Sunday, October 20, 2019

So, What's Changed? Everything.......

If you have virgin eyes, my blog might not be suitable for you...
Just saying.

I came to the realization earlier this month that age 60 will eventually get to my time line continuum.
Just like my vector lines on my trading screen, price (life) will meet time and visa versa. So will I meet time, time and time again.   

I trust we all agree that time is relative.  So then, the same can be held for age.  For that: "Shift" needs to Happen.

I purchased a SOBO AT guide in PDF form recently from A.W.O.L.
I had personally asked him for one at a Trail Days many moon ago.... back then, PDF's were new and non-developed.   Time had to pass for my request and I'm thankful for David's efforts and skill in producing an AWESOME guide product.

Now that I have that PDF, I've begun the arduous task of parsing & using the data, line for line, for my SOBO, NOBO, SOBO Cool Breeze itinerary.  Reading it as I create my journey on paper, or should I correctly state, on screen right now. I'm giddy with excitement to begin and continue.

So with bandwidth provided by WiFi hotspots (4 of them) via 3 different carriers, channeled thru a Linux Pi-Hole, I now can research and comment more frequently.  Thank you Zack for making this a reality for me.   Awesome network you made.
Stronger than A-Z or the Gov, (which I'm told are the same, lol). Thank you as well for allowing me to interject from time to time with it's construction.  You, my son, ARE a Genius.... and a great White Hat. :) 
(& might I add, "gloating", you did it without a degree - just by reading the books and applying the knowledge.  Skills rule!) 

Soapbox moment:
Diploma's yellow like the piss poor performance of many that do not know HOW to learn. 
Knowledge is not powerful, Applied Knowledge is.
I'm done with this for now... It might pop up again.  Fair warning.

Health? I'm disabled and sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Two months now, I've done crunches and gravity leg lifts to construct my core area.  I call it my: Morning Mat Work before my coffee each day.  I needed a prize to perform and coffee worked.
Having a stronger core has allowed for my hips and pelvic area to allow for longer walks on my very level treadmill that I use.

As the winter winds appear, I have a stepper and an rower to use too for cardio.  Building slowly to losing the pack weight before I purchase anything for this trek.  I already understand that the only way to prep for hiking is to hike.  I have a 22 acre mountain behind the house here to practice in the spring when it's slippery.
My April 15th start date should give me a good month to practice here and down the road in the Daniel Boone Forest on trails to get my trail dancing feet and legs ready for the adventure.

So now, gravity helps align my arthritic spine each morning before coffee.  I'm not pain free at all.  Pain is normal and constant most days, so either I live with it or I let it rule.  It will not rule.
I can thank the "Welcome to Marwen" Movie for that.

Money?  It will need to materialize as well.  I should be able to fund my trek as I walk each month with FX trading and my monthly stipend, but it's the upfront costs that will be a titch problematic up until April 15th.   I'll chart that out soon to perform this with the frugal pocketbook & budget that I have.

Today, I'm resting from my Friday and Saturday walks, crunches and yard cardio.....the leaves are clogging the ditch and rain is forecast to arrive.....finally. 

I'm also going to commit to write on this blog to craft my skill and structure my voice in text.  I have a USN language. 
Fuck is a descriptive word in my past vocations, and I use it.
I was a technician:  Electronics, Electrical, Mechanical, Computer, Network, Telephone, Voicemail ..... I've heard and shared many descriptive words along my paths.
I'm starting with freedom of speech and with that comes the responsibility and accountability to myself and my readers.

Each can place their own meanings to those words the same as I.
Change the channel if you care.  I will grow forward.

As I move forward, I will work on toning down my use of the vulgar (as society has claimed I do) to possibly produce a book from this rambling I am laying out on this screen for Google to store.  If you are following still, hopefully you will notice the change. 

As a Car Plate front plate shared recently: "EXCUSE ME! I was not aware that it was my responsibility for YOUR JOY today."

Enjoy the day, I'll do my best to do the same.