Friday, January 31, 2020

The Two Stephan's ... Hunting computers

Words. Set # 45 
(75 days or so until I hike ... this is getting real, real quick)

(Power) Ingenious

  1. (of a person) clever, original, and inventive.

(Force) Scheming
  1. given to or involved in making secret and underhanded plans.


NY Times Article from August 20, 1979.
The Civilian "Strip" mall owners version looking back at us "Sailors" thru the gates and fences.  I guess that is how they saw it and reported the results.
"(.....Lieut. George Farrar, a spokesman for the base, said the school had been under less regimentation than usual for recruit training.)
“And we felt it was time to reinforce military standards and bring the level of military training up to par with the technical training,” he said.
“Some of the regulations being enforced here will be enforced throughout the Navy's technical training command,” he said. “It's part of an overall program in the Navy, not a way of punishing the sailors here for what happened here last June.”)"


I do not wish to have any copyright issues against my work so I'll start today making sure my future posts will be in line with the legalities of on line content rights.  In a round about way.
All rights are mine to mine of course until they are not.

(this segment bounces between a few stories, locations and some years ... I hope it's not too confusing)
Kenosha, Waukegan Riots.
If one was to google this phrase they might be greeted with a page about the riots of 1966. 
This area is rough and it did not change much by the time 1979 showed up and I arrived a green horn.

Perfect playground for a country bumpkin fresh off the turnip truck.
Many a "Prodigal Son's and Daughters" found themselves eating out of the preventable "Pigs Troughs" they subjected themselves to.
(Link goes to Wikipedia about the Bible Story)

Me like a many young lads and lasses were continually approached.
Fresh meat for the pickings.  
I was always on watch  ... just the way I am from being raised abused.

I played a few games a pool in the bars, if I did not like the vibe then I never frequented the establishments there again as I do not trust many humans. 
The "vibe" was always something that I noticed. 
Music on the jukebox would "hide" what really was going on.

Human Behavior growing up in bar rooms with my Dad as I watched him drink and play cards.  I've many years of knowing when to leave before "things happen just". 
Things don't just happen.

I saw the dangers way before many others who were "fielding their oats" so to say. 

Young Men and Women, from all corners of the world in one little melting pot.  What could happen?  lol

Think of an intense learning environment, advanced college campus. 
Latest bleeding edge information and technology with 24/7 lock down security.  No notes leave the school "room" ... ever.
Study is allowed after hours by I.D. check and cameras.  1979.

I had no time for "grand" issues. 
I was learning and absorbing my Dream, "Advanced Trons".

Then on top of that, a RIOT happens cuz some school mates got rolled at a park nearby during a open air free concert.
The "Last June" comment in the article.
Tensions were building over the Summer.

Punks against young, fit (almost directly out of boot camp), rip roaring sailors (who were punks were they came from) and a fight happened.  It just got increased in size by others with other local causes that tipped cop cars and blocked the rail tracks and damaged the strip mall of mostly thieves disguised as business men there.

I'm recalling the one riot I was directly affected by in 1979, August the paper said.  I remember June/July.
If you read the "sided" article like I just did (first ever viewing), it tells of businesses that are suffering due to the "MANDATED" behavioral change the Navy was inflicting upon the young minds of it's educational establishment.  Great Mistakes, Illinois.

If you take the time to read the "sided" article from the NY times, it is correct journalism for that viewpoint.

I was being subjected to the "establishments" rules that ended up having a Commanding Officer removed from office was priceless as a learning tool as well.   I just realize that I learned the technique by "Paying Attention" to how my life was and how I could again "Be That Way" if needed it for protection.  Protected by the rules.
Understanding the Technical Writing before I became proficient at it for a time as it was a Major requirement for my job.

I'm not sure if I've shared, but my next command after Great Lakes, Ill and the Riots of 1979 was the USS Boulder in which (after a few years) I was directly responsible for having a Commanding Officer (whom I respected dearly, as a Father actually) removed from his Command.  Loss of control on his part.  Naval and Ship Rules forced his hand.  His "5 that he hung with" did not hang with him.
They remained and the Boulder lost a very good man.  A Captain.

I became an American that day fighting for my NAME.
An E-3, took down a command with military bearing.
Rules.  Fine Print. Technical Writing.  No one was to blame.
The "System" covers for itself and then the "Black Flags" to one's record follow them ... follow them ... follow them.

I can only guess then that a whisper of chance "could be" that the trails and wakes I personally caused the Atlantic Fleet and the U.S. Congress did make it part of NAS training.  That's cool.
Even if it did not.  I'm not sure I remember that I know.

Is that better than an NY Times best seller or an Oprah Novel of the Month?  I'm not sure as I've not "yet" achieved the others to compare to a place and a time in my life or lives where Source Energy was guiding me forward. 
Angels all around me type of protection that I've accepted back then and continue forward to this day.

As the Mike Dooley site once sent me a message from the Universe:   "How many angels does God send when you ask?
All of them."

Right now, I believe it is better than having one's NAME on a book in a Library kind of cool.  A lesson.  An Example.  Greeting and Warning.  A training of some sort.  I'll never know those details.
I'm cool with it. Aloha kind of cool with it.  I borrowed this from Presidential Candidate Tulsi Gabbards web site.

Aloha means so much more than hello or goodbye. It is a way of life. Aloha means “I come to you with an open heart, with love, respect and an acknowledgment that we are all brothers and sisters, that all life is interconnected.” The famous Hawaiian cultural leader Aunty Pilahi Paki said, “The world will turn to Hawaii as they search for peace because Hawaii has the key, and that is Aloha.”

Aloha also comes as a warning.

Life at that time was rough keeping it all together under Federal investigation.  I understand what Agent Orange must feel like because I was in his shoes just not as High Profile but just as "Let's keep this out of the News" hush, hush kind of feeling while every move is questioned and watched.
Actually, I was E-2 and under watch to become E-1 with a Big Chicken Dinner but after the dust settled I was E-3 and soon E-4.
I never lost a crow.  I placed my chips on the table and fought it all tooth and nail for my name, my pride and my heritage.
(A Crow: Navy Jargon for Chevrons with an Eagle on the arm)

Overall, I applauded the Navy for getting tougher on all the groups.
I never minded being 4.0 in military appearance. 
So much can hide behind being at that level.
And so much can be supported behind being at that level.

Melancholy day for me as I had this "RIOT" and my "Captain Dad" memories long suppressed until today.  I also never realized how much it and the events structured my advance learning of "bigger things".
I learned how to conform to the bosses will and the bosses learned that I gave maximum effort until crossed by a boss that should not be a boss.

The top guy "Captain" goes down with the ship and the crew.
The crew can also cause a Captain to go down because of their service to "what ever" their EGO causes them to do when they protect themselves with lies and deceit. 
They attacked me with their intentions. 
I must have called it to myself as I trusted no one except the Captain, MY Captain, and I was always honest with him.

From the time he loaned me his Barber's Chair Time Slot to me as we were on our way to Cuba and my daughter was going to be born, and I colored my hair gray but it turned orange with brown spots and that is a violation of the U.C.M.J. and an offense against the command and the Navy.  He understood my angst but he understood that the paperwork on his desk to bring me before him had more of a story than what the observation of my actions told.

He was great at getting to the heart of my angers and he covered for me until he no longer could for the greater cause in my life.
GOD, being BIGGER than both of us. 

I'm glad we met again in D.C. right before Hurricane Gloria hit and we could shake hands again ... friends.  
News date: September 1985
(This article is about the Atlantic hurricane of 1985)

I got my cash, we had coffee (at the famous Pentagon Ground Zero - it was a photo shoot and I was the subject oddly enough but I also had the clearance to walk thru the doors with little formality) and then I rode home to Groton, CT to prepare my home for what was coming at my young family.

The Eye passed over us, (My Family) in Groton as I slept sounder than I had in years.

My fingerprints and image are well known by those that need to know.  I don't worry when I leave them anywhere.
I trust in some levels of Government and they trust me.
I have peace and ain't skeered.
I don't make those events happen ... Source does.
I just look for the miracles when they do as there are many I still have not shared with many more I cannot.

As for the "Orange" haircut, it was cool sitting in his chair and watching the jaws drop on everyone in the room that was at attention when he arrived to assign me his chair.  He didn't need it because he was bald. 

He spared me judgement that day and then a few days later was asking me, on the Bridge, in Battle Conditions Drill, both of us bald but my hair had orange highlights (lol): "Who do you know?" ... three hours after my daughter was born.
I know I was watched for a long time.

A Great Man was removed from power because of the ignorance of his upper assigned echelon. 

I understand little how the Federal Government works at that level.
Just like I know little how the Bible and Church work.

I had a good lawyer who believed in me. I've had many since too.
I got to read my questions answers before the file was closed.
Tricky Devils those federal investigators. 
Fair when they understand you play by the rules.
Play by the rules, you always win ... at least at the Federal levels.

I've had associates in the "Mob" whom taught me how to cloak oneself in the god(s) of the Masses.  Play by the rules, you win.
Read the book for it's lessons to share or converse about but always be true to your calling.   Question Everything and Trust Few.

I let you know, 

how I know 
and now I know 

why I know.

If it works at that those levels, all levels below have the same rule.
Play by them and you will always win.  Church and State.


Thank you Stephan Martin and now Stephan Colbert for the show the other night.
It was because of my "Memory Jog" of witnessing
on his 1979 Tour in a park near by Great Mistakes.
(Link goes to a You Tube from that tour.  Not sure it was the same place but the material was the same)

My viewing of younger (but older than me) Mr. Steve Martin was not in the park that caused the riot but in another one ... a bus trip in my Navy Uniform because of "new imposed RULES" that I defied that day by carrying my civilian clothes in a bag for the concert and then swapping before getting on the bus to get back to the base.

It was a Navy Exchange, USO type of thing to help us give our minds a break from what was happening.
Bus trip to the state where the Green Bay Packers play.

I was in uniform, slightly wrinkled on the way back but during the concert, I was a person with short hair in T-shirt and jeans, carrying a Gym duffel bag of clothes.

I could be a civilian for a day and not a minion under control.

It felt as good as it does right now wearing T-shirt and jeans as I watched him perform on Colbert with the Steep Canyon Rangers
(Link goes to their main web page for concert information)

I am grateful and thankful for a moment in time "with" Mr. Stephen Martin. 
He brightened my day with his Zanny Antics and Song.

So in closing on this subject, I'll just make my own Steve Martin Viewing card and call it good.  lol
He shared it all with us on CBS the other night.



If anyone has been tasked with watching a new process being "tuned" can attest to, computers will "hunt" until they find peace or chaos. 
Especially if one component that is analyzed conflicts with another process, function or component with similar purpose in a sequence of events that causes the computer to HUNT for a solution.

Once a process can be ascertained from the data on how to smooth it all out .... all I can say is that fun times happen when one least expects it ... kind of like the events I see in the GBPUSD on the 5 minute time frame. 
The brokers have some nice machines that handle it. 
I think they were developed about 30 years ago to do their jobs as more and more capital was being added to the markets by just the banking institutions world wide.
This was a long time before they opened up the markets to us Mom & Pop investors from home on our laptops and iPhones.

I watch in amazement on how the computer technology that was being developed as I learned pressure, heat, expansion, contraction of materials in massive machines in a plant be "tuned" to working perfection  .... twice ... is the same way I notice the "swings" in the market and how the logistics are controlled to "Peace" and pygmy feet type ticks on a screen. 
I'm watching for the Elephant Tracks of movement, lol.

I now have a better tuned indicator due to my past.

Controlled Chaos is mildly a way to explain the "FUN" back then.
Learning the extreme edges and the safe "red line" edges and controlling them thru the middle to quiet, stability until the next rock and roll event .... then it happens again.

Hours and hours and hours of screen watching before the year 2000.   

Tweak, tune, test .... tweak, tune, test .... now it makes sense why it was so much a part of my life for my future.

Moving forward,

~ Kindle