Sunday, October 27, 2019

171 days til Tax Day 2020

Now that I have my data parsed from PDF to 6 columns in an Excel spreadsheet, I can begin my adventure planning structure.
It is 171 days till kick off.
Fall sales are beginning to appear in my email for gear purchases.
I'm trying to keep my self mentally motivated for change.
Change is the only constant in my life. ;)  Pain is the other constant.

(btw: I started with Open Office Calc and after the umteenth time of it crashing, even with 2 updates, I switched to Excel 2007 - old but it works for what I needed).  Frustration for me leads to anger.
Anger is why I desire to hike .... to lose it with the added weight I carry.

Moving forward:  I've decided to spend the next 140 days learning 140 powerful words to assist me with losing, letting go and dissolving my anger.
In this quest so far, I've spent a few years digging deep to find the seeds to some of the core beliefs I've held on to for too long.
Beliefs can, and in many cases "should", change.
Should being the optimum word.

I should understand this but for some reason, I've not gotten the memo.

A while back, I've done a 22 day meditation about my beliefs.
I'll revisit that series soon to work on the next set of key seeds.
(if interested in the Belief Study, the link "should" work)
Information on this from the site......

  • Become the person you’re meant to be
  • Uncover your core beliefs and how they shape your identity
  • Embrace your positive beliefs to take control of the direction your life is moving
  • Dissolve the unconscious beliefs that are holding you back
If unfamiliar with changing a belief, allow me to share just one of many I've had the joy of finding and fixing.

October 14th, 1962.  My 716th day on this earth.
JFK parade in Buffalo, NY.  (the same day he got the news of the Cuban Missle Crisis)

I looked him in the eyes.  Twice that day. Blue.  My favorite color.
My aunt Irene had on a pair of cat eye glasses with sparkles, blue.
The water cooler was the first I had ever witnessed and the bubbles fascinated me. Water and jug: Blue.  Bubbles were just cool!
I was not allowed to let the water run to see more bubbles appear.

How can I remember?  I'm not sure, but I was there and I witnessed much.  Just never needed to know that I knew I knew .... until I searched for a seed of a belief I held.  A fear of heights.

I was told many times that day as I was getting dressed and before the meeting that it was a big day.  All my aunts and uncles (that were not working) were in the Democratic Party office where my Mom was the office manager.   I was almost 2 years old.

During the parade, my uncle held me out the 2 or 3 story window to watch the President pass by under us down Main Street.
JFK looked at me with concern in his eyes.

I found my seed of "Fear of Heights".  An event triggered it and I held it as a belief for all my years.  Has that fear stopped me from changing out aircraft warning lamps on the moving mast of a US Naval ship at anchor?  No.  Nor did the fear stop me from inspecting gantry cranes wires, motors and controls nor fixing stack monitoring equipment or changing lamps in theaters stage lights on catwalks or parking lot and highway entry lamps.  That was my profession.  It was part of my vocations.  I had to change the bulbs and do the inspections at extreme heights or be fired.
One learns how to manage fear when needed. 
Money was a good reason to manage it.

I was on a quest to eliminate the fear by finding it's seed and it uncovered the fact that on my 716th day in area code 716 (a telephone reference as I was a phone fixer for a bit too), I found the exact reason I was afraid of heights.  Un-control.

If I am in control of being up on any height, I can perform.
If someone else is holding me over a height .... well I WAS a toddler.  I can forgive and let go now.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

As I've learned: you can show me a chair but you cannot show me a fear.  It's in my head and no where else.  I have the control or should I say, should have the control.  lol

So, with that, I now know I can seek out my fears and quell them.
With power and not force.

Power for me is defined as: Source Energy.

The next 140 days will give me an opportunity before I hike to really work on my words.  Words that hold "Power" in my life.

I'll also be kind and share the "Force" words that are the counter to the Power words. 
(my opinion here: Power is God style and Force is Trump style)

Where did the 140 Power and 140 Force words come from?
The Book entitled: Power vs. Force : The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior.  by David R. Hawkins, M.D.
A copy can be cheaply found on eBay or Amazon.
A brief description will be at the end of this post.

Starting tomorrow, I will pick a word I will work on in no particular order from a list found on pages 146 and 147.
I'll define it for my life and move forward to Tax Day 2020.

This is the first year in a few that I will need to file before I hike.
After this hike, I trust I will become a Happy Tax Payer again.
I've not had to file taxes the past few years.  If one does not produce an income, one should not have to file income tax.  I've tested it by reading the rules and then caused a tax gap in filing.

Today though I'll spend the day relaxing, watching football (GO BILLS!) and work out my hike beginning.  8 miles a day starting for about a few weeks and then ramping up the mileage to see if I can fit in my Triple Leap Frog A.T. hike from Tax Day to Election Day 2020.
Sobo_Nobo_Sobo_Hobo_2 ..... Sobo_Nobo_Sobo_Hobo_2
There: I've satisfied my agreement .... again. lol 
42 is my answer. :)

I've got to come up with a better question.  lol

In closing, I'm placing my words into action.
Shit or get off the pot, I've known it to be said.
Taking Knowledge and Applying it.
Going from Static to Dynamic.
One step at a time.   Kindle style.   Spark to a Flame.  :)

Keep it simple (cuz, I'm complex), Keep it Positive (Cuz I'm Cynical right now), and keep moving forward always forward (cuz, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm an adopted Robinson).

~ Kindle
Putting better tools in my tool box
(as I point to my head)

The Power vs. Force book cover description: 
Building on the accumulated wisdom of applied kinesiology (diagnostic muscle-testing to determine the causes of allergies and ailments) and behavioral kinesiology (muscle-testing to determine emotional responses to stimuli), David R. Hawkins, M.D. has taken muscle-testing to the next level, in an effort to determine what makes people and systems strong, healthy, effective, and spiritually sound. He has uncovered several important patterns in human consciousness and behavior that would suggest that all living things, on closer inspection, are connected. The more we choose connection and empathy over competition and destruction, the more we increase our power. It is this titular power that wins out over mere force (violence generated from self-interest) every time. Hawkins explains his complex theories and then provides living examples of political systems, self-help organizations, even store chains that seem to have succeeded through their use of power, not force. 300 pages. 

And last but not least: the Happy Taxpayer concept as described in this blog by Jonathan Vieker.
I don't know Jonathan but he nails it when explaining that advice from a dead man is still great advice.

As for Jim Rohn, he is a dead mentor of mine.  I respect much of what he has to say as I do with ALL of my mentors.  I trust their knowledge and experience as "Guidelines" and then I create my personal philosophy and my rules for my life from that.

(Spoiler Alert: the Hour Long Jim Rohn seminar he links to has been taken down because of copyright infringement.  The full seminar can be purchased from Nightingale Conant and it's official title is: How to have YOUR best year by Jim Rohn)
I've owned the VHS and then DVD and will watch it again this week.

How to Have Your Best Year Ever
  1. Keep your priorities straight.
  2. Release yourself from the crowd of followers.
  3. Reverse failure by uncovering the essence of it.
  4. Make yourself more valuable.
  5. Discover the four “seasons” of opportunity and make them work for you.
  6. Ignite your ambition and launch yourself to the highest heights.
  7. And much more!   Get Ready to Have Your Best Year EVER!
(more from the Nightingale Conant site)
Imagine yourself as the person you've always wanted to be.
How far are you from that vision?
Regardless of whether you're a short step or a long journey away from achieving that goal, this energizing and highly motivating seminar delivers dozens of proven ways to transform YOUR life fast, giving you the tools and confidence you need to get to the level of your vision and then go miles beyond it!
Experience a year unlike any you've known before.

Yep, that's what I'm doing this year from Birthday 59 to 60.
Start to Finish with a dream accomplished! 
Today is my last day of being 58...... Whoop!
LEEEEROY     JENKIIIINS!  lol (still cracks me up)

~ Kindle McGuinness