Friday, December 6, 2019

Humble Pie - Words 101

Words.  Set #101 of 140 counting down
(Power) Considerate
  1. careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.

(Force) Indulgent
  1. having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone.


Each year during the holiday season, (Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Years) my best friend and I get to witness first hand those in our area that are handling a similar but so different type of existence than us. 

Similar in the fact that we too lived a season of holidays engaged in hope when cancer was then a part of our lives during the holidays.

As of yesterday and we trust going forward, cancer is not a part of our personal holidays but the follow ups are annual for a couple of more years.  Which brings me to admitting humbly that I forgot how it was just a few short years ago.

Walking from the parking garage we were quickly in the presence of families, couples and individuals of all ages handling life the best that they can THIS Holiday Season.   Between the UK Markey Cancer Center, the UK Hospital and UK Children's Hospital and the Shriner's Hospital right in the same location, one does not need to look far to realize they are not in Kansas anymore Toto.

Winds of change affect us all but watching children (or anyone for that matter) directly suffer affects me harshly. Seeing it in their eyes and on their faces.  That is why I am not an EMT or a Nurse.

I did assist a lady in a wheelchair get to the non-smoking "smoking" area near the cancer center.  I was going to my car to set the parking pass in my windshield and she was struggling to get her wheel chair up past a rise in the pavement. So I stopped, went out of the way to wheel her to the destination I've watched many stand or sit and suck on their cigarettes.  Just out of chemo many of them and dying from the very thing that controls them still.

Mine was not to judge, I just assisted another.  I also wished her the best in her treatments and shared that I understood somewhat as my wife spent many weeks going thru the chemo.  And we parted ways.  Chances are that I'll never see the woman again.  That does not mean she had not impacted my life yesterday through our conversation and little interaction.  
I did not even ask her name.  That is my fault and I'll look to interact better with others in the future.  But yesterday, I didn't need to, I looked into her eyes once as we spoke. 
She smiled gratitude for the assistance.  She hid a little shame for knowing she was about to break the rules of the campus and apologized to me.  I told her it was not mine to judge and I delivered her safely to the destination.

I weep for others sometimes too and many of their faces blend into one, human kind.

Hiking/Workout note:

Wow, 101 days before I begin my month of setup before the hike.
I have much that needs to get accomplished in the next 100 days.
As for today, it is just the list for today.
Crunches done, coffee is being enjoyed. 

My walk yesterday was after dark but the treadmill is inside thankfully.  I'll be getting in my walk this morning to move on to other tasks that need to be completed.  Two days in a row going to the metropolis has delayed a few things around here that need to get accomplished.  Budget update for the month, a new network switch arrived and I have needs to get it up and running today as well and last but not least, the new hike clothes need their initial wash.

I decided to forego the UA cargo pants and I'll wear Duluth Trading Convertible cargo pants.  Pant legs that zip off.  They felt perfect on my skin.  Inseam of 30" and they still are long.  I must have shrunk or the pants might when washed.  If not, I'll hem them.

Now it's on to find the perfect belt for the hike.
Web or Rope?  not sure yet.

Keeping it short today, much to do and process.
Moving forward,
~ Kindle.