Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Universal ....... Solution Thinking

Words.  Set #54
(Power) Inventive

  1. (of a person) having the ability to create or design new things or to think originally.

(Force) Prosaic
  1. having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty.

I got the Roku to think it is in WNY and I watch the evening Buffalo News now for Bills and Sabres highlights and information.
It also gives me up to date weather information as my elderly Mother still resides in that area being taken care of by my siblings.

I also did it to hopefully "JOG" some type of memory.
So far it has.  Channel 4 up there (WIVB - CBS) was a station that my Grandmother and Aunt would watch.  I generally watched ABC Channel 7 WKBW and listened to WKBW AM radio as it always had the clearest signal in the woods.  Weather reports for camping.

Anyway, my grandparents watched CBS more than the others.

Now, I'm hearing the names of the roads and cities, counties and such and that has been interesting.  Memory Jogs of younger days.

The term "Jog" was always a process term for me and equipment.
Jogging Turbines over at 5 degrees per 10 min in cool down,
Jogging "Pneumatic and Hydraulic Dogs" into place,
Jogging a conveyor or crane into a zero position.

Jogging my memories ....


Solution thinking:  
If I need news, it will find me as I need to add "Fake News" events into my trading platform each day.  Mainly USD and GBP.
Down to the second if I can.

Colbert is my way to get the other Major News as he tends to offer ideas of solution within the jokes.
He does not whine like the other comedians .... or the President for that matter.

Life in general will give me what I need to hear.

The Emergency Weather Radio does it's weekly checks on Wednesdays near 11:00 AM EST.

What's the Buzz - People talk and News Flashes happen at the Grocery Isle Paper and Magazine Rack.
(T. Harv 
Theory that does seem to work well - news will find you.)

Speaking of Theory:
What is Electricity?  I still don't know.
I can make it and control it safely from .5v to 13.8Kv.
I still don't understand how it becomes lightning, fully.
I respect it.

Crude Oil and 30# Natural Gas (at High Volume) to "Magic" at the fingertips of phones and light switches.

Trons and me.  I like them as much as I like Pi.  :)


"The skillful are not obvious
They appear to be simple-minded
Those who know this know the patterns of the Absolute
To know the patterns is the Subtle Power
The Subtle Power moves all things and has no name"
~ Opening to Power vs. Force

The power of Creation proceeds from the top down and not the bottom up.  My self re-creation will do the same.

Pg 269 (Power vs. Force: internal subject - Kinesiology and Spirit)

Although the subjects mind may not be aware of what's going on, "its" Total Being certainly is, or there would be no consistency to the findings of the study.  
This reminds them of the observations of advance Spiritual Teachers that the devotee has only to discover ... that which it already knows.

Then further in the book, Kinesiology and Healing:
"One must have reached an energy field of 200 in one's development to be healable."

From those two statements I create my personal program of change.
Crunches before Coffee changed my life.
This writing exercise is building on that change and my desire to work with words of 200 vibration or better.
That is why I will succeed.

As Dr. Dyer used to say, 

"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change."

I'll give it a go.
As I've shared, the V.A. Dr's think I have bouts with PTSD.
I now agree.
Since I choose to avoid labels, I'll just go with that theory and work my way out of it.

I'll take an idea: (Power vs. Force) 

a Search for my Hidden Determinants of my Human Behavior & work with them.

Incorporate it into MY LIFE and my BEING.
See what comes from it.

Some "Keys" I've gathered so far in this process:
1) The "newbie" Dr. at the V.A. handed me the standard "sheets" to fill out from a Therapists Study Guide that the V.A. apparently wanted the "newbie" Dr. to fall in line with.  Since there was a 4 week Universal delay in our meetings, I purchased the Therapists guide and started from where they did to troubleshoot me and I troubleshot myself.  Advanced Troubleshooting, Military Training.

The Key from this adventure was that I'm to become "Accommodating" to myself and others. 
That is the Therapists overall goal with a PTSD patient. 
It said so in the book they use.  I'm glad it found me.

2) A Personal "Key" is WILL, a constantly repeated act of choice.
We all own free will.  How we control it makes the difference.
It is just as easy to do as it is to not do.   Anything.

4 min of Ab Crunches before coffee led to 60 push ups twice a week added in.  The treadmill at first and now all the other machines are a process to get me to walking the trail.
I'm very happy with the progress a little time each day created.

Eating an apple or orange vs a snickers bar ... Salad vs. Whopper ... you get the picture. 
Little disciplines practiced (or not practiced) daily leads to your desired LIFE because of "Free Will".

3) Spiritual Key: Attribute my entire life, ALL OF IT, to Grace.
I was allowed to continue.  I AM allowed to remain until I'm not.
Source Energy and its GRACE. 
It all started from LOVE and will return to LOVE.
With that, all I need to remember is to: Be Kind. 
All else will care for itself.

4) Learning Key:
Revisit things I've studied before to get a new "Ah-Ha!" from it now.  If not ... toss it.
 * - Trading Classes  -
(Great stuff to build a bot from with my indicators.)
 * - Paraliminals: start an everyday routine 
(set up "Walkabouts" for The A.T.)
 * - Novel Idea: NaNoWriMo (November 2020)
(I desire a Viking Helmet)   lol

a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.   (the literary genre represented or exemplified by novels.)
noun: the novel

"the novel is the most adaptable of all literary forms"

I have dreams. 
 ... Say I was to write a Novel. 
Why would one do that?  You might ask.
Be on Colbert?  NYT Best Seller list?  Oprah's List?
Why not all three ... the dream is just as easy to be all 3 as it is to be none.   ;)   I'll leave it there.

Time to go to work ...
~ Kindle