(Power) Gifted
- having exceptional talent or natural ability.
(Force) Lucky
- having, bringing, or resulting from good luck.
Today it is Day one of some new history. Like every other day.
The M.I.T. Educational Triad
academics, community, and research
Now, they are claiming that this technique is revolutionary and such.
You can read their introduction to the process here on their Committee's web site. M.I.T.
Now, I'm no Bible Scholar, I am a novice, but Jesus has HIS first teaching lesson listed in Matthew Chapter 4 and 5. Was not hard to find with an electronic Bible called Google.
The Story: Yep, easy to remember. The Dude walks away for a long while fasting and thinking.
Comes back after he beats Satan in a 30 day Fiddle match. Victorious, tired and hungry.
(I'm of course paraphrasing the Bible in my manner of remembering the key points.)
Jesus starts speaking to the crowd and tells them a story with a deep meaning that many never get.
It's called: The Beatitudes.
"Blessed are the meek ...." Look it up if you need a refresher.
I did some research and found out how to understand it, for "I" too was one who did not get the message the first 45 years of my life.
So, a few years back, it was revealed to me, in simple words .... the meaning behind each of the powerful triad allegories that are the heart and soul of the Beatitudes.
I just had to write it all out from a audio file to be sure I was getting the point(s) along the path.
plural noun: allegories
- a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.)
"The FIRST lesson. Would that be important or just His dress rehearsal?"
I had to ask myself that question to move forward in believing that there would be a message in the words.
"Why was it taught in puzzle format?"
How many lessons did Jesus teach in puzzle format? A Lot, if not all, I have found out.
I thought that THE FIRST would be important so I listened and learned.
Jesus uses the Triad method of teaching in this story.
I heard it retold in the correct context from a teacher named Guy Finley.
He runs: Life of Learning - Center of Spiritual Discovery.
Click the link if you care to purchase to listen for yourself.
Spoiler: the Dude (Mr. Finley) talks fast and with emotion.
He st-st-udders sometimes too and changes point direction to illustrate.
Difficult for even me to follow.
I typed it all out in a Word Document.
Took a few hours of listening to do it but I wanted the data.
Yes, it is INNOVATIVE and so simple it baffles the elite minds.
Here's the gist as I did not type the entire document up, just starting in the audio file from a question:
"What's the Difference?"
So, Guy is in 1980's someplace, living a life of study.
He's got books stacked there in front of him ... Spiritual Material, Bible(s), Dictionary & Concordance.
He noticed that by seeing the books on the floor that the only difference between the Bible and the Dictionary was the arrangement of the words. The Dictionary had all the same words as the Bible yet one was considered HOLY and the other was considered a guide. Choice is yours to decide which is which.
I have decided that I too was out of order and needed to be put in better order.
I started with the words I was accustomed to use.
As you have seen by following along, the words are helping me help me.
Here's Guy's words: (From the "12 Steps to Spiritual Rebirth: Commentaries on the Beatitudes")
"What is the
The only difference
between this book called the Webster’s Dictionary and the Bible
(and all the other books there) is the order of the words, as
One was a dictionary and the other is the Holy
Scripture. Both had all the same words.
The dictionary had EVERY
word that the Bible had in it.
The dictionary had EVERY word that
the Koran had in it and the Concordance and all the other books.
was a Dictionary and one was what is deemed to be the Holy
That is so extraordinary! Look what order brings to
the text.
Look at the POWER of ORDER.
Look at what the
ORDER of something does to what is brought into IT.
Because ORDER always
serves the intelligence that gives rise to it.
In a flash, I saw a
scale of creation.
Here on one hand is
a Dictionary, filled with words that human beings have created over
the generations.
Here are “HOLY”
books who express what they do because ORDER had been given to the
words in them by individuals who had direct experience with
And when you
understand THAT IDEA, you’ll realize a host of things that can’t
be taught.
One of the things that is realized that can’t be
taught, and that is essential for any human being who “wishes to”
take part in a NEW order.
Because the present order of life on this
earth is out of order.
That’s evident.
COMPLETELY out of order.
The NEW ORDER that one wishes to take part
in can only be revealed to them by something that lives IN THEM, that
has been a part of the OLD ORDER that recognizes the futility in the
"Because the present order of life on this
earth is out of order.
That’s evident.
COMPLETELY out of order. "
I just threw the opening segment in here just to show it is deep. That is what peaked my interest in the full data of what he had to say.**********
I know how I believe.
I believe in Triads for Learning which after 2000+ years is backed by M.I.T. as being innovative.
Yep. Uh, Huh.
I only have myself and Source Energy to teach me what I need to know for what I need to do next.
That simple. ASK. (Ask, Seek, Knock) and the doors will be opened for you.
Math and Fibonacci.
Oddly, the world works off of the math of the Fibonacci Sequence.
Or was it that the Sequence explained the REAL?
Yes, the REAL came first, the Math then explained it.
Those that learned this either accept or refute it.
Those that have not learned it, live in the miracle of it as we all do.
I'm incorporating the Fibbing tool simply into my trading system and "VIOLA!"
Like RAGU, it's in there!
The sequence of 2 forward, 1 back seems to be the norm and not the exception IF the math is done correctly. Understanding which of the 1 forward and 2 back the market is in is the fun part.
Now for 75% of the time, the computers that use the Fibonacci Sequence as well have the same entry and exit points that I've been profiting from. I'm starting to flow with the market 75% of the time as now and life is a bit easier for me in my quest and belief that the pattern can be exploited.
Everyone's dream, right? Maybe I'm different at playing games then. I know there's a connection.
It is the foundation of the Universe.
LOVE - falls into that category for me. It is TRUE and ALWAYS WILL BE TRUE.
LOVE then falls into a LIFE through inspiration and gives guidance. (In Spirit)
A LIFE that has thought and merges with SPIRIT ... by what?
Is it Frequency that makes it happen?
Both definitions: Wave Length and Amount of Times performed - Communication?.
I do go deeper to wonder if Thoughts are Prayers or are Prayers Thoughts at a different frequency than normal, everyday thoughts that go to the furthest reaches of space too?
My best guess is that ALL THOUGHTS are PRAYERS too. We all Pray without Ceasing and that is why we all get what we ask for.
(or in all honesty, "think about") for.
THOUGHT that CAN come into an individual and begin to direct that individuals thoughts, and give that person a completely different way in which they see their life. EGO aside.
I'm convinced that I've got a good handle on how and it all works for me.
I've been on those edges too. Me and IT. Like Lt. Dan on the Mast of the Jenny.
I like this side better. Calmer. More peaceful like.
And in closing, I left myself some breadcrumb notes about EGO from Dr. Wayne Dyer from his"The Power of Intention" series.
1) Being offended is
a weakness of the ego.
(Advice: Don’t let it bother you.)
(Advice: Don’t let it bother you.)
2) Let go of the need to win
3) Let go of your need to be right
(“Thank you, I’ll give it some thought – should be my response)
4) Let go of your need to be superior
(Just be better than you used to be – no one is superior to anyone else)
5) Give up the need to have more
(the mantra of the ego is to have more)
6) Let go of identifying oneself based upon the level of your achievements
(You are not what you achieved)
7) Let go of identifying oneself based upon of your reputation.
(You are not what others think of you.)
* Be responsible for your character and your humble relationship to God - all else will fall into place.
Moving Forward to a frequency of 200 or better ... with a RUFF, and a RUFF, and A Royal GROWL!
COURAGE! We ain't in Kansas anymore Toto. :)
Much more work to do, much to do.
I best be getting busy, busy, busy doing nothing.
Doing nothing that's the life for me.
Cuz when I'm doing nothing, I'm busy doing something ...
Something that suits me to a "T"
And when I busy, busy doing nothing
I find that I have little time to rest.
Being busy doing nothing, I'm busy doing something
Doing nothing is the something I do BEST!
(Thank you Disney and Christopher Robin)
Just following the W.H. orders ... Be Best!
I'm working on all of this at this moment and doing my best.
It may not be America's Plan, but it's mine.
I'll know if it has worth by the end of 2020.