(Power) Devoted
- 1.very loving or loyal.
- 1.demanding someone's total attention and love.
Hiking chess:
Spent a good portion of the day looking over my tarps.
The new "kit" for monsoon type coverage is made out of a newer rip stop material that is extremely slippery and thin.
I pinned the top ridge line to begin sewing today or tomorrow.
Looks like I'll be adding a ribbon as well along he top ridge for added strength. Three times thru the machine and I believe it will be exactly as I desired to own at a fraction of the cost.
Rip Stop By the Roll who sold me the kit was nice enough to have laser cut all the pieces out for the kit saving me hours and hours of time.
10 years has made the materials better for sure.
As for stoves, I've decided on 3 models and are in different stages in building them. 7 stoves in different stages actually.
3 will go on the trail with me.
1 simmer, 1 Jet burner and 1 wood burner, the Little Dandy.
4 will stay back in case I need them in a mail drop, 2 burners and 2 simmers. Since they are made out of cans, they can get crushed by accident.
(Back to my brain dump ... finally can get it out)Career Chess:
Hopefully this is the last time I need to think these days out.
The Colour of my Parachute is presently:
Forest Green with Shades of Brown Earth and Blue Skies.
It has been Gold, it has been ROY G BiV too.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Inigo Montoya, you killed my Father, Prepare to Die! lol, Violet.
Indigo. What a shade. Denim Blue.
T-shirts and Denim are my retirement clothes.
Ah, the feel of cotton against my skin.
Changes with any vocation caused me to eagerly seek current trends and data. "The Book" always had an answer or better yet, an insight. The craft of commanding ones career path successfully from where ever they are to where ever they desire to be.
The Parachute helped me help others back in the mid 1980's.
It was my guidebook to share with all of those in my "Career" care as their counselor.
Everyone in my care got the same treatment,
E-1 to eventually O-6 with questions.
It was my go to and sat on my desk right next to their service record when we talked.
Just go to the section you need and learn the techniques of "Specific" training needed to get over the hump or over the rut you might find yourself in. Quickest Mirror Work I have found.
Seems some of those that were in the Division but not in my sector of the Division did not know me from Adam. None the less, they appeared on the computer printout from the Navy Annex that I had to work into my weekly and monthly schedules. Collateral Duty.
As I met with these "strangers" we would either "bond" and I helped or we hand shook understanding that "Career" is personal. If they had it under control then a signature of us meeting covered my ass.
If there was that "bond", then I helped with all I could find to help the client make THEIR BEST decision at a turning point in their life. Stay in or Get OUT RUNNING was always their choice.
I just helped doing the research and most times "The Book" was purchased by the new learner and they would or "should" never need a career counselor again.
My retention rate was in the Mid 80%. The ones leaving or being made to leave all got the same from me, a commitment to help them either way, impartially but with good information and an attempt for me to do my best in service to them and for them.
With this type of "non-typical" treatment, word would spread UP the CHAIN and at times I would be asked to appear before one of the other Supervisors, Chiefs or Officers to help explain what the last member was squawking about before they left the Kitty.
Since it was my job AND they had a better office usually to sit and talk in than my office which for a long time was still a hallway up close to the flight deck, I would do my Dog and Pony Show for them so that they understood the excitement of a member understanding how to control their career forever.
I showed no favors, I helped all. Same deal and sch-peal. "IF" they wanted to be helped or not. Dream Sheets started making sense to those that did not understand how they worked with THEIR detailer which was MY detailer in D.C.
The O-6 was as eager as any of the others since no one seemed to share this kind of info in H.S. or 4 years of College and that is how a journalist degree and experience in being a taxi driver and waiter did not seem appealing after his tour wearing gold because of a degree.
The USN placed him in charge of Welders, Electricians and Interior Communication Technicians. Neat stuff to write about but he had no clue as to the jobs we did.
With this cornucopia range of people, I needed great information quick for each of my "clients" that would work for all.
Non NAVY material too mattered. Comparisons and avenues opened all of their eyes.
The link in it's name "Color" above goes to the 2020 version. Still pertinent for EVERY job situation and every MIRROR inspection one should be doing to one's self every month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 yr, 3 yr, 5 yr, 10 year.
Please do not confuse "Ten Years" with "Tenures"
I served 10 years at a University and got a piece of paper, a hardy handshake and a Kick in the Ass to get back to work. :)
I understood it was going to be that way when I said I would work for them for 10 years at the interview.
Internet was young but I used it.
10 years was a good number at the time.
2000 to 2011 - I gave over and beyond. lol
They held the position open for me for 6 months at the beginning .... red flags were waving. ;)
Just fell off the turnip truck I did .... not. lol
Sure was a better job than removing Asbestos off of War Vessels.
Sure was better than flushing out C.H.T. pipes or systems.
(Collection, Holding, Transfer - human waste systems).
And it seemed like a good fit UNTIL a promise on their side was broken ... free college for my kids, then it became a job with an end date. I still did my best but at a State Level that was accepted as being above and beyond.
Many corporate minds come from University settings.
I did my best until I was no longer needed being there.
Left it better than when I arrived.
Glad it did not hinder the inevitable, just delayed it Universally for a bit. I like #5 found somewhere on the web.
The evolution of a statement.
1) If the thing be possible, it is already done; if impossible, it shall be done.
2) If it is simply difficult, it is done. If it is impossible, it shall be done.
3) The difference between the difficult and the impossible is that the impossible takes a little longer time.
4) The difficult is that which can be done immediately, the impossible that which takes a little longer.
5) The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little longer.
Woke to a loss this morning. 3% :(
Whip Saw! Drat.
GBPUSD is what it is. Unpredictable.
I'm close to taming the beast.
The impossible just takes a little longer.
Whip Saw! Drat.
GBPUSD is what it is. Unpredictable.
I'm close to taming the beast.
The impossible just takes a little longer.
Moving Forward, Passing "Pride", now onward to "Courage".
~ Kindle