Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Finding ones way going into 2020 - Following ones own advice

Words. Set #82 and counting down.

(Power) Eternal

  1. lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.

(Force) Temporal

  1. 1.
    relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular.

Merry, Happy Christmas!
I trust it is, what it is to and for you.
A few weeks ago, while walking on the treadmill and only listening to Pandora and watching the wildlife out the back window of the home, I clearly heard the "whew" that the artist (Roger Waters) expelled before starting the song "Mother" by Pink Floyd. 
I could feel the finality of his voice as he proceeded to sing his life.

I lived many of the parts of what he describes. 
My mother did intervene and interfere with my entire life but my teen life, a bit too much.  It was the 70's and she dressed me funny too.  I think I could finally pick my own clothes at age 17. 

Everything else was first Hand me Downs, then Goodwill and finally Ames, the major discount store in our area at the time.

One takes what they are given and school photos show the progression. :)

For Roger to reveal it in song must have been tough.  To repeat it and repeat it and repeat it in concert must have been tough as well.   Having it fill your coffers with gold ... must have made it easier.
I also think that way about James Taylor's "Fire and Rain".
He gets to relive a tragedy of his life over and over again.

I was in and around London in 1979 when the album "The Wall" was debuted.
Many a shipmate ventured there via train to witness the opening.
I had already visited London the weekend before and was going on a closer castle tour.
The mother ship (Boulder) was moored in Portsmouth, UK
I choose to venture alone.  Took an Air Ferry to the Isle close by.
I was on the Isle of Wight fulfilling a dream envisioned from a lyric in a song. 
I walked the cobblestone streets, I noticed rolling fields, cottages, quaint villages, pubs, sheep in the road with rock walls and castles.

"Every summer we can rent a cottage
In the Isle of Wight, if it's not too dear
We shall scrimp and save…"   thank you Sir Paul, the isle is a quaint place indeed and I'll return.

I smell a possible return in April or May (or best weather time between April and October) 2025.  
When I'm (and my best friend are) 64. :)

A lot there to share this Christmas morn.


The Wall:
Of course, several copies of the album were on the USS Boulder and many a shipmate and I were learning the songs by ear. 
Key of G for the most part made it easy.
Music always brought out the musicians stuck on a ship. 
The echo in the tank well deck on the Boulder served us.
I owned at the time a 1978 Hohner HG-12. 
A 12 String with a natural finish. I never mastered it but I did have masters play it and make it sound like I wish I could.

As for Floyd:

I honestly think the album got too much air play and for that reason, I still cannot stomach some of the songs.
It's all good as I've worked out my "wall" issues with my Mom.
We talk in a No B.S. language now.

I have needs to look up precise data on the following subjects -
*  Chiropractors near the trail  (Locations, Costs, Hours, Walk-in's allowed? ... etc)
*  Sunrise and Sunset for the journey attached to each day of my segments.
*  Monthly Ave Temps (at elevations) along my each day segments
*  Plot precise location data in our GPS for parking locations on the entire trail (Garmin Base Camp)
*  Daily financial walking needs by location and season.  Best guess: $3.50 a mile.  Pay self as U go.

Miles, locations, days, weeks, months, Leap-frogging to next start location(s) ... etc
Bounce boxes, mail drops, clothing choices and swaps with the seasons.

Still have new shoes to purchase and break in ... much to do.

Also, writing.
Should I tone down my language or be what flows? 
Advice I've gotten is to be self.  I'm beginning to agree.
What "self" do I desire to become? is the better question.
I trust it will happen as it will.

Following my own advice to get to where I desire to be as others cannot and should not be telling me where to go.  lol.

But as for younger eyes, should they be reading my blog to begin with?
I'm not venturing to speak to Grade Schools or below but if it happened, I would not turn down the gig.

This adventure "Could" be a spark for that age group in some ways.
Scouting ways, Life Growth ways, Survival ways, Dream building.

I guess I'll write a disclaimer in my "about" page on Trail Journals.
I'll think through my set up there and "allow" it to happen.

I'll keep hanging with the 5 that I choose as my mentors. 
I find their advice still meaningful.
Change them up from time to time as well as my adventure moves forward.

I've noticed that the hiking journals I gravitated towards seemed to be Veterans who were out venting.
Down Home Truth - Raw - Little Filtering - No B.S. kinds of information.  No Candy Coating.  I believe I can do that candidly and without pool room/wharf/speak easy/navy language.

It seems that the military does that to some of us if not most of us.
We have this ability to get to the point of "Irkness" that will get ones attention quickly.  Even with our choices of words.
I just forget to stop being "Irky" some times which then becomes assholiest annoying until change happens.
Within me or outside of me, change does always happen.
Sometimes in my favor, sometimes not.  It's calculated.

Example from my past work lives:
I've worked for 3 (Three) different States with their rules and also with our Federal Gov. with it's paperwork to get things accomplished on grand scales.  Corporate, Education, Penal, Administration and Justice departments.

One incident:
Reading the MSDS and the "proper" handling of chemicals in an around the workplace (which is a personal employee responsibility), it would not take me long to see that storage and mis-handling of common workplace compounds would be an issue.  Happened everywhere I worked.  No blame or care as to why or how it happens, it just does.

What is one to do "IF" they have been trained to safely contain and handle air propellants and solvents?  

Complain? Bitch? Point it out?
 or do as I do.    

I forced accountability and responsibility by leading.

I placed a purchase request for a office flammable stowage locker.
That brought attention to an issue I felt was an issue to the top people who sign off on expensive purchases. 
Questions are asked from higher than my boss sometimes.  Explanations can be given.  State, City, Entity Fire Code.
I had a technical need to have a locker so it was a valid purchase.   

Next thing I know, inspections of the building and office spaces happens.  Oddly, infractions are found and I'm not sure why as my locker shows up and my office/shop space clears the State Mandated inspection of the building.  

My "new job" inventory of propellants (that disappeared from my office space before I arrived there to take over the position) came back to me.
By the time it did, my office space/shop could be in State compliance.  

I'm glad that "systems" move slowly sometimes.
Didn't even have to bring it up in a meeting with the group that needed to conform.  In this case, a building and several buildings on campus "updated" themselves to State Law.  I led the way.

I just read a few books about my new job position. 
Each State book raised more questions and lead to solutions in print that could possibly back me if needed at the State Institution I found myself employed by.

Kept reading past the indoctrination smudge printed "guidelines" that were handed out by the HR department and the references they desired for me to read.
Once I was backed by print, I could then "introduce" my superiors to some of their mis-understandings of the rules that were being violated that "they" (the royal they) are signing off on as being understood.  Change then happens rather rapidly.  Usually before the next eval cycle.

Yes, this does place one in a precarious situation(s). 
I'm fairly skilled at causing grand scale movement but now I have no "Bigger" movements to cause and effect ... which is good. 

I'll just walk till I turn 60 years old and figure it out.
Working to arrive on Springer Mtn 10/28/20.
Possibly I'll have an answer to the question:
What I'll be when I grow up ... finally I hope.  lol

Yes, it's been a long road from the times I've considered cashing it all in because of teen age confusion.  Having been in a good wreck and bounced my head around the cab of a F-150 with the multiple Evel Knievel bike, mini-bike, sledding, tree falling adventures and was still recovering I'm told.  At least it was admitted that I was coddled (mothered) to some point past the point of coddling.

Finding my way by the only way I knew I could trust ... Library's and Books.

Anything I've desired to do, someone else has most likely done.
Find their book(s) and read.

Then I do it and write the book along the way.
Possibly that is what is happening to me.  Following my Bliss.

And my closing this Christmas as I observed some of it close up:
Christmas does soften hearts.  I get that.
I just have an issue with the motives and how it is used.

If it's pro-Love then I'm cool with it.
If it's pro-Jesus junk, then I'm ... I'm ... allowing it to be what others need in their lives. Cash On Brothers, is all I can say! 

I understand that Jesus hung out and hung with sinners, 

or so I've read.  
I guess Him and I had a lot in common before age 32.  :)

Today's Christmas raises the balance sheets of business and industry.  America says Christmas again.  Give Trump a Thumb up Whoop!  

I'm enjoying my coffee and I'll just keep doing what I've been doing.  Crunches before coffee and a few miles during the day.
Reading the "Nitty Gritty Details" today and setting up my plan.

I'll soon find out what comes from my effort, @112 days from now when I set foot on the landing at the A.T. Train stop to read the bulletin board for any pertinent bear or storm data, going South.

That is all I have control over, so that is all my concern, as my web form letters to Mitch and Rand do matter little.  

I see no concern in their eyes just $$$ signs and a job they hate.  

The U.S. will be resolute in history and it is a bummer that I most likely will not be around 50 years from now if they seal the data to see what they hid.

I, like Colbert, will be eating good vegetables to see if I can make it that long ... 120 seems to be a good age to cash it all in.  :)
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Make it so!

~ Kindle

A shot from our 360 degree, Mast Camera.
Yesterday's sunset (still, the real looked much better) and today's view of across the way to the South.

I'm glad it's working, no I just have to do cable management before the next storm.  I've a few days before bringing it all down for the last time this season, hopefully.