Thursday, October 31, 2019

Throwing out the trash of years collected ....

Spent a beautiful rainy day doing a hiking equipment inventory.
In the process, got rid of "things" that have no further use in my life.  It feels right.  Mentally and Physically speaking that is.

Things I no longer need to carry.  Me and My Monkeys.

One monkey: Halloween.  Shot dead.  lol

Words for today:

  1. relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

  1. relating to or supporting the view that a society or system should be led by an elite.

I am quickly realizing that this is helping me.
Writing is becoming therapeutic in a great way.
"Force" is loosing with my philosophy rather quickly.
I'm glad a counter point, on point, is offered.
It's been a humbling exercise.

So far in my re-Kindled "To The Trail" (Triple T) Journey,  I've uncovered some deep ..... misguided hatred?  false judgement? suppressed self-value? ..... still seeking deep into some moments of places I remember.   In MY Life.  

"Just like the song Lucy, just like the song." ~ Sam I Am  :)

I think I've passed the pond scum and am digging deep into the muck and frog/fish shit section of my life right now.
Still there are oceans to I need to cross and deal with the whale shit that was "planted in my brain".     It's a process long overdue.

I do resonate favorably with Beatles tunes and the original Triple T.

Several John and Paul songs and these "Office Linebacker" youtube(s) actually.  lol  17 million views and still out there. :)

Just like "In my life", Revolution 1 (acoustic), Number 9 (for some odd reason) and others, "they" had a way with helping me transition from one heaven/hell to the next I placed myself into.
I have no one to blame.  I accepted long ago the results for my actions. 
Not sure if it was the First Ass Whopping or Umpteenth, a Grounding, Stand in the Corner, Traffic Ticket, Captain's Mast or the 7th Captain's Mast, Child Arrival, Car Wreck, Tax Audit(s) .... somewhere along that path, I learned to accept the situation.

I've learned, much the hard way, that we all need to come to a time when it is explained to us that we are 100% responsible for no one but ourselves.  No more running from Source. No blaming it on our Mothers, Fathers, Childhood, etc.  Satan or God. 
(blaming shit on Satan, what a cop out and weakness)

Places and time occurred, true.

How I move forward to the next places and time matter to more than just me.   I am connected with the air I Breathe and that makes me connected to those around me.  Molecular and Tron view.
If one was to pick up the book: "Success Principles" by Jack Canfield, they would read those words in the very first chapter.

"1. Take 100% Responsibility of Your Life"

The link just will take you to a summary.  For me, it was "A Mirror Look" so to say.   Gut check kinda memo that I need from time to time.  I prefer mentors that tell me straight up and candidly with 
When farting around, funny bullshit is OK but sound advice should never be clouded and covered with bullshit.
I believe the words: "You can't bullshit a bullshitter." are a misnomer. 
Lets just say: I'm mindful of others and of their potential.

I'm no good at bullshitting, most times. ;)
So, once again I arrive at:
"Everything you experience today is the result of choices you have made in the past." 

and I still choose in every moment of life.
Bad and good choices .... learn, move forward.

I'm still cleaning up the data for my 2nd and 3rd leg of the hike.
It has been a long process but so much easier than when it was just a book to flip thru and notebook to jot down ideas and itineraries.

Hiking inventory proved one thing, when I got rid of my old camping and hiking equipment I must have thought about it.
I knew I would be starting in a new era of lightweight, ultralight and now, hyper-light materials.   A few decades worth of time.
All I've located is an aluminum sheet to be "made into" a stove wind guard/shield, an MSR fuel bottle and a day pack that I won from Backpacker Magazine at a Trail Daze in Damascus, VA.

I've still other boxes and stuff to sort .. I believe there will be more.

I'll have a complete gear list to share on Trail Journals when I have it complete but for now, it is what it is.  Still a dream.

Physically, I'm beginning to "adjust" into my new body shell.
Snap, Crackle and Pop is still the sounds my body emits when I rise from the mattress each morning.

Crunches arrived at a count of 75 today before coffee.
Actually, 30 low back/hip flexor leg lifts, 75 crunches, Cobra pose stretch, 20 hands above shoulder Joint modified pushups, 20 (hands on outer edge of mat) modified pushups and 20 wide (window sill deep for front chest and traps) modified pushups - before coffee.

I have great equipment here on the homestead to use for the ailments that my family deals with.
One of the pieces is an inversion table.   I've feared it soon after it's purchase cuz it locked up my neck/shoulders soo fricken bad the first time I got on it.
That was a few years ago.  Yesterday, it helped me loose a migraine and an unhappy digestive track that has plagued me the past few days.  C1 and T5 of my spine have been issues since I was a young teen.  Too much "activity" in my younger days.  Crashes were just the norm.  No bubble wrap and everyone did not get a trophy.

One of my idols in the late 60's, early 70's was Evel Knievel. 
Had the doll and the cycle jump show kit. 
Never missed seeing his exploits on ABC's Wide World of Sports.
I had to learn how to fix bicycles cuz mine was taking a beating.
My Dad, bless his soul, took me around to all the junk piles in the county to gather parts.  

I was raised Roman Catholic, and my Godfather, Wally, was patient with me to teach me all he knew.  He was an expert.  I have a book inside of me just from him.

It's not a book about bikes.  It's a book about disability, acceptance, friendship, love as seen thru the eyes of a cripple.  My Uncle Walter was born crippled.  

People were cruel to him in my presence.  
People were accepting to him in my presence.
His friends were from all walks of life in Buffalo, NY.
Business Professionals, Spiritual Leaders, Political Giants and also the cities "People of the Streets", alleyways and sidewalks.

People did love him too while he was in my presence.  Hugs and handshakes and words of kindness.  Food, Iroquois Beer and Vernors Pop.  Back then the Vernors was original and not the watered down version that Dr. Pepper brews.

I paid attention but I missed a lot of lessons.  They will become a book.  He was one of my best mentors at an early age.  A misfit, a lot like me.

Moving forward.
~ Kindle