Friday, February 14, 2020

The other day .... Just looking Parallel

Words. Set # 31

(Power) Tender
  1. 1.
    showing gentleness and concern or sympathy.

(Force) Hard
  1. 1.
    solid, firm, and rigid; not easily broken, bent, or pierced.


"Close to" .... "Kinda sorta" .... "Like that but different" ... "I don't give a flying rats ass" ....  "Ah come on, you're schitting me!"

These are sayings I've used along my working path.
Now looking back, knowing I'm a conceptual thinker ... concepts are not exact but as close to exact as your imagination can contrive.

In my  military past ... when deadlines and timelines ruled:

It is important to me that whomever was seeking my advice will then learn to seek their own as quickly as possible.  They get "truth" from me but in "cloud" ... it forces learning in an indirect way ... frustration, like the kind I'm getting from them for interupting my day with what can be considered THE "Stupid Question"... I don't know? ... (which actually means: I am lazy to look it up because someone else figured it out but hid it in a book that it most likely googleable very quickly in this day and age ... and .... YOU know so just tell me).

If you step back and think about that concept ... A student is always seeking an EZ way .... a Sensi (or Master of anything) has to be patient for the grasshopper to learn to jump, in the correct direction, always till the end of either of their existences.

Happens at work all the time .... frustrated grasshoppers because of the Law of averages and human behavior.     
RTFMY is the answer that many do not want to hear.
Read The Fricken Manual ....yourself.

I've got more time to - seek knowledge,
I do not jump to believe everything I'm being told to do or read on the web.

If I did drink everyone else Kool-Aid, I would not have come up with a perspicacious way of looking at the same markets that everyone else is a sheep in ... including the old timers & the computers now.

Truth:  "EVERY master was once a disaster."   ~ T. Harv Eker

Truth: Jim Rohn concept -  (mine to massage his data to my life)
How to live life as a happy taxpayer ... kinda sorta.

Jims concept - my words:
If one was to apply a simple, little discipline in each of their day ... towards a dream they WISH to create ... or to OWN a skill they have desired to master ... within a few short periods of Opportunity mixed with Difficulty (Man's and Woman's History) ... the student arises one day the Phoenix ... an overnight success that did not take overnight .... just like all the other overnight success stories that just so happened ...... BEING SURE to take every and all the Opportunity Cards when they arrived .... because they "Became" the person they needed to be WHEN the Opportunity arrived ... by applying little disciplines each day to make THEIR day and their days future ... better than when they arrived at their last ... 
their last day, 
their last class, 
their last work assignment, 
their last career choice, 
their last apartment lived in, 
their last words spoken, 
their last city lived in, 
last conversation had, 
last family that accepted them ....  

Better than their last by being a better .... friend, husband, sibling, city dweller, country road walker, husband ... dad.

One over Time ... the forever battle.

A frequency of good habits and bad mixed together like opportunity and difficulty.  

A personal experience with the one that made them from nothing to something.
You over time or One over time .... Time will win as it always arrives on time ... 3 months, 6 months, 1, 3, 5, 10, 15 years from now .... like clock work ... all made up to help us ... not rule.

All made up ... once realized - it no longer controls.  

Let's say, like Pavlov ... every time you look at it ... does it reward or kill your day?   Instant reward for behavior of habit.

If killing your day is the reward ... stop watching the time.
Get into the work that you got the job for ... train your replacement ... with a smile and a promise like you had when you arrived the first day .... full of promise for the opportunity that now has tarnished ... did you let it tarnish?   Trick Question.  Ah, yep.

We should all be in control of our moves and existence ... we bring to us what we train ourselves to retrieve ... like a dog.

"Work better on yourself than you do on your job!"  

~ Jim Rohn

You will have something other than "work" to talk about ... and who knows ... a new opportunity will "just so happen" to arrive .... and the one taking the challenge of the new opportunity will have the skills mastered (or not, and needs this next opportunity to fill the hand with a Trump Card) ... because they did something small every day .... and grew  ... and accepted the responsibility that they themselves, placed their ass in that chair to begin with ... 

 ..... Each shovel full for the grave they are digging ... slowly by doing what they have always done before ... expecting different to arrive ... it does ... disguised as the same with new lipstick.

Live with it or change it .... quit bitching.   
If not, someone else will change it for you and generally not to your liking or acceptance.

Smell a flower along the way instead ... skip in the rain ... make a $ appear in the clouds ... fly a kite.  That's just what I do now.

Every nothing always produces the very best of something.

"To get where I am going ... I always walk away from where I've been.  That's how I've always done it."  ~ Pooh

I've been using a ships wheel for an indicator on my trading screen as it was close in Wing Ding number to the Yin/Yang and Om that I commonly use ... triggers.  

It's all about turning a $$ ship around in the waves of uncertainty .... that might have some certainty after all .... conceptually thinking that is ... lol

Four in total: Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly triggers.
They appear as the math does the work. 
I just watch for them to appear like MAGIC!
Edges that many that know are there and I did not.

I wanted to be able to see them in the abyss called time.

Now, I can see them as they let me know in the future what they desire to become ... the edge... High or Low .... they don't teach this stuff so I had to make it happen.  In order to understand the flow, the edge needs to be predicted ... and the computers are quick and smart enough to do it ... as if they have too ... it has to be all fairy tale, right?  It's mystery science theater 2020 ... lol.

Anyways, it works for me....
The daily indicator turned out to be an "x" because the Wing Ding number I chose was not in the list so it just error-ed out as an "x" and I'm ok with that.

Hourly:  Ships Wheel  ]
Daily:  X marks the spot  r
Weekly: Yin/Yang as they are Zen like flow and predictable [
Monthly: Om - Enlightenment.  

# dQPY  Neat!
Tells a little story ... I'm shielded from trouble and that's cool!
I can hike and my account "might" be an asset that I need to protect. 
I will find out soon after walking if my account will grow, stagnate or dissolve.  Either way, I have a lot to look forward to when I am complete with my hike ... many before me figure their "after" as it appears to them along the way ... I can smile as I know what I'm setting myself up for "after" I complete my journey.  No questions.

I only mention this next part because on the same page as I'm reading, there is no mention of Lao Tzu's quote on this subject ... just a ships wheel in it's place.  I'm hooked on ships wheels lately so I noticed it and it is the subject of my next segment. So, I'm reading some parallel works of the masters ... Lau Tzu, Jesus, Krishna and Buddha.... they walk into this bar, see and  ....

Jesus says: 

"Judge not, that you may not be judged.  
For with whatever judgement you pronounce, you will be so judged." 
Matthew and Luke wrote it down.

Krishna says:
"One's actions in life determine who that person is, and what befalls him.  

Those who do evil, become evil.  
Those who do good, become good.  
What we do in life determines our fate in this life and the next."   
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

And Buddha pipes in with:
"Harm returns to the person who does harm.  

It is like throwing dust into the wind."  
The Dhammapada

Who's right?  Who's wrong?  Who cares?
Those that start and continue wars about "whose the most, best invisible friend" are ... care. 
Sad ... throw a few more chickens to the volcano for blood sacrifice and maybe the war will end ... sad.

Who figured the "Judge Not Others" bit out first? 
Which kin were they from? 
Adam or Eve or the Snake?

The world will never know but they can make up some good tales that their invisible friend is bigger than the others invisible friend.
Yada, yada, yada.

Make countries follow the words to make documents for what?
Words that don't seem to morally matter.
Commandments or Magna Cartas ... Humans will behave like the primates they are.  

It is in them to do so ... ring a bell - give them a treat.  Good Boy!

Soon they believe they need to have wars to make bombs to keep work and jobs and factories and economy's going ....

I like to purchase Guinness Beer by exchanging Dollars for Pounds.
I also like Labatt Blue .... exchange Dollars for Loonies to get that.
Sapporo .... Japanese Yen,  Euro for Skunk Beer Heineken ... Beer.
Keeps my economy looking forward to a banner year.

I might switch to purchasing flowers too.  Lotus petals.

Has nothing to do with how much money others are making ... only what I can .... and no one has to give anyone permission to become wealthy, not even me .... I can fall into it like everyone else can.



This is the new look for Hourly, Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
I like the vibe, flow and meaning to the one designing it.
That is all that matters.  I'm a great service technician.
I help the end user be comfortable at work .... even if the work day is 15 min, 3 to 5 days a week .... then jump back in the pool and converse with your guests.  lol.

Seems I got my wish ... Moons, Rain, Flowers and Bull (fertilizer for the next round ... lol) ... actually Taurus.

I really like it better than ships and treasure and flow with enlightenment ... more seasonal ... like Chance the Gardner. 

I guess you just have to have been there watching
Being There.

Welcome to my morning & to my day.
Yes, I'm the one responsible .... I made it just this way.  :)

Enjoy YOUR day.

I learned recently that I cannot bring Joy to anyone's heart ... it was not on my list to do nor is it been my responsibility ... but I have learned that by bringing Joy into my heart ... others seem to benefit on a world scale ... helps me.

~ Kindle