Monday, October 28, 2019

170 days til Kick Off - Today's Power Word: Allowing

Happy 59th Birthday to moi.
My "Do Epic Shit" adventure will lead me to a better me.

Annual Physical: Dr. says I'm Ok to try this. 
Tests will give me a great base line to compare to next year and then give me a great reason to STAY fit.

Perfect timing as I'm just beginning to consider my caloric intake for this fun WTF event.  (Walking Thru Forests).

My Dr is encouraged cuz I'm the first patient that has ever said:
"I'm looking forward to doing PLANKS again." 
Maybe I am nucking futz?  lol 
(in time, in time)

Odd event though: the TV in the Dr.s waiting room was off and I was thankful.
While writing my thoughts on the morning in my journal, the TV turned on. 
No one else was in the room with me.
I then was drawn into the story of Cyntoia Brown on CBS Morning.
"God does hear you" she mentioned several times.

Seems others have gone on this journey too. 
The Journey to Forgiveness & Freedom.
I got it.  Thanks God! 
It was cool how you turned on the TV at that story for me.
and thank you Cyntoia for sharing your heart.


Day 1 of 140 words before my hike.
If you missed what I've mentioned recently, here's a recap.
Taking the list of 280 words found on pages 146 and 147 of the book: Power vs. Force by Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD.  

I am going to work on working on myself, one word at a time.
Incorporating the power words and "allowing" the others to exist but hopefully not in my character as I become a newer version of me.

So I felt it was important to begin with the word  Allowing.

Allowing: Allow verb

gerund or present participle: allowing
  1. 1.
    give (someone) permission to do something.

(vs. Force)
Controlling: Control verb
gerund or present participle: controlling
  1. 1.
    determine the behavior or supervise the running of.

Until looking up the 1st definition of both words, I did not realize I was the one who "gives" someone permission to do something.
That will take some analyzing today as I walk my 10,000 steps soon before Lunch.

I understand controlling: I've done way too much of that.  I guess it happens when you take a young mind and give it "Chutzpha".
(Chutzpha: Bravery that borders on rudeness)

I was raised a bit rough on the edges. 2nd generation Polish.
All 4 of my grand parents came from Poland near Warsaw.
I continue to become an American as I was directed to by my Busha. (Pronounced: Boo-shaaa = Grandmother).

"A bit rough' means that it came with hits, slaps, spankings, smacks, kicks, flying shoes (or what ever might be within throwing range at me), belts, lamp cords, coffee pot cords, wooden spoons, and other things that could be tossed or used, and I'm OK with that.  Most of all of the pain associated with the brutality is gone. 
Some of it was deserved, most not.  I still love my parents.
They did the best they could with me.  They helped make me Fearless.

Some scars remain on the surface and in my thoughts.
That is why I'm working thru the words and getting ready to walk with those thoughts until I can create a new history.
No Dr's orders, no shrink help ... self trouble shooting and a huge BELIEF that it will work.
I'm an advanced technician, I'm going to give it a great shot.
It is mine to do and I accept the responsibility and accountability to myself to accomplish. 


Hiking: I've got a few spreadsheets to adjust and adapt to my hike.

Sobo NY to VA = 721.0 Miles
Nobo NY to ME = 741.3 Miles
Sobo VA to GA = 729.7 Miles
Total from the 2019 data = 2192.0 Miles

Each now needs to be set up to give me a better idea of Mail Drops, End of the Day stays and Poison Ivy locations.  Things I have to consider.


I've finished the "Living the Dream" book and will be moving forward into a book that found me again:
"Finally Fit at 50" by G. Porter Freeman
A friend and mentor .... a great read!  I highly recommend it!
Actually, I think Porter is every ones friend. :)

I have a library of books to read before April on a lot of subjects.
The book of the day provides a perfect distraction from the treadmill screen as most books cover it completely.
They also help me loose 1 to 2 hours of clock watching.
Treadmills are boring.

I ponder as I saunter .... looking out the back window is a bird feeder so that I can have wildlife sightings as I walk too.
Mental breaks from reading while walking.

As for the books I've finished, I still will skim back thru each page and glean from it the pertinent gold nuggets of information that I know will assist my 170 day preparation.

Keeping it as simple as I can,
Keeping it as positive as I can and I keep moving forward, always forward.

~ Kindle.