54 to 60 days to complete it.
I have to allow for changes in plans and much can happen along the journey.
Two more sections to plan. I hopefully can have that completed by this weekend and begin the process of calculating the costs and then rough in and solicit outside support and assistance.
Moving forward on a dream of mine.
Walking forward on a treadmill right now.
I've done some research of my past as I move forward.
Times, places, people .... google makes it easier. :)
Times, places, people .... google makes it easier. :)
I understand how life gets in the way with distant friendships.
Some pass, some dissolve, some re-kindle, some end.
So it is with me as well as I read a friends words, penned in a book.
I hear his voice in his words that I read.
Some pass, some dissolve, some re-kindle, some end.
So it is with me as well as I read a friends words, penned in a book.
I hear his voice in his words that I read.
the book: Finally fit at 50 by G. Porter Freeman.
"Inspiring Down-Home Advice for Transforming Your Body and LIFE"
Thru an unexplained series of events that brought him and I into the same space the first time was blessed by God.
"Inspiring Down-Home Advice for Transforming Your Body and LIFE"
Thru an unexplained series of events that brought him and I into the same space the first time was blessed by God.
We bonded shortly after our first handshake cuz the letter I handed to him to read briefly touched his soul. I got information from something outside of my self to present to him that day.
I did not understand WHY in the first place I was writing a letter to a man I never met before BUT it was so intensely required of me to pen the letter that morning. I could not quench the internal desire to drive a hundred miles to meet with him and others in a sweat smelling gym in a strip mall near Bristol, VA that day.
I was driving to work for the 1/2 day I scheduled to work before the drive to meet Mr. Porter Freeman.
For lack of a better understanding about that day, I received a nudge, while driving and listening to Mr. Jim Rohn on CD, going too work, I HAD to write the letter and quickly stopped at the neighborhood Food Lion grocery store to pick up a pad, pen and envelope. Jotted the thought out and sealed it. The nudge then ended. The coming events blew my mind.
It must have been a personal prayer of his that prompted why I had to write to him cuz the sound of it still seems crazy to me.
I don't have a copy since it was hand written on the fly.
I still get what I ask for.
One of my "Asks" many moons ago, was to be aware and be available to the source when ever asked to do so.
God hears you and grants you your requests. EVERY one.
The gist?
It ended up being an encouragement for him to continue, but it came from God thru me. How do I know? Porter told me so and he thanked me. We formed a friendship that day.
In the letter I penned words that he personally "verbally" shares with the Champions when he presents them their checks and jackets. No one knew that, including me, but God knew and Porter knew and he needed that transaction to occur that day. I was just the willing conduit. "Here am I Lord, send me" type of thing.
I have the memory of that day and can see the event in my minds eye from that moment he read the note and as he turned white and his knees buckled. I met a God ordained friend that day and I possess a book now of some of his best advice.
Sorry to bore you "the reader" with all of this "woo woo" twilight zone shit, but Porter's book now is helping me form the correct mental fortitude to complete ANYTHING I set my mind to accomplish. Right when I need it most.
Coincidentally some will say, but I know in my heart a different story. I use the word often: CoinciGodly.
I guess what comes around again needs some attention. I guess I needed to live and be part of a miracle to have it stick with me as being important to my future.
And so with that, I'll share the Chapter descriptions for MY inspiration. I seem to learn better when I type out the words I desire to incorporate into my life.
Part 1: Changing Your Mind
Forward: The way I see it...
Forward: The way I see it...
Chapter 1: We all look and feel about as good as we decide to.
Chapter 2: We're either in control or out of it: there's no middle ground.
Chapter 3: A bite of the bait ain't worth the pain of the hook.
Chapter 4: You can never lie to yourself and get away with it.
Chapter 2: We're either in control or out of it: there's no middle ground.
Chapter 3: A bite of the bait ain't worth the pain of the hook.
Chapter 4: You can never lie to yourself and get away with it.
Chapter 5: With faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.
Chapter 6: The difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole.
Chapter 7: You ain't never gonna find a diamond in a goats ass, so quit looking.
Part 2: Changing Your Body
Chapter 6: The difference between a rut and a grave is the depth of the hole.
Chapter 7: You ain't never gonna find a diamond in a goats ass, so quit looking.
Part 2: Changing Your Body
Chapter 8: You don't know where you're going if you don't know where you are.
Chapter 9: There are 4 steps everyone must take to escape the comfort of their misery.
Chapter 9: There are 4 steps everyone must take to escape the comfort of their misery.
Chapter 10: Being efficient isn't the same thing as being effective.
Chapter 11: There's no shame in reaching out for a helping hand.
Chapter 12: We wind up paying a high price for low-nutrient "value meals"
Chapter 13: Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.
Part 3: Staying The Course
Chapter 14: You've gotta want to change as much in hour two, day three and week four as you do right this second.
Chapter 15: If you can't go with someone as good as you, go alone.
Chapter 16: Don't try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig
Chapter 17: Insecurity and hate go hand in hand; don't hold hands with either of them.
Chapter 18: Every tragedy isn't avoidable; every day wasted is.
Chapter 19: If you are only going to do one exercise tomorrow, make it a walk with the Lord.
Chapter 20: When you say "No" today, you'll be able to say "Yes!" a thousand times in the future.
Chapter 21: A Road Less Traveled
The Last Word .....
We all have the power to change, and no one can take that away.
Chapter 11: There's no shame in reaching out for a helping hand.
Chapter 12: We wind up paying a high price for low-nutrient "value meals"
Chapter 13: Nothing tastes as good as being fit feels.
Part 3: Staying The Course
Chapter 14: You've gotta want to change as much in hour two, day three and week four as you do right this second.
Chapter 15: If you can't go with someone as good as you, go alone.
Chapter 16: Don't try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig
Chapter 17: Insecurity and hate go hand in hand; don't hold hands with either of them.
Chapter 18: Every tragedy isn't avoidable; every day wasted is.
Chapter 19: If you are only going to do one exercise tomorrow, make it a walk with the Lord.
Chapter 20: When you say "No" today, you'll be able to say "Yes!" a thousand times in the future.
Chapter 21: A Road Less Traveled
The Last Word .....
We all have the power to change, and no one can take that away.
If's by chance you see this: Be well my friend.
Happy 70th to you recently!
Happy 70th to you recently!
R.I.P. in case I did not get the memo as was the case for some of my other acquaintances from that time of my life.
Google immortalizes their words and images and life.
I do miss them.
I never could take consume the EAS line of products especially after Abbot Pharmaceuticals doctored the formulas. Hair loss and Cancer causing stuff need not be placed in Body Building nutrition.
But that is my curse. Paying attention to detail.
I stopped when chunks of hair fell out of my scalp.
Now, on to the word(s) of the day:
There seems to be no definition than their meanings.
Both fit into how I feel today. Woke up from a dead sleep angry.
Somehow, someway, I need to get it out of me. I'm the one who's supposed to be in control .... of me.
Choosing-to ....
There seems to be no definition than their meanings.
Both fit into how I feel today. Woke up from a dead sleep angry.
Somehow, someway, I need to get it out of me. I'm the one who's supposed to be in control .... of me.
Choosing-to ....
Having-to ....
These words today in study just brought to mind another friend who penned a book entitled: Heavenly Birth
Denise Taylor.
I've not read it..... yet.
I lived a portion of it with her as he shared to me and others while she was writing it.
I guess, as the other book appeared recently, I'll have more reading to do in my future.
But choosing to and having to was a big part of how she coped with her daughters long cycle death. I know the story and the end.
Universally, I've been coached and befriended by a legion of GREAT people. At ALL levels of society.
My travels have placed me in their lives and they in mine.
I sometimes have a hard time coping with knowing so many people, who like me, struggle with life and how the hand is dealt.
Staying motivated to continue among the shit show that life can sometimes become.
Possibly a book is what I need to pen to get it out of my head.
Time will reveal Source Energy's request of me.
I'm starting to listen cuz the woo woo just hit me.
I lived a portion of it with her as he shared to me and others while she was writing it.
I guess, as the other book appeared recently, I'll have more reading to do in my future.
But choosing to and having to was a big part of how she coped with her daughters long cycle death. I know the story and the end.
Universally, I've been coached and befriended by a legion of GREAT people. At ALL levels of society.
My travels have placed me in their lives and they in mine.
I sometimes have a hard time coping with knowing so many people, who like me, struggle with life and how the hand is dealt.
Staying motivated to continue among the shit show that life can sometimes become.
Possibly a book is what I need to pen to get it out of my head.
Time will reveal Source Energy's request of me.
I'm starting to listen cuz the woo woo just hit me.
Cue the T'light zone music: do,do,do,do do,do,do,do
Just noticed as I set up the link to Denise's book that it was launched 10 years ago to this day.
I'm saddened that it has been that long and longer since I hugged my friend.
Just noticed as I set up the link to Denise's book that it was launched 10 years ago to this day.
I'm saddened that it has been that long and longer since I hugged my friend.
Life sure has a way with cutting one's heart open.
Mine was sliced today with vivid memories that are sometimes suppressed. Grief is an odd emotion.
Mine was sliced today with vivid memories that are sometimes suppressed. Grief is an odd emotion.
I have the choice to choose how I move forward today as well as being present in every moment of each day. I don't Have-to, I Choose-to.
Some friends took the time to share their moments in print.
Wisdom still is out there if one knows how to find it.
Even dead people still speak on YouTube. Jim Rohn for one.
Jesus said we would be able to do His miracles and more, IF we believe we can.
Well, raising someone from the dead to share a recorded session is one way. It is a miracle those words are not lost to dust.
The real miracle is: will we listen?
I'm long past with being able to contact many of my past friends as their blogs and contact info has been compromised by web bots and web crawlers and hacks via time. Phone numbers change like the breeze with each new model of phone it seems. If I am meant to share air space again with them, it will be arranged by something larger than me. I'll get the memo when it happens for I believe.
Just some of the hazards of having an online presence and a Googled life.
I've been mostly "off line" and disconnected as my life continued on a downward spiral from pain and the personal wealth ill-effects that come from it. Separation does happen especially when one finds themselves homeless.
At least, for a moment of my time history, I was surrounded by GIANTS who shared from their hearts and for that I will forever be blessed to have known all of them. Placed in their midst, co-inci-Godly, I might add.
Moving forward....
~ Kindle
Some friends took the time to share their moments in print.
Wisdom still is out there if one knows how to find it.
Even dead people still speak on YouTube. Jim Rohn for one.
Jesus said we would be able to do His miracles and more, IF we believe we can.
Well, raising someone from the dead to share a recorded session is one way. It is a miracle those words are not lost to dust.
The real miracle is: will we listen?
I'm long past with being able to contact many of my past friends as their blogs and contact info has been compromised by web bots and web crawlers and hacks via time. Phone numbers change like the breeze with each new model of phone it seems. If I am meant to share air space again with them, it will be arranged by something larger than me. I'll get the memo when it happens for I believe.
Just some of the hazards of having an online presence and a Googled life.
I've been mostly "off line" and disconnected as my life continued on a downward spiral from pain and the personal wealth ill-effects that come from it. Separation does happen especially when one finds themselves homeless.
At least, for a moment of my time history, I was surrounded by GIANTS who shared from their hearts and for that I will forever be blessed to have known all of them. Placed in their midst, co-inci-Godly, I might add.
Moving forward....
~ Kindle