I'm near the end of parsing the data from the:
2019 Southbound A.T. Guide by David "Awol" Miller
for my personal use and for my "Sobo Nobo Sobo Hobo2" hike.
(and for the geeks that are following, here's a fact: by stating "Sobo Nobo Sobo Hobo2" - twice, I've satisfied my agreement.)
42 is the meaning of everything.
Yep: the answer to life, the universe, to everything.
It's not an answer I was looking for and not what I was expecting. It appeared.
I guess I need to have a better question then to receive a meaningful answer next time. lol :)
Anyone that works with data can appreciate ALL the work that goes into keeping those "trons" in a row. Thank you Awol. It may have taken over a dozen years since I first asked you for this at Trail Days when Lion King was visiting you that year, but I now have what I asked for. Thank you, YOU ROCK!!!Yep: the answer to life, the universe, to everything.
It's not an answer I was looking for and not what I was expecting. It appeared.
I guess I need to have a better question then to receive a meaningful answer next time. lol :)
I was inspired today during my 3 mile walk before breakfast.
"Be whom you seek to be, one moment, one breath, one step at a time" (found on page 166 of Living a Dream by Paralee Dawson)
Thank you friend.
I needed the best information I could find concerning the hazards of Pennsylvania's rocks and your book has explained it the best.
Daily entries of the pain. I have daily pain without hiking and can relate. My daily pain has been around for over 25 years now, I'm thinking that hiking the A.T. is not going to be a cure for it, BUT, I have a better "tool box" now (as I point to my head) that can fix some issues I can expect to encounter.
Seems the reviewers on A-Z missed her opening statement: "I don't claim to be a writer, just a dreamer who is living her dreams."
I too am just a Dreamer, learning to put my head in my hands.
(to create my dreams - thank you Roger Hodgson)
(to create my dreams - thank you Roger Hodgson)
Having shared some time with "Trapper Lee" in conversation, I continue to enjoy her writing. She is helping me immensely with my planning of starting just outside of Rocksillvania and also with separation from spouse by using Jedi mind tricks.
As I plan to HMOH and I can now better respect that others can HYOH .... & reviews are like farts. Some stink and others don't.
We all have to Bitch, Belch or Fart or else we will explode. I get it.
Moving forward, always forward:
Psychological wellness and feeding the body with correct nutrients (trons) that supports the mind, muscles and motion forward.
That's where I needed to start.
Psychological wellness and feeding the body with correct nutrients (trons) that supports the mind, muscles and motion forward.
That's where I needed to start.
Begin at the beginning.
What fuels my quest, journey and adventure.
Thoughts and Beliefs. Both needed to change.
So with that, I will begin a "To The Trail" countdown.
With that will be a 30 day or so "transition" from this blog and format to the Trail Journals I'll be sharing with the world which then will point back to these amusements in case others care to know what goes into the 6 months prior to.
Also, the last 30 or so days will be focused on the goal:
to be "On The Trail".
and I trust that at the end, I'll continue with "Off The Trail".
A triple set or Triad to form a forth idea I seek for my future.
Also, the last 30 or so days will be focused on the goal:
to be "On The Trail".
and I trust that at the end, I'll continue with "Off The Trail".
A triple set or Triad to form a forth idea I seek for my future.
(Triad: a Welsh form of literary composition with an arrangement of subjects or statements in groups of three.)
k ? I'm cool with it and that is all that matters.
Monday, I begin with blood work and a full annual physical.
I'll see were I'm at in my 59 year old body on the day that matters, my birth day. Not counting the leap days added to the Full Monty.
Monday, I begin with blood work and a full annual physical.
I'll see were I'm at in my 59 year old body on the day that matters, my birth day. Not counting the leap days added to the Full Monty.
By the 60th, I trust I will have completed the tasks for my goal.
More on all that tomorrow as I formulate a format.
Keeping it simple, keeping it positive and still moving forward.
~ Kindle
P.S. Some info I sought appeared - Kindle was my name long before November 2007 when A-Z created their app.
The Universe conspires to do me well and answers my requests. lol
More on all that tomorrow as I formulate a format.
Keeping it simple, keeping it positive and still moving forward.
~ Kindle
P.S. Some info I sought appeared - Kindle was my name long before November 2007 when A-Z created their app.
The Universe conspires to do me well and answers my requests. lol