(Power) Confronting
gerund or present participle: confronting
- meet (someone) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent.
- the action of subjecting someone to aggressive pressure or intimidation.
The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior
by David R. Hawkins, M.D., PhD.
I plan on incorporating more of the Power words into my vocabulary as I've noticed that I, like the President, use too many Force words to control us.
Time for change and I have to do my own sit ups and push ups.
By the way, I added a 10# steering wheel to my chest today during the 100 crunches before coffee.
Mmmmmmm, I feel the Burn. :)
And then I began writing.
Along the way in this brain dump of sorts, I believe I've mentioned that I performed on stages. Thespian, musician, singer and orator.
All done fairly well if I am given to practice each or the arts.
What I have not mentioned is that Drama was an escape for me in my childhood. A protective place where I could "Act Out" the life of someone else that was not being abused.
It allowed for me to travel and experience life differently.
The laughter of an audience in a theater is addicting.
In the course of my "artsy fartsy" side of building the man I've become, apparently my mother was an actress and I've seen the news clippings of other in the family that have "Barbershop Quartet-ted" and local play advertisements in and around Buffalo, NY. A Vaudevillian stop for sure. I was inspired somewhere along the way to continue singing and dreaming of performances received well by audiences willing to hear my vocals.
Ah, the vocals.
Cartoon Charter Voices that can be used on stage or in puppetry with song.
All done fairly well if I am given to practice each or the arts.
What I have not mentioned is that Drama was an escape for me in my childhood. A protective place where I could "Act Out" the life of someone else that was not being abused.
It allowed for me to travel and experience life differently.
The laughter of an audience in a theater is addicting.
In the course of my "artsy fartsy" side of building the man I've become, apparently my mother was an actress and I've seen the news clippings of other in the family that have "Barbershop Quartet-ted" and local play advertisements in and around Buffalo, NY. A Vaudevillian stop for sure. I was inspired somewhere along the way to continue singing and dreaming of performances received well by audiences willing to hear my vocals.
Ah, the vocals.
Cartoon Charter Voices that can be used on stage or in puppetry with song.
As with any young thespian, 4 years allows one to hone a craft somewhat thru voice change. I've been thankful that my acapella tenor range is coming back now that my throat is in place most of the time.
By my Senior year in H.S., it was discussed that I should be given the "Lead" in the play "South Pacific" that was planned for first reading in a week. The female lead was also there as there was an issue with one scene in particular that involved kissing.
Three performances:
Dress Rehearsal in front of a picked crowd,
Saturday night, Sunday night
(Proceeds paid for next years script and a Drama Club Trip to a Broadway presentation near by)
For friendships sake, one of my friends was her boyfriend.
I convinced him to join Drama. I made the excuse to the director that I wanted to play on the Golf Team in the Spring one last year and that conflicted with critical end of preparation for the play.
We were always short on "Guys" in Drama so I played 3 male parts instead. One major/minor speaking role and 2 minor fill ins for group songs.
Last I know, Lee and Jessie, they are still married.
I was placed in the company of two great personalities briefly with face to face, eye to eye, well wishes to well wishes, friendliness.
Two different events. One in Toronto and the other in Buffalo.
Lawrence Welk and Zero Mostel. Nice men. They helped me.
As for H.S. Chess ... that is what I call how "kids" play each other.
Oddly enough, I hear the adults in the town here play those "kids" games with their mannerisms and talk.
Sadly, I see the President act more like a valley girl than a man at times with his twit fingers. I cannot endorse a wussy.
Man up twit! I say!
He never will be able to and he raised 3 sons (of different mothers) to be rich and worthless too. Scum, true scum, with money and tactics that rob our industries and environment of riches.
Am I any better? Nope. I just always try to leave a place better than when I arrived. Work, Class, Church, Home, Apartment, City, State, Ship ... etc
Eventually ... World if I'm allowed to continue living.
My Philosophy goes against the track record of President Isiah 45.
His and my ideals clash. His morality does not fit into the Bibles I read or the songs of love I've sung.
Three performances:
Dress Rehearsal in front of a picked crowd,
Saturday night, Sunday night
(Proceeds paid for next years script and a Drama Club Trip to a Broadway presentation near by)
For friendships sake, one of my friends was her boyfriend.
I convinced him to join Drama. I made the excuse to the director that I wanted to play on the Golf Team in the Spring one last year and that conflicted with critical end of preparation for the play.
We were always short on "Guys" in Drama so I played 3 male parts instead. One major/minor speaking role and 2 minor fill ins for group songs.
Last I know, Lee and Jessie, they are still married.
The journey of Drama brought with it the spoils of learning as well.I was placed in the company of two great personalities briefly with face to face, eye to eye, well wishes to well wishes, friendliness.
Two different events. One in Toronto and the other in Buffalo.
Lawrence Welk and Zero Mostel. Nice men. They helped me.
As for H.S. Chess ... that is what I call how "kids" play each other.
Oddly enough, I hear the adults in the town here play those "kids" games with their mannerisms and talk.
Sadly, I see the President act more like a valley girl than a man at times with his twit fingers. I cannot endorse a wussy.
Man up twit! I say!
He never will be able to and he raised 3 sons (of different mothers) to be rich and worthless too. Scum, true scum, with money and tactics that rob our industries and environment of riches.
Am I any better? Nope. I just always try to leave a place better than when I arrived. Work, Class, Church, Home, Apartment, City, State, Ship ... etc
Eventually ... World if I'm allowed to continue living.
My Philosophy goes against the track record of President Isiah 45.
His and my ideals clash. His morality does not fit into the Bibles I read or the songs of love I've sung.
Oddly though, Prescription Drugs and Fox News go well together.
Mind games constructed from a (missed) unregulated pharmaceutical industry and medical under sight of administrations from the 1970's.
I made a vow to myself. No prescripts if at all possible.
Made the vow AFTER I read my first PDR, (Physicians Desk Reference) that I kept with me on the first ship.
Nothing was going to be "slipped" as a Micky to me.
I knew the pills I had to take and for how long.
Personal survival in a social jungle in a growing age of medicine and pain. One needs to understand what is in their beings or live with what is given to oneself through blind faith and trust.
I don't trust everything. Jus sayin.
Fool me once ...
Social Jungle Survival and friendships .... I'll save that story for tomorrow.
Moving forward to walking with the wind.
~ Kindle