Monday, January 20, 2020

The Retirement Dream ... It Happened

Words.  Set #56 and going lower.

(Power) Surrendering

gerund or present participle: surrendering
  1. cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority.

(Force) Worrying
  1. causing anxiety about actual or potential problems; alarming.


Surrender to facts. I am legally disabled.
I have Arthritis.  

It does not like a few days of detail work using my fingers.
I didn't realize I had a restriction until I could barely finish the first pass on the outer hem/seams on this Syl-Nylon Tarp.

This is slowing down my time line.  I should have planned for pain.

Detailed Pins holding it all in place while I sew.
Having to touch each pin 3 times in the process is the issue to get the proper fold held before stitching.

Repetitive, detail work with fingers.  Just not used to it I guess.
Before they could hand out the George Halas Trophy to the NFC champs (San Fran), I had a major part of the hem done and I was showered for sleep.  Goal accomplished.

I also NOW remember now how the fabric has a "twist" to it's own when cut across the grain. Forcing it to go against it's grain in a fold ... not pretty but it's sewn.

Today and the next few days will be adding the strength needed for all the tie down points.

Then I have a few modifications I desire to add prior to sealing up all the edges and ridge line.

I'll be adding a "Tent Lift" pole in the center and clothes lines (or the option to put clothes lines) on each side underneath to go along the full length of the shelter along side my tarp.
Velcro will assist the doors closures while also allowing for setting ventilation & storm options by how the doors can be configured.

Alterations I would have done to a fully assembled tarp anyway.

Being placed into early retirement due to disability has been humbling.
I can see I'll soon need to set up voice to text as my fingers are telling me to stop this typing activity for now.

I did not expect to end up in retirement this way, it just happened just.

Mountain Hillside.  
Doing what needs be done for this day.
Perfect setup, perfect dream ... for me.

Moving Forward,
~ Kindle