(Power) Unselfish
- willing to put the needs or wishes of others before one's own.
- (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.
As I begin to shut down early parts of this Blog ... backing up the data and getting it ready to use as an "After Hike" personal comparison. I'm doing my best to change - Me.
It is about time to "Buck UP little camper" and get to the rest of my existence on this planet .... Peacefully.
"The Introduction" to about a month out will hidden ... they are now chapter ideas.
You that are faithfully reading along ... Thank you for your help and inspiration as I "numb finger the keyboard" ... mistakes and all.
No comments have been much appreciated as I'm not sure which one of me would have responded.
I've been in a state of flux as you have read.
I'm putting some anchors to my new and old beliefs kept and I'm also putting some sea anchors to beliefs I am tossing.
Burials with remembrances of all the parts of me that went with them.
Some go with tears, some with melancholy sadness and lastly, some with "good riddance"
Going forward. I've been writing out my "day to day" as this is how I've always self motivated and taught myself.
I've convinced myself (with science backing) to begin to shut down my voice to ear connection.
If I understand correctly, I can read the thoughts to my ears internally ... observantly ... if I pay attention ... Meditation ... Thoughts ... Co-Create My Future.
M.I.T. is working on "Thought" to "Screen" devices and they have determined that "Thought" still radiates an electrical signal to the ear to compare the voice.
That "signal" can make Google searches appear on Screens and anything else you can do to interact with your screen and computer without even voicing a command or thought.
Thinking about this deeply, I've decided "after much verbally expressed pain received from others that love me" to just shut my pie hole.
Not even singing can bring me joy right now around others.
Allow them to exist and adapt without any "peanut gallery" remarks.
No heckles nor snide "pay attention" voiceings.
Keep the thoughts to my brain and "re-program" my thought process to include my ears but now thru silence.
This is an overall Unselfish act. I should be blessed by Source.
I'll find out. Put the stories that keep playing and playing and playing in my head from every moment I experience to compare.
As my mind has done from the first "Pay Attention" (to What Dad?) ... until my last utterance of the words in my families presence the other day.
They have had enough of the me I am presently.
Time to work on a better me to present when I get off the trail.
It is the things I do when no one is watching that make the difference in all that I do when others are.
The size of how large or small I wish to become is mine to explore.
Blank canvas of work.
100 crunches, "90" modified push ups, better eating and better thoughts are paying off as I became OVERWEIGHT today.
I fell out of the OBESE category on the Wii.
2495 days I've been monitoring my weight from a distance.
I've seen the Yo-Yo-Yo life I've been existing since 2011.
I know when my "when enough is enough" moment happened.
Just before I turned 59, looked around and was not satisfied with me or what I gave to me as a Legacy. I'm selfish now.
I have something more to offer myself.
When I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I'm 0.8 # from hopefully forever being below 200# for the rest of my life. Healthfully and with a smile on my face.
All from Love.
"..... You ain't seen nothing like me yet." Build me for me first.
I had to make sure I was correct in my mind so I looked it up:
A legacy is the story of some ones life, the things they did, places they went, goals they accomplished, their failures, and more. Legacy is something that a person leaves behind to be remembered by. Legacies are pathways that guide people in decisions with what to do or what not to do.
I had to make some pole sleeves out of Grossgrain to handle the brass connections on the Tarp cross over support.It's tougher and should protect the tarp.
I'm only adding 1 oz to the whole project.
I'll point them out in the upcoming pictures.
Typing has been a great warm up before I use these tingling, numb digits to sew. Less blood if I warm them up for they become less likely to get in the way of pins quicker.
Thinking about religion as it is Sunday.
I was challenged to do a study as to my belief and why it changed.
Honestly, I've been thinking about this since I was 7 years old and was told I was being "groomed" to become a Priest for the service of the Catholic Church.
Thank GOD that did not work out for them.
It certainly was not working out for me, having Fairly Odd Parents.
I was then entered into the Altar Boy Program. Wear a sissy gown.
Holy Book. Story #1.
Was it Homo Sapien or Neanderthal that was talking to a snake?
Either way, some Believe in talking snakes.
This is their basis between whether or not they get to Heaven or go to Hell and even if there is a God and as to why they are separate from that God when born. Tree of Knowledge separated them.
It certainly gives them a reason to believe in a Devil.
Easier to introduce the character in the first part of the story and build "it" and make "it" alive with further bias of belief.
from: Critical Thinking Cards
"If a conclusion supports your existing beliefs, you'll rationalize anything that supports it.
"If a conclusion supports your existing beliefs, you'll rationalize anything that supports it.
It's difficult for us to set aside our existing ideas to consider the true merits of an argument.
In practice this means that our beliefs become impervious to criticism, and are perpetually reinforced."
A useful thing to ask is 'when and how did I get this belief?'
My parents and grand parents did as most likely all back to Constantine the Emperor whom I'm a descendant of I'm told.
If true, that is cool. If not, that is cool too.
"The Wholly Book" is a book of examples and warnings.
66.6% made up to control the mass through fear.
33.3% made up to set up systems for that control lawfully with LOVE.
00.1% incredible that it still is around and for that reason I like miracles, angels, sparrows ... I understand better that boils are not Satan attacks but a bacteria/health issue, and whales that puke humans on shore are helpers and GOD who keeps my heart beating and my lungs breathing & is SUPER COOL!
Source Energy that cannot be created or destroyed but can easily change form from this to that.
Everything we desire is already here and we just have to ask to be placed together with what you want ... as it benefits the common good.
Against the common good requests will still arrive as you have asked ... as a lesson or warning.
BOTH the desires of good and evil will arrive as we ask (with Thought) ... and always will arrive not in a way we could ever expect as it is the Universe which is orchestrating the flow of it all, in harmony not chaos.
This makes "The Present" such a true gift every time it happens.
I live in a Friendly Universe. :)
It is everywhere and in everything and connected by frequency of energy. Which is a theory.
My Invisible Friend. GOD. LOVE.
The first and the only as everything else came from "IT" and will always have "a seed" of love in it. Including EVIL.
Sin apparently has no love and offers nothing to those in it.
Oddly, I think sin is a made up "guilt" for control of the mind.
Man made and with that it is false.
Satan is man made as well ... the reason we have Jesus Wars.
My belief.
It does not make it right.
It does not make it wrong.
It makes it 100% mine ... that's all.
Moving forward ...
~ Kindle