Without getting deep into details, I love my wife Annette more than I love myself. Our discussions about this crazy excursion proved how much she loves me.... it came thru her chemo brain, unfiltered words. Some words hurt deeply and others enraged me.... I need to walk a long distance to figure out why I need to walk a long distance.
I love you Babe.... I'm thankful you deal with me straight and have a "NO BULLSHIT" rule that I can support.
I had a normal pain day....numb arms, left leg today and a deep lower back issue. Pain makes me behave more like an asshole than I can seem to control. One of the reasons I care to hike the A.T.Later in the day, I was better counseled by the book "appalachian trials" by Zach Davis.
![Appalachian Trials: The Psychological and Emotional Guide to Successfully Thru-Hiking The Appalachian Trail by [Davis, Zach]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41xofrlh4qL.jpg)
The book cover explains that it is: "a psychological and emotional guide to successfully thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail."
Doing the exercises and being honest with myself about the tougher questions I need answered.
"Seems that the best strategy to stave off separation anxiety is to do your best damn job to enjoy the trail as much as possible - your ultimate goal anyway." pg 47
Enjoy the trail as much as possible .... Ok.
Right now, I'm enjoying the process. The day was going to arrive where I started to dissect the data to produce an accurate plan so that I can begin to compute costs of how I desire to enjoy the trail.
Well, the process began on Saturday, October 19th, 2019 when I was given the OK to hike by my best friend, wife and life partner in sauntering.... I would be sauntering alone if I was to do it at all.
My son and daughter understand that I should not go though existence with the final thought that I did not attempt to accomplish a dream. If you have read my journal this far, you might have caught on that I'm a dreamer. Many of my dreams have materialized and I am a firm believer that many more will continue to materialize for me. I'm good at it and I work at it.
That A. T. "Seed" was a thought delivered to me by EM1 Scott Ensell while we both served on the USS KittyHawk. (circa: 1987)
A resurgence of this seed appeared when I worked an 11 year stint for Radford University, McConnell Library. The trail runs near this quaint hamlet and the Library I served had maps for about 300 miles of the "Virginia Blues".
Feeling that that was the time I should section hike, I did just that.
Starting with Campbell Shelter and the Pig Farm Campsite, McAfee knob drew me in deeper into considering a long term hike.
30 mile stretch from Dragons Tooth to Daleville, VA has felt my feet trod on it's surfaces and body did drink from it's springs.
Lightning dancing on ridges, downpours and deluges - drought and trail magic .... I got a taste. It was all good.
A few Trail Daze Events in Damascus, VA had me win a few prizes from Backpacker magazine. (Day backpack, Italian custom hiking shoes and widgets are the most memorable - all have been replaced).
I got to meet some of the Trail Journals hiking rock stars of the times too. All of these memories get me to this day in 2019, 19 years after I started that job for the Library, still no more accomplished a hiker than those days. Most of my gear needs updating.....if I would have not noticed, 19 years brings with it major advances in technology and weight / costs too.
I like my opportunities to walk in 2020 with a ultra light or hopefully hyper light setup.
But if nothing was to change but my personal body weight, I do believe I will never have to carry my fat ass up a hill heavier with a full pack than my personal body weight is today without one.
I can only believe.
The plan: Starting on Saturday, April 18th, 2020, I will leave the A.T. Train Stop and begin walking South to Roanoke, VA.
I placed it online and in my being.
As Jean Luc Piccard would say..... "Make it so."
Leg 1 of my Triple Frog, Cool Breeze Itinerary. NY to VA.
Leg 2 will see me at the very same starting point in NY going North to Maine and the final frog leg will be from Roanoke to Georgia before my 60th birthday and the 2020 Presidential Election.
Continuing a daily blog: so far so good.
Just registered my hike with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.
Here's the link: https://atcamp.org/index.cfm
Much to do, much to consider, much to allow.
Moving forward, always forward.
Kindle McG, and happy is he. :)
Trail Journals has a new writer: Me.