Friday, January 17, 2020

A childhood question answered ... and NOW understood

Words.  Set #59

(Power) Open
  1. 1.
    allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up.

(Force) Secretive
  1. (of a person or an organization) inclined to conceal feelings and intentions or not to disclose information.


Fighting with a Bobbin Auto wind on a Singer Golden Touch & Sew Model 750.
I understand why it was given away to me.

Watching YouTubes to calm my anxiety over this issue.
Listening to Banjo Music on Pandora.
Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers.

Yes, the same "Crazy Guy" Steve Martin.
Plays quality music for sure and the channel named for him and the group provides hours of Quality Banjo music. 
Some BlueGrass vocals every now and then.
If ya are into it.
Mozart to Pink Floyd and much in between. 
My taste is vast.


Here is a picture of the revised hammock so far.
Two layers of fabric under to hold an insulating material.
The Bug Net now hides in a pouch in the foot end.
The ridge line is being worked on as to how I desire it to be laid out.
Seen is the 4 pouch, the iPhone holder, the HH Pouch and clips.
It is being held on with Whoopie slings.
Now I can make the quilts to fit this unit and me.
The frame holding it now is not quite long enough to make it comfortable but it will do.

Well, it took a many moons to have an answer FULLY come to me.
It was soooooo long ago that I've forgotten fully that I had asked it in a way that Source Energy (God, the Universe) would take so long for it to be answered.

Now it is my newest and final Career.  Anything else in my life is a hobby in comparison.

Setting:  Late 1960's
East Clinton's Day at Crystal Beach, Ontario.
The link is to pictures of the Amusement Park before it was auctioned off in pieces.

As a Kid, it was a BIG DEAL to go across the border into another country and have a ball!  The Comet Wooden Roller Coaster, the Yellow Coaster, the Cars and Scramblers.  Skee Ball and other toy amusements as well.  Built to last ... until it isn't needed.

Our Grandparents and parents would buy into the City's Neighborhood rental of the park and get us strips upon strips of tickets to ride the rides and play the games.
The older ones could remissness about their childhoods and younger parenting days doing the same thing as we were doing now as kids with young parents.

In order to purchase food and drinks at a better reasonable rate, exchanging our U.S. Dollars to Canadian Dollars at the bank's current "Flexible" rate was a frugal way of enjoying the day without loosing money exchanging at the "Fixed" Park Rate of Exchange.

When I was finally money wise (I had an allowance saved), I was taken to the bank in town by my Mother whom sat me down with the bank manager to explain a question she could not.

"Why do I loose money when I get back to the states and exchange more amounts of my money when a Quarter, Dime, Nickel and Penny here and a Quarter, Dime, Nickel, and Penny there are the same worth value?"

Seems that living very close to a National border causes some "change" issues. 
Doing the exchange rate for coins is a bit of a hassle.
That was the answer supplied.  It made sense but I still wanted to know "HOW".
I had questions and today I understand it better.

Lets pick today for example: The Dollar vs the Loonie is $1 = 1.30488 Canadian.
(1/17/2020 08:00 EST USDCAD)

Vendors and market places near both entries to the countries get a lot of coins.  A little is forgiven but a lot is not.

Today, I exchange my $ for Loonie electronically.  
Don't even have to visit or spend any there.
Put in an order to control 0.01 Lot of cash.
Cost me $20 to control that 0.01 and right now it is producing a profit of close to .75%. 
Hopefully a 2% increase to my account at the end if it's 3 day move and I also get to keep my $20 of control money.

It's not a lot but not bad sitting here in KY on a Mtn Side doing it.
Others can exchange their capital all day long and I'll just ride with them  .... as it was supposed to be.
If I have more "$20's" then the process is multiplied not additive.
$40 controls 0.02 and 2% would become 4%.  Easy math.

I had to prove it to myself that "safely" retrieve from and "safely" contribute back to the market was a reality.  I was told it was by those that control larger amounts of money than I've had for some time.   I'm starting from the base minimum account to see if this all can become a reality from barely nothing invested.
Professionals in the field looking for an edge as to "what's the buzz, tell me what's a happening?"

Same holds true the other way, I could give back 2% or 4% just as easy or easier .... it's risky.
My goal is to safely and turtle like remove my fair share from the stream as it flows.
Money has it's own rhythm and energy to it.  Yes the world events rock it a bit but all in all, it flows as markets should.  With the cycles of the Earth.

For the risk, reward happens.  Keep the risk low, allow the rewards to fill the coffers, pip by pip.
Just like the big dogs in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo, Sydney and London, it's just at a much slower speed on a mountainside or in an RV someplace with cell service that I can tether my lap top to.

Sadly, could not have done any of this without the aid of computers.  Computers that have been a major part of all my vocations for a good many years.

Not only did I get my childhood question answered, the "Non-Answer" led me to a final career with this world.  
Wonderment with Foreign Exchange Conversion Rates, 
Finding out in H.S. that a computer could be programmed to make money.   
A long road to today for sure but my computer now makes money due to it's programming.  And I'm just getting started.  I needed a working model.

My quest for ways to learn how it works is giving me a life time to play with it now.
Dreams do come true and all of them were first a thought.  
Choose good thoughts.
Patiently wait for those thoughts to materialize along your path as you intersect with them.
All dreams are already here because they cannot be anywhere else.  Think about that.

Keeping it short today as the markets are moving in my favor, and I'm having fun watching it slowly move along.     Turtle Like.    :)

~ Kindle