Sunday, December 1, 2019

33 days and a fail -You Can Do What You Want


(11/30 #107) Admitting
gerund or present participle: admitting
  1. 1.
    confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.

(12/01 #106) Defending
  1. 1.
    resisting an attack made on someone or something; protecting from harm or danger.


11/30 Denying
gerund or present participle: denying
  1. 1.
    state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.

12/01 Attacking
  1. 1.
    launching or engaging in a military or violent physical attack.

Made it 33 days before I missed to post.  Got too busy enjoying the day.  6 miles felt normal.  100 crunches the same.
Family visiting from WAY out of town.  A Great Day!
Today is a break day.  Stretches only.

Writing streak ended and there's a part that hurts from the failure. 
I did not like doubling up the words today.
It felt wrong to double up to stay on my imposed schedule so that should not happen again.  Still 105 days until I switch over to Trail Journals from this Blogger feed.

You can do what you want .... Cat Stevens sang to me the other day.
I know "they" use it too much in advertising these days but it still is a very meaningful song.  

You can make it all true
And you can make it undo
You see, ah ah ah
It's easy, ah ah ah
You only need to know  

Black Friday was a $200 savings day. 
Outfitted myself with all the clothing layers I'll need and a set of boots for "Rocksilvania".  Free shipping / Free returns if needed.

I also managed to skim $500 off of my 3 quilt system for my hammock that I've not purchased yet.
Seems the quilt setup made with down feathers was pricing out at close to $600.  I love the weight and loft of down, but if it gets wet ... that is a feeling I did not want to experience again.  I had a down sleeping bag as a kid and woke up in a tent puddle during a rain storm once.  Miserable next day too.

So, a quick search later and others agree with me that a poly fill will work just as well and can be wrung out if needed.
Seems there are DIY plans for taking 2 of the quilts I purchased for under $100 total and re-constructing them to serve as under quilt, over quilt with foot box and then a light "Eddie Bower" quilt for spring/summer. 
Seam ripping, moving material within and re-sewing with trim.

Blue Ridge ACTIV Packable Down Throw, 2 Pack.

The link goes to Costco because that was the DIY recommendation. I do not shop there so it was cheaper for me to find it on eBay for $20 more than Costco but $50 cheaper than a membership.
I still ended up with 3 quilts for under $100. 

I'll have a custom setup that I can then purpose for my body heat needs and comfort.   It will take me a bit to get used to but my system will allow for daily changes in warmth needs.
Shoulders, Kidneys and Feet will be warm, always.
Snug for sure.

Thinking of using that project as a YouTube film to see if I care to edit video with my iphone, ipad or mac mini cube.

I've some days to think about it as I need to set up a sewing machine first.  With 4 in the home now, one of them should work.

Well, football is calling ... I have a few honey dew's to perform.
Willingly of course. :)

Moving forward,
