Saturday, January 18, 2020

Challenged and Challenges ... The Sewing Projects

Words. Set # 58 counting down.

(Power) Free

  1. 1.
    not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

(Force) Regulated
past tense: regulated; past participle: regulated
  1. control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly.

Still no bobbin to be wound.
Might wind one by hand just to start stitching the first pass.
Fickle machine for sure.  Many Love or Hate theirs too.

Found out how expensive thread can be.
Just getting a base of colors came to $90.  ($45 after the sale).
Good thing JoAnn's had 50% off happening.

The Universe took care of us and timed it perfectly.

Today is another series of things to look at on the machine.
I'm now looking for misalignment and broken pieces.
I trust I'll find misalignment to be the issue ... fingers crossed.


I've purposely stopped working out for a few days and it's been rough.  Inverse Resolution for the 2nd week of the year.

I knew in August that New Years Day Resolutions would start.
I wanted to stop and take a break then for being ready to continue a full year of making my body better.
4 months of a routine before the Resolution day appeared seemed to work for me.   I have a much flatter ab.  My butt is mostly gone.
Started with 10 crunches before coffee that first day because 50 the first day was not going to happen.  Now it's 100 + before coffee.

My body wakes each day to do it's routine but the routine changed.
It had to which leaves me Wonky for sure.  

The "Chuck Norris" machine tweaked my shoulders and neck just enough to cause me discomfort longer than muscle pain and growth should feel like, so I stopped for 1 week.  Back to 60 Modified Push Ups for my shoulder work after the crunches today.  It was working just not quickly.


Prognosticators and prognostic events.
Prestidigitation and prestigious events.

Is slight of hand and foretelling a skill that can be mastered?
I'm curious as to how many denominations begin to "finally" notice the "CON" that they have been handed to support?

Now as partial as I am to clear rules and directives, I am also impartial to idiots.
They are treated fair and just. 
Darwin awards are handed out just for them and theirs.
Things don't JUST HAPPEN, things HAPPEN JUST.
Especially those that should know better.

I am not immune to idiocy either.
Just not to the point of extinction yet.
Thank you:    "Leeroy Jinkins!"  :)

I responded to an Editorial yesterday. 
That act, in and of itself, could be considered and idiotic action.
Freedom of speech.
It was a local paper piece by a Nationally Syndicated Columnist.

Odd thing, the Local Paper is in the middle of it's Umpteenth Editor change since we have resided here and this weeks issue only has Fax numbers and Phone numbers listed for contact.  No email.
Hmmmmm?  I wonder if something went wrong with their equipment and accounts?    I can only surmise and I do.

That was my past to be concerned about computers and computer security.
Thousands of machines in 13 years ... only 3 were ever compromised and caught within hours.  Even then with only 3 of thousands, it was a PITA factor of 8 or 9 on my scale of 0 to 11.
(Pain In The Arse)

Anyway, the editorial was entitled "Trump & Jesus".

Should not be hard to google (I didn't need to cuz I was reading the print) but it was hard to get an email address to either the author or the paper printing the piece so that I could respond to "Letters to the Editor".

So, I did the next best thing.  Found the America On Line email address of the Founder of the Seminary who just so happens to be the Author of the piece and wrote.
No filters unless he has a gatekeeper in place at the Institution which I would hope to be the case but if not and if the EGO is so large that he remains the one in control, then I believe he will read what I had to say.   I was nice.

Said my peace.  Wished him well.
Gave my name as to whom was questioning his editorial.
Ain't Skeered if my words and name appear Nationally.
Ain't surprised if I get a response to communicate directly.
Ain't concerned if nothing comes from it at all.

Truth should never be ashamed to be spoken.  

No cover ups are needed and no backing is required.   
Backbone and Courage are essential but also not required.  
Ignorance and Stupidity make world movements too.  
Just watch the Administration as they fumble forward into the history books.

All I can say is that in order to move up to the next rung on any ladder, one should understand the rules of engagement (ROE) at those levels.  The Goons did not.  Slap Stick Comedy at it's core.

Just because one does not have a degree does not mean they did not read the "Roberts Rules"for business or "Congressional Dockets" for my concerns or "Government Forms" I had to sign.  

Not because I would be graded on the fact that I read the material but for the sheer knowledge that truth eliminates stupid questions later.  Stupid actions and statements too especially when in the environment of those rules.

I expect my leaders:
(since that is what they desired to be) ... be of some intelligence besides how they acted and got by in H.S.
If they apply for a job, understand the scope and magnitude of the tasks required.  And then do the job.
He (the Chief) doesn't take a paycheck so that he does not have to be required to perform the tasks that the pay was for.  Twists.
He guessed wrong.

Alas, we live in a society that created the FaceSpace mentality.
The twits and the grams. 
The inflated and fragile EGO.

I'm no different. 
I too battle the Edging God Out in my existence of existing. 
Making my needs important over the needs of others and even those of the ONE that keeps my heart beating for some reason.

Just now, in these last few years ... I try a little harder making my needs be one that helps others meet their needs too.
Living again to be of "something" that moves forward in growth not stagnation and muck.

Nature proves it:  If we are not living (growing) we are dying.
Everything has a Season.  Make yours to Harvest.

Being There.

~ Kindle