Thursday, January 9, 2020

The day I feared appeared ... More on stoves

Words.  Set # 67  Today's words jumped off the list at me visually.

(Power)  Determined

  1. having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

(Force)  Stubborn
  1. having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.

Interesting still how the (Force) words fit the present administration  Executive Branch almost to a "Tee".
And the words fit me too.
Staying with the (Power) group, I am determined to make this hike work into my life.

Trading wise, the bot is coming along well in it's development to provide food and travel funds (of some sort) along this journey.
Woke to another 3% gain this morning after I gave back 2% yesterday tweaking.

I am happy with how I see it all coming together, smoothly, rowing my boat gently down the streams of finance. 
Thank you World!
Thank you Movie House! 
Thank you you old Building and Loan! lol

Zu Zu's petals!  Would you look at that Burt!  HA!  :)


All this looking down work is having a time with my posture and my spine.  Typing, hand work with tools w/ fine sharp objects, and the Chuck Norris machine "starter" workout.

I tweaked my neck again this time.  Monday's workout.
#1 routine with the Total Gym system.  My push up work has helped but I'm not developed correctly enough in the neck and soft tissue shoulder areas yet.  Had a similar episode in VA several years ago.  One exercise in particular gave me my first case of "Instant" vertigo.  I learned about the blessings of specific chiropractic care and the healing hands of a spine specialist.

Lived with the pain Tuesday as it was not too bad.
Yesterday I woke in pain and with anger.
Today, my vision is a bit wonky and I have a migraine.
Hopefully not vertigo as well since it resides in that same area of my neck with issues.  Pinching off the optic and balance nerves makes for a great, interesting day.   Keeping this short.
Hopefully the inversion table will be my help mate today as we have obliged ourselves to help a yard clean up event.
Yard Cardio Today.  "Ben Dovers" routine.   I know I'll feel it.

Stoves:  (Yesterday's event)
I'm starting to use sunshine as a light source for fine work.
In this case, 32 jet stoves and the template needed to "fudge" in a few punch port fuel jet ideas on some can bottoms. 
Particularly the Pepsi cans. 

I found the bottom cup lip to be 45mm ID and 50mm OD.
When printing up the template, be sure to have the pictures sized correctly.  In my case, to have the template be close to exact in measurements listed on the picture, I needed to Resize the downloaded file to 125% for printing.   Seen here is the difference in the 32 slit templates that I used.

 I cut the 32 slits needed to bend the 32 tabs down at the precise line made by a Bic Pen.  The roller ball will wet and crease the paper on the exact line needed to be bent.
I then used flat tweezers to hold the line. 

Before taping to the bottom of the Pepsi cans, I took the liberty to clean the metal bottoms with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol as cleaning them after they are punched snags cotton balls.

 Three cans are ready to be "jetted".
I also laid out the templates on my 1mm Titanium plates that arrived to make my Little Dandy Stove.

All of these will be built to attach to the 2QZQ table I have now.
Flame heights for the custom stoves will be spot on.
The whole platform needs to safely hold 2 Qts of water (4#)
it's weight, the stoves, fuel (Wood and Everclear) and the "safe" elevated fire as well,
control the wind in varying outdoor, nature type conditions while it either Boils my water for a Shower and Laundry task or simmers my Cake, Bread and Pizza to become dinner.

A simple task for the luxury desires in the woods.  :)

Moving Forward,
~ Kindle