Words. Set # 46
(Power) Striving
(Force) Struggling
Mini Map #8 - the only one I needed a good copy of for my mail drops ... it "Jogged" a memory. I like that. :)
(Power) Striving
gerund or present participle: striving
- make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.
(Force) Struggling
- striving to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance.
Hiking Data:
Digging deeper and deeper into the text of my first 30 days on the trail.
Calculating the mail drops and trying right now to size the boxes needed.
Calculating the mail drops and trying right now to size the boxes needed.
It is a process that only I can go thru ... like sit ups and push ups.
As I was saying....
It was in this section of Virginia that we (Penny Grateful and I) experienced a God given mission for us.
Each of us know (or should know) when we are called upon to perform ... it's an inner knowing that screams of illogical logic.
We all do need each other and are all connected whether we believe it or not.
Penny and I have had many "adventures" and "angelic encounters" along our life on this planet .... those moments when we are known to be in the correct place for the correct time to intercede with others on this planet that need help.
Being available for another human who needs help; & then watch GOD take over a moment with our help.
You got a moment?
It was 3 days of hiking from Dragons Tooth Parking lot, past McAfee Knob and on to Daleville, VA (Route 220).
About 30 miles I believe. Our first shake down as a couple.
Much adventure and magic happened.
Opportunity mixed with difficulty from the beginning to the end.
We parked our car at Dragons Tooth Parking area and walked up the Scout Trail to get to the A.T. going North.
We understood the parking area to be "sketchy" and had arranged to have our vehicle moved to our exit point in Daleville at Kroger that evening.
Difficulties mixed with Opportunities -
that is what history is all about. Ebb and Flow.
We spent our first night at Pig Farm Campsite close to Catawba Mtn. Shelter.
Our car was not moved that night due to a more pressing issue by our assistant (which was unaware to us) as we had no cell service at the time when they tried to call us.
We lived close by at the time and Catawba Mtn. Shelter was our first overnight as a couple several years before this.
It was the place of our "Maiden Voyage" into the woods as a couple "Roughing It" and has a good vibe for us as we are very familiar with that site.
We over packed, we had gear from friends that was loaned to us that we were unfamiliar with, we froze, we met others that were freezing too around our roaring fire ... it was a Great Time!
Better than work! It hooked us enough to plan for this 30 miles that we tried our bodies and personal equipment out on.
We slept well and were out in the morning to hike to Tinker Cliffs and stay the evening at Lamberts Meadow Campsite ... that's when Gods interceding continued.
We are now on day 2 of never having done this as a couple before.
There were moments and challenges but we were enjoying the day and all it was offering. During this saunter from McAfee Knob to Tinker Cliffs, we were passed by a tall, lanky gentleman who appeared to be a thru hiker from the years class of people we were hoping to say "Hey!" to as they passed thru our area of the woods.
Brett H. did not have a hiking name. He was just Brett.
He stopped to chat with us as he appeared to be laboring a bit and he rested with us in the shade on the way.
Small talk generally gets to "where ya from?" and that is almost where the Twilight Zone Music Cue should be.
Small world we live on don't cha know. :)
Brett mentioned: "Ah, you would not know where I am from."
I said: "Try me, I've been a lot of places."
He then describes a small 4 corner town with 2 stop signs in WNY which I can relate to cuz I grew up there.
I knew his uncle because his uncle was my Boy Scout Patrol Leader and his Grandmother would sell vegetables on the side of the road that I would ride by with my bike most every day.
From then, he describes that he is on his way back there from Florida where he was dissolved from his job. He heard there was a walking trail that would get him most of the way so he started walking to clear his head from it all.
He picked up things along the way to make it easier but as of late was not feeling all that well and thanked us for the company to help him get to better help for how he felt.
He was going to rest at the next shelter which was close to the campsite we were going to stay at so we said adieu as we know we would meet him as we passed by the shelter later in the day.
At the time we thought we would have a car to help him get around Roanoke with before taking a bus trip to WNY and home for him.
If he needed, we could get him to a Dr. and he refused ... for now.
With that, we parted. He walking fast and Penny and I sauntering.
Towards the end of the day, we passed Lamberts Shelter and talked once more to firm up plans if he needed help the next day.
The evening would help him decide and he would shout to us in the morning if he left before us (and he did).
By the time we made it to the campsite (right next to a rippling stream) I powered up my phone in time to get a call from my helper with our car. At that time I got the news .... vandals.
Life got in the way and our car could not get moved in time to avoid the mayhem of rowdy individuals that took out their testosterone on parked vehicles in the cloak of darkness.
The end result was our car was vandalized as was many others that evening buy a group of hoodlums.
All windows but one in our car was smashed out and they then disengaged the transmission by the emergency button on the column and pushed our car out of the parking lot and into a ditch of trees.
Sucks to get that news in the woods but that is life on the trail.
So, in the morning when Brett passed by, I let him know my news but that our handshake agreement of help would still be there, just not in the vehicle that I was expecting. I have family in the area and they loaned me a vehicle until ours was repaired.
He said he appreciated the help and would take us up on the offer.
He also said that our pace was better on his body so we would see him up ahead and if not, he would wait for us before the tail ended that day.
So, yes we leap frogged all day. He kept us going faster than we were used to but the weather threat of lightning on the exposed rock edge called Hay Rock, we moved to get the trip over with.
We helped him by going slower.
Along the last bits of the trail, we happened upon two trail maintainers. The both worked for Virginia Tech and were out for the day trimming trail branches for the upcoming hikers from Georgia.
One of the two was a Dr. of Biology who just so happened to have done her dissertation on Giardia, otherwise known as "Beaver Fever" .... a parasite.
As she too quickly witnessed, Brett was not doing great.
She then had a good conversation with Him in the woods.
We left for the trail head with "Professional" directions on how to most effectively care for Brett and get him to a Dr. as he was getting much weaker as he had this issue for a while and the parasite was now feeding on his fat and muscle.
Oddly enough:
Two Big Macs to start.
Give the "THINGS" something to work on (Fat and Protein) besides the host's body.
Get to a Dr. ASAP.
As Soon As Practical but still Urgently Seek Attention!
(He admitted he was not treating his water)
My plans did not happen. God's did and I just went with the flow and watched as the miracles appeared knowing full well that Penny and I were a part of the "miracle". Just smiling. :)
The end result was that our car was one window smash from being totaled. It was repaired by insurance.
The loaner vehicle allowed us to care for Brett before his Bus Ride to WNY with a story of meeting some strange couple from North Java, NY that helped "HIM" a neighbors grandchild.
While waiting for the next bus out of Roanoke, we entertained him at home by allowing him to rest before the evening bus ride and we did his laundry (he used our shower too) before his ride across to WNY.
His uncle indirectly helped him too, as I retain much of what I learned in the Wolf Patrol, Boy Scout Troop 157 which is long dissolved. lol Survival in the woods.
I know not of "the rest of the story" but I do know my part in it.
And I can live better knowing that GOD does to.
If I'm ever back in North Java, I could stop in to see how it worked out but I'm good with knowing we did our best ... that's all we can.
I also get a reminder for my next steps ... don't get lazy with my water and hygiene routine. Routines are essential sometimes as the smallest of things can take us out.
Ticks and Parasites are worse than Bear.
Either way, I understand some risks and will go forth anyway.
Moving Forward,
~ Kindle.
It was in this section of Virginia that we (Penny Grateful and I) experienced a God given mission for us.
Each of us know (or should know) when we are called upon to perform ... it's an inner knowing that screams of illogical logic.
We all do need each other and are all connected whether we believe it or not.
Penny and I have had many "adventures" and "angelic encounters" along our life on this planet .... those moments when we are known to be in the correct place for the correct time to intercede with others on this planet that need help.
Being available for another human who needs help; & then watch GOD take over a moment with our help.
You got a moment?
It was 3 days of hiking from Dragons Tooth Parking lot, past McAfee Knob and on to Daleville, VA (Route 220).
About 30 miles I believe. Our first shake down as a couple.
Much adventure and magic happened.
Opportunity mixed with difficulty from the beginning to the end.
We parked our car at Dragons Tooth Parking area and walked up the Scout Trail to get to the A.T. going North.
We understood the parking area to be "sketchy" and had arranged to have our vehicle moved to our exit point in Daleville at Kroger that evening.
Difficulties mixed with Opportunities -
that is what history is all about. Ebb and Flow.
We spent our first night at Pig Farm Campsite close to Catawba Mtn. Shelter.
Our car was not moved that night due to a more pressing issue by our assistant (which was unaware to us) as we had no cell service at the time when they tried to call us.
The Pig Farm Campsite and McAfee Knob area are special to us.We lived close by at the time and Catawba Mtn. Shelter was our first overnight as a couple several years before this.
It was the place of our "Maiden Voyage" into the woods as a couple "Roughing It" and has a good vibe for us as we are very familiar with that site.
We over packed, we had gear from friends that was loaned to us that we were unfamiliar with, we froze, we met others that were freezing too around our roaring fire ... it was a Great Time!
Better than work! It hooked us enough to plan for this 30 miles that we tried our bodies and personal equipment out on.
We slept well and were out in the morning to hike to Tinker Cliffs and stay the evening at Lamberts Meadow Campsite ... that's when Gods interceding continued.
We are now on day 2 of never having done this as a couple before.
There were moments and challenges but we were enjoying the day and all it was offering. During this saunter from McAfee Knob to Tinker Cliffs, we were passed by a tall, lanky gentleman who appeared to be a thru hiker from the years class of people we were hoping to say "Hey!" to as they passed thru our area of the woods.
Brett H. did not have a hiking name. He was just Brett.
He stopped to chat with us as he appeared to be laboring a bit and he rested with us in the shade on the way.
Small talk generally gets to "where ya from?" and that is almost where the Twilight Zone Music Cue should be.
Small world we live on don't cha know. :)
Brett mentioned: "Ah, you would not know where I am from."
I said: "Try me, I've been a lot of places."
He then describes a small 4 corner town with 2 stop signs in WNY which I can relate to cuz I grew up there.
I knew his uncle because his uncle was my Boy Scout Patrol Leader and his Grandmother would sell vegetables on the side of the road that I would ride by with my bike most every day.
From then, he describes that he is on his way back there from Florida where he was dissolved from his job. He heard there was a walking trail that would get him most of the way so he started walking to clear his head from it all.
He picked up things along the way to make it easier but as of late was not feeling all that well and thanked us for the company to help him get to better help for how he felt.
He was going to rest at the next shelter which was close to the campsite we were going to stay at so we said adieu as we know we would meet him as we passed by the shelter later in the day.
At the time we thought we would have a car to help him get around Roanoke with before taking a bus trip to WNY and home for him.
If he needed, we could get him to a Dr. and he refused ... for now.
With that, we parted. He walking fast and Penny and I sauntering.
Towards the end of the day, we passed Lamberts Shelter and talked once more to firm up plans if he needed help the next day.
The evening would help him decide and he would shout to us in the morning if he left before us (and he did).
By the time we made it to the campsite (right next to a rippling stream) I powered up my phone in time to get a call from my helper with our car. At that time I got the news .... vandals.
Life got in the way and our car could not get moved in time to avoid the mayhem of rowdy individuals that took out their testosterone on parked vehicles in the cloak of darkness.
The end result was our car was vandalized as was many others that evening buy a group of hoodlums.
All windows but one in our car was smashed out and they then disengaged the transmission by the emergency button on the column and pushed our car out of the parking lot and into a ditch of trees.
Sucks to get that news in the woods but that is life on the trail.
So, in the morning when Brett passed by, I let him know my news but that our handshake agreement of help would still be there, just not in the vehicle that I was expecting. I have family in the area and they loaned me a vehicle until ours was repaired.
He said he appreciated the help and would take us up on the offer.
He also said that our pace was better on his body so we would see him up ahead and if not, he would wait for us before the tail ended that day.
So, yes we leap frogged all day. He kept us going faster than we were used to but the weather threat of lightning on the exposed rock edge called Hay Rock, we moved to get the trip over with.
We helped him by going slower.
Along the last bits of the trail, we happened upon two trail maintainers. The both worked for Virginia Tech and were out for the day trimming trail branches for the upcoming hikers from Georgia.
One of the two was a Dr. of Biology who just so happened to have done her dissertation on Giardia, otherwise known as "Beaver Fever" .... a parasite.
As she too quickly witnessed, Brett was not doing great.
She then had a good conversation with Him in the woods.
We left for the trail head with "Professional" directions on how to most effectively care for Brett and get him to a Dr. as he was getting much weaker as he had this issue for a while and the parasite was now feeding on his fat and muscle.
Oddly enough:
Two Big Macs to start.
Give the "THINGS" something to work on (Fat and Protein) besides the host's body.
Get to a Dr. ASAP.
As Soon As Practical but still Urgently Seek Attention!
(He admitted he was not treating his water)

Giardia trophozoites under scanning electron microscope. Credit: Waterborne Disease Prevention Branch, CDC
Several drugs can be used to treat Giardia infection. Effective treatments include metronidazole, tinidazole, and nitazoxanide 1. Alternatives to these medications include paromomycin, quinacrine, and furazolidone 1,2. Some of these drugs may not be routinely available in the United States.
Different factors may shape how effective a drug regimen will be, including medical history, nutritional status, and condition of the immune system 3-5. Therefore, it is important to discuss treatment options with a healthcare provider.
My plans did not happen. God's did and I just went with the flow and watched as the miracles appeared knowing full well that Penny and I were a part of the "miracle". Just smiling. :)
The end result was that our car was one window smash from being totaled. It was repaired by insurance.
The loaner vehicle allowed us to care for Brett before his Bus Ride to WNY with a story of meeting some strange couple from North Java, NY that helped "HIM" a neighbors grandchild.
While waiting for the next bus out of Roanoke, we entertained him at home by allowing him to rest before the evening bus ride and we did his laundry (he used our shower too) before his ride across to WNY.
His uncle indirectly helped him too, as I retain much of what I learned in the Wolf Patrol, Boy Scout Troop 157 which is long dissolved. lol Survival in the woods.
I know not of "the rest of the story" but I do know my part in it.
And I can live better knowing that GOD does to.
If I'm ever back in North Java, I could stop in to see how it worked out but I'm good with knowing we did our best ... that's all we can.
I also get a reminder for my next steps ... don't get lazy with my water and hygiene routine. Routines are essential sometimes as the smallest of things can take us out.
Ticks and Parasites are worse than Bear.
Either way, I understand some risks and will go forth anyway.
Moving Forward,
~ Kindle.