(Power) Valuing
gerund or present participle: valuing
- 1.estimate the monetary worth of (something).
- making use of a situation or treating others unfairly in order to gain an advantage or benefit.
In trying my best to hand my home responsibilities over to my hiking support team, things aren't always smooth.I know it will all work out. I know it will all work out.
I'll keep telling myself that until it does. lol
Wildlife viewing memory:
Snowy Owl
The link will take you to a MacroSopht Bing page of Pictures.
I was blessed as one swooped down to land on top of a telephone pole directly in front of me on my way to a weekly Scout meeting.
My tires sliding on Gravel to a stop and it's wing span covering the sky larger than my height was at the time.
Talons and legs outstretched to grab the top of the pole with a lock grip.
Needless to say, I was late to the meeting.
We looked eye to eye (Ground to top of pole distance) for some time and it's were fascinating.
It stayed long enough for others in the troop to come back and visit with it and view it too. It was resting and just visiting us from Canada.
Wildlife viewing memory:
Snowy Owl
The link will take you to a MacroSopht Bing page of Pictures.
I was blessed as one swooped down to land on top of a telephone pole directly in front of me on my way to a weekly Scout meeting.
I honestly thought it was coming for me on my Buzz Banana Seat 20" Bike, age 14. We met at the same pole at the same time.
Talons and legs outstretched to grab the top of the pole with a lock grip.
Needless to say, I was late to the meeting.
We looked eye to eye (Ground to top of pole distance) for some time and it's were fascinating.
It stayed long enough for others in the troop to come back and visit with it and view it too. It was resting and just visiting us from Canada.
Native Americans and my upbringing.
Living near Canada (Close enough to watch their TV signals), I was always surrounded with Native American ways and teachings.
Many up North still rely on the relationships maintained between tribal members and us, the White Man.
I've worked in their Casinos setting up networks and Phone/Voice Mail systems. Great people and very good business partners.
I've gone to church with Tribal Elders that have converted their faith to Jesus. Interesting table talk during Weekly Bible Study.
None the less, connection with the land we all reside on is a large part of the culture.
Being supplied to by Source through what Source created to keep us supplied.
Being GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for what ALL IS is that is tied to ALL.
The movie Avitar comes close to describing it.
And as with Scouting when I was young, I studied "The Order of the Arrow" to someday consider going thru the "Ordeal" to achieve a level of "Something" that didn't seem to help the other kids I knew that still took their lives early.
Scouting didn't seem to be "Indian" enough and was more of a mockery to what I studied in my Encyclopedia(s) reading them thru a few times. The Google of the day.
I could not partake and I've not partaken in many "Ordeals" and "Secretive Rituals" and "Rites" of passage that have befallen my path of life through associations or levels of personal accomplishment.
I have no tatoos or "shellback" certificates on my walls.
I did not convert my E-6 to an E-7 in the Navy specifically due to my distaste in the "Chief's Ritual and Rites of Passage".
It also was my personal nose up at the "System" that advances "Anyone with a Breath" due to it's shortages.
(did I mention "Desert Storm"?)
A HUGE SUCKING SOUND was heard as Veterans left the service before the 1st needless WAR. Many ranking members.
Self included, due to how I saw it playing out.
If one could write their name on the test from E-6 to E-7 back then, they would pass ... well not everyone would pass.
Filling in the holes on the test answer sheets with dots that made houses and flowers ALMOST got me advanced to the next level.
Again, my Superiors were Bewildered. They "thought" they knew me but alas, did not. I left with no added "pressures" to accept a pay raise and bonuses to stay for a war that should not have happened. It was against my beliefs. My family needed me at home as my children were just starting School and their Dad had to figure out a way to "Be There" and hopefully provide for them while keeping them off the streets before they became teens.
I welcomed 1990 with open arms and a drive that got me a great job in the Power Industry ... and a phenomenal family that is driven in each of their individual lives collectively together on a spinning Planet in a "Friendly Universe" via Love. :)
Back to Beliefs:
So, as with any Belief, I hold mine close.
Belief in "Spirit Animals" or "Totems" is one I enjoy.
Mine chosen to me is the Red Tailed Hawk.
(I had a blog entry that day, my Birthday 4 years back).
Living near Canada (Close enough to watch their TV signals), I was always surrounded with Native American ways and teachings.
Many up North still rely on the relationships maintained between tribal members and us, the White Man.
I've worked in their Casinos setting up networks and Phone/Voice Mail systems. Great people and very good business partners.
I've gone to church with Tribal Elders that have converted their faith to Jesus. Interesting table talk during Weekly Bible Study.
None the less, connection with the land we all reside on is a large part of the culture.
Being supplied to by Source through what Source created to keep us supplied.
Being GRATEFUL and THANKFUL for what ALL IS is that is tied to ALL.
The movie Avitar comes close to describing it.
And as with Scouting when I was young, I studied "The Order of the Arrow" to someday consider going thru the "Ordeal" to achieve a level of "Something" that didn't seem to help the other kids I knew that still took their lives early.
Scouting didn't seem to be "Indian" enough and was more of a mockery to what I studied in my Encyclopedia(s) reading them thru a few times. The Google of the day.
I could not partake and I've not partaken in many "Ordeals" and "Secretive Rituals" and "Rites" of passage that have befallen my path of life through associations or levels of personal accomplishment.
I have no tatoos or "shellback" certificates on my walls.
I did not convert my E-6 to an E-7 in the Navy specifically due to my distaste in the "Chief's Ritual and Rites of Passage".
It also was my personal nose up at the "System" that advances "Anyone with a Breath" due to it's shortages.
(did I mention "Desert Storm"?)
A HUGE SUCKING SOUND was heard as Veterans left the service before the 1st needless WAR. Many ranking members.
Self included, due to how I saw it playing out.
If one could write their name on the test from E-6 to E-7 back then, they would pass ... well not everyone would pass.
Filling in the holes on the test answer sheets with dots that made houses and flowers ALMOST got me advanced to the next level.
Again, my Superiors were Bewildered. They "thought" they knew me but alas, did not. I left with no added "pressures" to accept a pay raise and bonuses to stay for a war that should not have happened. It was against my beliefs. My family needed me at home as my children were just starting School and their Dad had to figure out a way to "Be There" and hopefully provide for them while keeping them off the streets before they became teens.
I welcomed 1990 with open arms and a drive that got me a great job in the Power Industry ... and a phenomenal family that is driven in each of their individual lives collectively together on a spinning Planet in a "Friendly Universe" via Love. :)
Back to Beliefs:
So, as with any Belief, I hold mine close.
Belief in "Spirit Animals" or "Totems" is one I enjoy.
Mine chosen to me is the Red Tailed Hawk.
(I had a blog entry that day, my Birthday 4 years back).
With Great Power comes Great Responsibility ... the Red Tailed Hawk allows for me to learn from ALL animal spirits as they arrive into my Space Time Continuum. Each with a different "reminder".
If I believe, then I accept the messages. Adjust accordingly to Sources "reminder" and continue living in Source.
Odd, but so am I. It can be all Googled as to how it works.
Spirit Totem, Spirit Animal, Indian Totem Spirit Animals (by name) and mine chosen to me was the Red Tailed Hawk.
I asked for "something" and that was the one that arrived.
How was I to know it was the BEST of the BEST!
I don't expect things like that but the Universe conspires to always do me well.
I enjoy the daily puzzle and accept the "reminders" of how to get along. Eagles, Red Tailed and all manners of hawks, Deer, mice, bugs ... leaves from the trees ... Quite the puzzle of how it all continues in harmony .... as I need to with it an all who do not see it all around them as well.
Forest Bath awaits.
Snow White type animal visits along as I'll be
Walkin' Thru Forests. lol
I enjoy the daily puzzle and accept the "reminders" of how to get along. Eagles, Red Tailed and all manners of hawks, Deer, mice, bugs ... leaves from the trees ... Quite the puzzle of how it all continues in harmony .... as I need to with it an all who do not see it all around them as well.
Forest Bath awaits.
Snow White type animal visits along as I'll be
Walkin' Thru Forests. lol
Has anyone reading ever set them selves up for motivation?
I do it all the time. I have to self motivate as few motivate me.
I helped a Teen get out of his way and start down a new road of success that he creates.
Used the very similar technique as I did for my Latino Punk Friend.
I helped a Teen get out of his way and start down a new road of success that he creates.
Used the very similar technique as I did for my Latino Punk Friend.
The teen did not shake my hand the last time through cell bars.
In this process, I shared with him a goal of mine: Finally Fit at 60.
Will the young lad ever return to find out if I did it?
I do not know.
He may one day walk OR drive up our drive as the door is always open for him to visit. I will be ready as I can be.
I do know, I will be 60 in October.
I'd best be fit and I do not want to let myself down in facing him when and IF he shows up again.
I do not know.
He may one day walk OR drive up our drive as the door is always open for him to visit. I will be ready as I can be.
I do know, I will be 60 in October.
I'd best be fit and I do not want to let myself down in facing him when and IF he shows up again.
It is important to me to man up to my word and my vision for myself.
My set up for self motivation.
I know who I am in the mirror and I work at making the other one change. Sometimes I have to be an ass to the other one that will not listen to reason. Ass to self: Personal Responsibility.
Something along these themes will jump out at me to continue to write about.
The updated A.T. Guide will be out in a couple of days so I know my posts will be shorter with pictures of the processes I'll be encountering in making gear and setting timelines.
A young teen that had learned how to feed himself while the rest of the "Adults" in the room were strung out on something.
From the time he was still in diapers up until to just a few years ago recently.
It was a long stretch that I could have even had that type of conversation (with an honest answer) from a wayward punk teen.
So we bonded when he bought into "the crazy ol man on the hill's" idea of paying him to work for me.
You see, young GW was bored, pissed and angry.
He was moved to a new setting ... next door to a crazy guy.
His past life from a few cities over, followed him to this new place.
The "5 he was hanging with" caused our neighbor across the street to get concerned and SHE asked me to intervene if I could.
Long story to get here but Young Mr. G.W. and I began a working relationship. I was the old disabled guy with a wife recovering from Cancer Treatments at the time. He was the young yard worker from a checkered and hard past.
As you have read, ANYONE that Works For Me gets a clean slate day 1. As you may have also read, Learning is not an option.
Also, the Universe knows where I live and brought the boy to me.
He was supplied with the "specific" talk geared to him using only things that I understood to be true of our neighborhood and he did not disagree including when I called him out for casing my joint.
It made him not want to continue working that day (the first day) but I made sure his crushed ego was not going to stop the day.
Call it ... forgiveness. Clean slate.
He was supplied with PPE and direction. Lunch breaks had stories.
Work breaks had stories. Each job done correctly had stories.
He responded with eager eyes and spirit.
Some days when he left for home he had homework ... a movie.
Even had to call him back one day when he left early after being paid and let go to finish. He learned then too.
I didn't have to follow him home because he came back to work the next day and we were delayed while he finished up his task.
He got to listen to me as well ... no U.C.M.J. to back me up just empathy and understanding.
It took a few weeks of struggle for me to put together a plan.
A plan that I know works IF the plan still works 30 years later.
Wayward men can make a change at any age. I just find it easier to catch the devil behind the third tree at ages 12 - 15.
Movies, books, stories (metaphors) that help me to divert the "JOB" into segments that revealed a "PATHWAY" to success.
Odd tie ins to normal life from work and back to normal life again.
Pride in ones work in owning a segment of the tasks needed to be performed correctly so that the overall is better.
Movies became small leaflets of information then paperback and hard copy books. GW even then began liking to read because the reading was filling him up with knowledge he could use.
School season eventually arrived and GW took a new interest in Math and Science because he is a Self Proclaimed "MacGyver".
He seen things happen that blew his little MacGyver mind away.
As he started asking questions, and I pointed to Linear Algebra, Chemistry, Biology, English. He began reading his text books and applying the learning as he was newly learning to learn.
His grades went up and I heard. His grades went down, and I didn't hear until I inquired. His grades went back up cuz he was being held accountable to his word(s). Yes, I had to follow up.
I owed it to him with our handshake agreement the first day.
Well, GW's tasks eventually lead to the day he and his family "left" the establishment next door. He made it through the school year, HIS BEST ONE EVER grade wise. And he had a personal edge as he learned how to learn from the books they hand out in school.
We worked on a lot of jobs together. He left with a smile most days and some spending cash and food to share with his family.
I believed him when he looked me in the eyes and said:
"I'm coming back to see if you loose your gut!"
I said I'd start getting ready to make him proud.
No B.S. between us.
He appreciated being "asked" to help and talked to like he knew something and most if not more importantly, listened to.
(I'm finding a running theme here - that I knew existed .... lol)
My gut is gone now and is shaping up to be it's new normal.
100 crunches away from coffee again this morning.
I await a future meeting with a wiser young man.
Might never happen but I'm ready.
~ Kindle
My set up for self motivation.
I know who I am in the mirror and I work at making the other one change. Sometimes I have to be an ass to the other one that will not listen to reason. Ass to self: Personal Responsibility.
I'm also setting my sights on something larger to add to my philosophy and my accountability.
Not set on specifics yet but I know I'm changing and its a good thing.
Fixing Complex issues by Divide and Acknowledge (not conquer).
Mentors and Mentor ships: Keeping one accountable to themselves.
Not set on specifics yet but I know I'm changing and its a good thing.
Fixing Complex issues by Divide and Acknowledge (not conquer).
Mentors and Mentor ships: Keeping one accountable to themselves.
Something along these themes will jump out at me to continue to write about.
The updated A.T. Guide will be out in a couple of days so I know my posts will be shorter with pictures of the processes I'll be encountering in making gear and setting timelines.
Back to the wayward Teen that I mentioned briefly yesterday ....A young teen that had learned how to feed himself while the rest of the "Adults" in the room were strung out on something.
From the time he was still in diapers up until to just a few years ago recently.
It was a long stretch that I could have even had that type of conversation (with an honest answer) from a wayward punk teen.
So we bonded when he bought into "the crazy ol man on the hill's" idea of paying him to work for me.
You see, young GW was bored, pissed and angry.
He was moved to a new setting ... next door to a crazy guy.
His past life from a few cities over, followed him to this new place.
The "5 he was hanging with" caused our neighbor across the street to get concerned and SHE asked me to intervene if I could.
Long story to get here but Young Mr. G.W. and I began a working relationship. I was the old disabled guy with a wife recovering from Cancer Treatments at the time. He was the young yard worker from a checkered and hard past.
As you have read, ANYONE that Works For Me gets a clean slate day 1. As you may have also read, Learning is not an option.
Also, the Universe knows where I live and brought the boy to me.
He was supplied with the "specific" talk geared to him using only things that I understood to be true of our neighborhood and he did not disagree including when I called him out for casing my joint.
It made him not want to continue working that day (the first day) but I made sure his crushed ego was not going to stop the day.
Call it ... forgiveness. Clean slate.
He was supplied with PPE and direction. Lunch breaks had stories.
Work breaks had stories. Each job done correctly had stories.
He responded with eager eyes and spirit.
Some days when he left for home he had homework ... a movie.
Even had to call him back one day when he left early after being paid and let go to finish. He learned then too.
I didn't have to follow him home because he came back to work the next day and we were delayed while he finished up his task.
He got to listen to me as well ... no U.C.M.J. to back me up just empathy and understanding.
It took a few weeks of struggle for me to put together a plan.
A plan that I know works IF the plan still works 30 years later.
Wayward men can make a change at any age. I just find it easier to catch the devil behind the third tree at ages 12 - 15.
Movies, books, stories (metaphors) that help me to divert the "JOB" into segments that revealed a "PATHWAY" to success.
Odd tie ins to normal life from work and back to normal life again.
Pride in ones work in owning a segment of the tasks needed to be performed correctly so that the overall is better.
Movies became small leaflets of information then paperback and hard copy books. GW even then began liking to read because the reading was filling him up with knowledge he could use.
School season eventually arrived and GW took a new interest in Math and Science because he is a Self Proclaimed "MacGyver".
He seen things happen that blew his little MacGyver mind away.
As he started asking questions, and I pointed to Linear Algebra, Chemistry, Biology, English. He began reading his text books and applying the learning as he was newly learning to learn.
His grades went up and I heard. His grades went down, and I didn't hear until I inquired. His grades went back up cuz he was being held accountable to his word(s). Yes, I had to follow up.
I owed it to him with our handshake agreement the first day.
Well, GW's tasks eventually lead to the day he and his family "left" the establishment next door. He made it through the school year, HIS BEST ONE EVER grade wise. And he had a personal edge as he learned how to learn from the books they hand out in school.
We worked on a lot of jobs together. He left with a smile most days and some spending cash and food to share with his family.
I believed him when he looked me in the eyes and said:
"I'm coming back to see if you loose your gut!"
I said I'd start getting ready to make him proud.
No B.S. between us.
He appreciated being "asked" to help and talked to like he knew something and most if not more importantly, listened to.
(I'm finding a running theme here - that I knew existed .... lol)
My gut is gone now and is shaping up to be it's new normal.
100 crunches away from coffee again this morning.
I await a future meeting with a wiser young man.
Might never happen but I'm ready.
~ Kindle