(Power) Contending
gerund or present participle: contending
- 1.struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger).
(Force) Competing
- striving against one another to gain or win something.
My sewing station is set up now to work on my quilts and parachute material.
My desk which is along side this station does not go low enough to allow for the "Sewing Cabinet Top which is it's table" to rest on it.
I had to then place my sewing cabinet 90 degrees at the end of my desk. This made for a very great setup to do these larger items.
Everything sewn will fall gently to the floor and all that is still needing to be worked on before the needle will rest on my desk and the cabinet table top. LOTS OF ROOM! & great lighting too.
Crunches Before Coffee (My CBC's)
5 months into this and I get a Batman T-shirt look ... el Natural. :)
Wow, 5 months into doing crunches before coffee. I thought it was only about 3.
What a difference having a semi-stable core feels like.
Lower back needs some work now but that revealed itself naturally.
It is stronger no doubt (lower back) but it was an issue for me. Sciatic Nerve was pinched for a good many years. Still have issues with it from time to time ... like now.
I was blessed to be around many in the field of Sports Nutrition and Correct, Proper Workouts to ease the body into a new Sport or Activity of Action.
As you might have read earlier, there was a time in my life when I was emailing Porter Freeman on a regular basis. We are friends.
We were all part of a group out of Knoxville, TN called:
The Tennessee Body-For-Life.
I was allowed in to the core team because we lived just over the border in Southwest VA at the time.
A couple had devoted a part of their life to bring together many of the champions from the Body-For-Life contests that EAS endorsed.
A yearly meeting of great minds and bodies.
Sharing tips, techniques and trials. Physical success was evident.
All other parts of being a champion were humbling I'm told by many of the Champs.
Everyday people from all walks of life honored with a Title, A Check, A Jacket, EAS products for a year and for some even more. A Car, A Million Dollars ... etc.
Well, like a lot of friendships it takes effort to maintain communication and I'm now well over a decade of knowing how my friends are doing. I'm not on Face Space.
Some had books they had written, and I've shared, some are personal trainers of some sort. Many have web pages that seemed to all have closing statements on them as their last posts now ... several years later.
We all move forward.
Even EAS is dissolved as a company and the BFL contest is history.
I tried their stuff until my hair started falling out.
Ever notice how many bald guys have muscles?
I know, it's just a coincidence.
So is the fact my hair grew back in the half-dollar sized spot I had on the back of my head a few years after I stopped taking the stuff.
None the less, I didn't like the products as much as others did.
Mr. Bill sold his interest of EAS to Abbott Pharmaceutical and that is about the time Porter and I became friends. His employer (Abbott) was his job. EAS wrote his paychecks. I did not have to like his employer to enjoy the man's conversations.
The sales pitches was his job.
The in between information was priceless. So was his friendship.
Bill went on to create Transformation.com
"T" dot com is what we called it.
I was part of the inner group of motivators singled out by Mr. Bill
during the early formation of that web page and their "New BFL" type program with a shake material that was "SAFER" to drink than the chemical compounds in EAS shakes. Right Shakes.
Seems that the shakes can be looked up on Amazon but are unavailable ... must have fallen off the earth too.
Who would know better than the guy who was part of the first one to know what was in it and why he sold it off. I guess he lost control of it and was giving it another go. I still learned from him.
Now, I'm not sure what others got from that closer association with Mr. Bill but I have my own and I'll just say, narcissistic people need to seek help. Especially hulk type ones and Presidents.
(Plenty of web stories about Mr. Bill being the Man Behind the Curtain of Oz, I need not share mine too deeply. Cuts hurt.).
I agree with most all of them.
I did not allow that to suck me in and I left when "demands" were being placed on us "volunteers" wanting to help others who were struggling at times with the mental-ness needed to do a 12 week workout routine.
No, I left and have not looked back until today.
Transformation is that. A full body experience.
Hair tip on the head to the furthest tip of a toenail.
Including the invisible ... Spirit.
I'm in the middle of one that should take a year or so to complete.
From that T.com and those associations, I furthered my friendship circle to the Island of Nantucket.A friend there owns a restaurant. The Fog Island Cafe.
We never physically met. Only online.
Now I know when I arrive, and if he is still there, Mark will greet me as a friend.
He was and is still "Persistent" and I am still "Prosper Always".
Our meme's at T.com.
If you are ever on Nantucket, go to his restaurant.
Looks like he was persistent enough to be the top rated one. :)
And by the looks of the family photo, he lost the weight and kept it off. I guess it is time to send a "Hey" from Kentucky as I still wear my "Find Me In The Fog" T-shirt. :)
Truth be known, I have to agree with George Carlin.
I'm not sure why my All Supreme and Powerful Invisible Friend called "Source Energy, GOD, the Universe ... etc) is any different than everyone elses.
What do you call your Invisible Friend? Jesus? Karma? Satchmo?
Well because some call their invisible friend Mohammad and others call theirs Andy, should not be the reason for war.
Andy walks with me Andy talks with me .... yep, that Andy.
or was it: Our Lord, who Art in Heaven, Howard be thy name?
Which is it? Art or Howard? Unanswered Kid Questions.
We never walk alone. No matter how you address your invisible friend who goes by the name: I AM.
Source Energy that keeps my heart beating and each breath clean.
Were in touch as it should be.
Some other people like tribes and tribal functions, gold and shiny objects, big buildings and showmanship .... I like the sanctuary of the woods. Real. Intimate. Shows of wonder.
Dew drops of wonder gathering on Sun Powered creatures called trees. All reaching up as to get as much of it as they can.
Arms in praise to something that gives them life.
Animal visits, as we share the same spaces sometimes, both just as curious about the other as the same. Each with a message.
Hey, I can't make this up.
Read it in a book somewhere about a Jackass talking sense to a Preacher to straighten out the dude. It was a book filled with Examples and Warnings for living.
Read it a few times so that I could come up with the 33.3% moral goodness from it.
Countries should be formed from the moral parts.
The 66.6% evil stuff to scare the crap out of someone to conform does work for those tribes.
Sure beats throwing sheep, chickens and virgins into volcanoes.
I like the best part though, the 0.1%. The Miracles.
That makes it a complete 100% good book.
Use it in Mass. Don't pick up a copy at a used bible book store though, they have known mis prints. Cheaper but not as reliable.
Keeps it all worth while to saunter around on this Globe for as long as I can to continue witnessing all the miracles I see each day thru my miracles called eyes and hearing it all play out thru my miracle ears being processed by my miracle mind.
I was made from LOVE.
& I'll go back to it someday.
Moving Forward,
~ Kindle.