the phrases allows a "self" to evaluate their own character via the examples.  Both Good and Bad.
From that I will decide to adapt or discard for my "self".

Since I've not read the phases until recently as I was looking over my past 11 years in the service by the evaluations that were written for me.  And Sadly, mostly by me after I attained the rank of E-5 and was working with words as the Divisional Career Counselor. 

My rough drafts that I handed into my supervisors writing my evaluations ended up almost verbatim in my evaluations.
With those words usually came a phase like: ".... He has a great command of the English Language ..."  or something like that.

All I did was read and maintain a process using a paperback book filled with character phrases of actions ... and a Thesaurus to change some words.

Not ingenious, just lazy.   Hundreds of evals will help one find shortcuts.  Those "bullet phrases" were gold.

Now if I desire to write a fictional novel, I have actions upon actions for my characters to become by doing in the readers mind.

That is all an evaluation is ... not fictional but as close to an accurate account for the members Accountability to real life in those conditions, condensed to snippets about the Responsibilities a subordinate has.  Was the team goal met with their help or not?

Accountability and Responsibility  .... something most service members have beat into them in boot camp but tend to forget when with their kind (the 5 they hang with) later at a Command and into the flow of the particular Branch of Service, and it becomes a daily Job and vocation or specialty they are in.

Well, anyway ... I'm getting ready to test my head wear so I'll be cutting off my hair to a very short length.  Then it's hats and clothing to test for 30, 40 and 50 degree weather with a wide brim hat for sunshine.
I've burnt the top of my head ... once was enough.

Moving forward.
~ Kindle