(Power) Concerned
- worried, troubled, or anxious.
(Force) Judgmental
- of or concerning the use of judgment.
Singer Golden Touch 750 Antique "Locked up". She's dead Jim. :(
Now I get to use a known good machine.
A Sears Kenmore that was loaned to us for a different project.
To make it all so that I could sew, I spent the day making the Antique modified White cabinet that was modified for the Singer now be modified to hold a Kenmore.
Just a few cuts, a couple of boards and screws .... a different set up.
This machine will be up about 3/4" off the surface but that is better than the 3"+ that it normally is at on a Kitchen Table.
I will work with it gladly.Hiking Tarp Project:
Right now I've modified the DIY by adding a Polyester Grosgrain 7/8" Ribbon for added strength on the Center. I'm working on the center ridge line and most of the hem around the edges while I watch the Playoff games.
Working with Syl-Nylon is interesting. I'm so thankful for the kit being cut. Pinning is essential and it has to be done in tedious 1" to 2" stages as the stuff is slick.
Congrats K.C.!
Now on to see who they play.
Moving Forward.