Tuesday, December 3, 2019

On the edge of edges - Misguided Destruction

(Power) Responsible

  1. having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone, as part of one's job or role.

(Force) Guilty

  1. culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.


I'm thankful for our network engineer.
The House seems to be more secure than the Pentagon, lol.


Seems that those that are the kettle seem to complain when they are called out as being black too. Pots and pans aside, when you play with fire, getting burnt should be one of your scenarios to plan for.
I guess Casino owners that go bankrupt are pretty silly people.

I've lived on edges and I've taken others to edges as well.
At times when those moments for me happen, I think often of the Mel Gibson character in the original Lethal Weapon movie.
One scene in particular ....  Mel's character is a maverick cop and in one encounter requests to talk a guy off of a roof with an air bag below to catch him.  Mel talked little I can remember but made the guy jump ...  with him.   I can respect that.  Misguided Destruction.

Some clothes, boots & blankets have arrived.
The blankets are very light and will get lighter as I remove material from them to custom fit my sleeping system.
One day of seam ripping will be in store tomorrow as I rest from working on our antenna mast today.  I'm done with the physicality for a few, I need rest.

Just picked up a "new" Hennessy Jungle Expedition Hammock off of eBay for $106 even from someone a few towns over from here.
It had its main cord shortened and that is fine.  I was going to remove them anyways and go with a Carabiner and Whoopie Sling setup.
A hiker named Shug has great videos on how to use them.

None the less, today was 100 crunches, 60 modified push ups and some miles with several antenna mast lifts for testing.

I'm whooped.
Moving forward.

~ Kindle