We re-acquainted ourselves to each other this morning.
So, my morning has been filled with doing first what I could remember to do and then I began "the search".
A lot has changed since I've last looked at this subject called Stretching. I'm thankful for that. Much to try and consider these next 6 months. I'll also be bringing with me my "Miracle Ball System" weighing in at 4.5 oz or 7.5 if's I bring the second ball.
Self-Spinal adjustments in the woods are hard to come by. Being on the ball will allow gravity to assist me from time to time as required.
My Son also let me know yesterday that he will sponsor my excursion. He lived how long I've desired to do this Epic Shit Adventure. A corporate idea he has will be the sponsor.
Oddly: PACZ is pronounced "Poonch" and means "LOOK", but in all honesty, it is the first initial of each of our names in the family.
Ninja just happens to be our web domain name.
Not active ... yet. :) Stealth ... lol
LOOK >>>>>> Ninja! Too late. Ha! :)
I understand I'll be tracked like a National Fuel Gas truck, locatable by satellite. Ninja like. lol
I owe this latest thought about stretching to Paralee Dawson.
She penned the book: "Living a Dream" Laughter, Pain and Life on the Appalachian Trail.
I met Trapper Lee at a Trail Daze event in Damascus, VA.
She was kind enough to sign my copy of her book and also, she shared with Penny Grateful and I, some of her joys experienced.
Her one line: (Paraphrased from Memory) "I stretch 45 minutes each morning before my daily hike", really stuck.
45 MINUTES?!!! WTF? (Walking Thru Forests) lol.
It takes me 45 minutes before I can think walking. I guess I will need to find what works for me, and I will. Might end up being 1 hour and 45 minutes after I'm done. Sheech!
So,this morning I fudged a few stretches and will get in my 10,000 steps before breakfast. I'll work on getting a better stretching routine from the plethora of data and links.
Add it to my day and then create a Miracle Ball Routine for "Sssssssssssuccess!"
(The sssssss sound is what I expel from my lungs and throat as the pain melts away & gravity works in my favor and my life around an inflatable, small blue ball.) Daily will become daily.
Just as 50 crunches before coffee has become my routine. :)
As one of my mentors, the late Jim Rohn would say:
"The Result of Your Life Is Determined by a Few Simple Disciplines"
"Being Successful is a Personal Choice"
So true and proven.
I continue to live my dream. One step at a time.
Keep it simple, keep it positive and keep moving forward, always forward!
~ Kindle.