Sunday, February 2, 2020

Meeting Baltimore Jack ... Dad's Day (SuperBowl Sunday!)

Words. Set #43 
(Like Richard Petty's STP racer car) counting down.
I noticed a #3 (Dale Earnhardt) flag in one of my pictures recently and it "jogged" a memory of #43 for me this morning.
(Nas car ya got there!  Ah yep!)

Reminds me of a joke: 
"What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common?  .... Their last greatest hit was The Wall." 
anyway .... I didn't say it was a good joke.

(Power)  Honoring

gerund or present participle: honoring
  1. 1.
    regard with great respect.

(Force)  Enshrining
gerund or present participle: enshrining
  1. place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.

Happy Ground Hogs Day .... I missed it thinking it was the first and not the other way around.   Dad's Birthday would have been yesterday.   See, memories do catch up with us.
My Dad always understood.

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

In the many years I've been writing this blog, I most likely have told the tale of my first Fathers Day without my father.
It was the day I met Baltimore Jack,
The Link shares more about the man, the Legend, 
Baltimore Jack, not my Dad.
Baltimore Jack, An Appalachian Trail Rock Star. 
Oddly, I just found out his name is Leonard, like my Dad.

I trust that saying his Trail Name 3 times will not bring him back like Beetle Juice.  lol

It was Pearisburg, VA and I was going to hike Angels Rest with Penny Grateful.
The words today helped "jog" this memory.

None the less, it is Superbowl Sunday and I celebrated my Dad yesterday AFTER I realized I made the mistake in my blog ... again  ... in a conversation with my younger sister.
She admitted that she has messed it up too many times as well.

It works out that she is going to hike sections with me in Virginia near the Daleville end of the first leg which should be close to our Mothers Birthday in June and then again in the Fall when I continue my final leg to Georgia.  About her birthday at the beginning of September.
Birthdays seem to be a theme here ... I start just after my Wife's and with the others I'll then be finishing up with mine at the end of October.

As a Kid, I remember the first time I missed acknowledging  my parents birthdays.  I've done well in never forgetting those days its just birthdays that start on the 1st, always get me.
Mom's?  Her's is after the first week of the month, easier to remember ... I hope to finish the first leg of my hike before her birthday in June.

Honoring and Enshrining.    
I like Honor better. 
I hope to do them both well going forward.

(Dad and a little picture that keeps me going)

(My Family and I in times past and forward: a jog)

(One Goal: Finally Fit at 60 for me - Friendships)
(2nd Goal: The mental/physical trail)
(3rd goal: Draft the plan, the Legacy)

Placqards, posters and other office wall stuff.
Books and Data.
My Schitt, Their Stuff.
George Carlin has done a skit many times describing the two .... Talking about Stuff.
(the Link goes to the skit on YouTube)

As I clean my closet of Schitt gathered over the years, I'm uncovering layer by layer my life in pictures, books and "things".
MY Story in a sense.

German influence.
Cousins from the old country in the new country as well that grew up as first Generation in the WNY melting pot.
Poles, Germans, Italians, Jewish ... etc ... from Lady Liberty to WNY and JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!!

My Dad's hoodlum buddies from all walks of life, who's names seem to most always end in "y" or "ie". 
He grew up with a lot of street rats like Aladdin.  I'm glad they played cards and drank.  Stories from loose lips.  Shhhhhh! from my Dad every now and then.
"Don't give the boy ideas!  He's already a handful!"

Lenny, Danny, Joey, Davy, Johnny, Jimmy, Wally, Frankie, Lonny, Timmy, Donny, Tommy, .... Cue Ball, Rhino, Gizzy (Like Dizzy) ... there were many.
not Petey though thank GOD. 
I was Zak in town and Pete to family and friends of family. 
I would even let anyone who called me different except my Grandmother who would call me Piot or Piotrus.
I was Pete.  Not Petey, or Peetee.   Yes, Pete T. but not together.
I understand and respect my daughter when she tells us how to call her by name and not another "social" label.

Have you had family friends that are close enough to be cousins or kin?  Then you understand.  If not I'll share a little of my earliest life in the melting pot called WNY.

A family I grew up with and what I mean is we would have city and country sleep overs.
I would sleep over in the City and then they would come out and play in the creeks and sleep at our place in the 150 year old country farm house or in the back yard in a tent or camper.
Our parents farmed us out to each others to help us appreciate the other kind of life with Parental Units they could trust to smack the schitt out of us if we got out of line.

One family I grew up with was of German heritage and related to Elke Sommers the actress.  Cousin Elke.

I will save that story for later.

Reverence and Honor.

There are some of my friends that are health survivors and I admire deeply and learn from them both.
Two right now are my wife Penny Grateful
and my friend Lion King (Mike Daniel a Leki featured Athlete).

He's also a film maker.  I have a few film makers in my life.
(Hang with the 5 theory of mine)

Each has their own opinion of their works and I have mine as well.
I like the Man.  We are friends.  Trail Family.
He's been honest with me and I have been with him.  

Mike is dealing with Cancer and the Treatments similar to what I watched my wife go through.
As a film maker, he has a YouTube channel keeping it going to help with his expenses (I would presume) as he has a decent following.

I know Mike for 15 some years now.  He's a Dreamer and one of his dreams came true this week with the launch of his film
"Get Gone".    It's on Prime and a few of the other streams.

I'm not into Horror films so I cannot even say I will watch after watching the trailer BUT Mikes name is in the credits and I am into dreams and I believed in Mikes when he shared it at a Pizza Hut table while we were both consuming a Buffet in Peairsburg, VA. that Penny and I treated him to that ONE brief day.

It was one of his earlier hikes before the Discovery Trail one that made him a LEKI Athlete.  

We followed his blog.
Contacted him. 
Met up with him and helped him at that stage in his life.

We all dream.  Whether or not we continue to is usually the difference in getting any of the ones we cast into the Universe.

My point is, I don't know if I inspired Mike in any way along the way in our interactions along the trails and trials he has faced ... it does not matter.  I do know, I BELIEVED IN a friends dream. 
He wanted to have a film made.
A major film made. 
He had an idea and a direction ... then it happened as he intersected with it many years on his time line continuum and most likely not the way he expected.
I can only presume as that is how it ALWAYS happens to me.

Another Friend of mine from the BFL and TNBFL days, Mr. Steve Yu has a movie that seemed to have ended.  It was a big production and can be seen here in it's YouTube trailer: Never, Ever Give Up.

It was entitled "Inspired: the Movie" and can be seen here where it seems to have made it to a Sundance Festival but I find no further data.  Wait, Vimeo has it.
Now here's the irony ... one film dream with $$$ backing and an awesome story of inspiration and overcoming all has yet to be made.
Another film dream from scratch and bite to get made about horror, mangling and the such is getting air time right now.

Same 15 years and similar dreams. 
2 different people with different inner drives to succeed.
The subject matter - Real and Created ... very similar.

The one with Spirit of Inspiration and "Never Give UP" has yet to be made but the one with will power and grit ... is out there this past week and entertaining others. 
Both were inspired just like the Bible and The Dictionary that contain the same words. 
One is Wholly and one is Holy.
Yin Yang.

I don't understand the Universe, I just work with it.
Life is odd and so is irony.
Both are friends of mine and I do always wish the best for them.

The story is mine and now yours as you read it. 
I just lived and paid attention.

Both stories continue to inspire me as I know "The Rest of the Story" as Paul Harvey would say ... at least so far.

Inspiration the Movie could show up in my mail box as I gave $25 to have it made.  lol. 
I'm not out a thing as the trailer still inspires me and the memories of how I got to meet Steve, his wife Mariah and it continues to baffle how much the Universe loves me and continues to conspire to do me well.

More on that soon ....  I'm moving forward as I throw schitt to the trash curb but keep the memories of friendships of a time and place in my life.

~ Kindle