(Power) Encouraging
- giving someone support or confidence; supportive.
(Force) Promoting
gerund or present participle: promoting
- 1.further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively encourage.
Back a bit I shared the 5 keys to a dream test ... or something along those lines.
I've had no problem with the first 4 but the 5th did place me into a pondering mood.
For refresher (to self) accurately it was:
5 Point Dream Test
(One must want to have a strong "YES" to all of these questions.)
1) Does it give you life?
2) Does it align with your core values?
3) Does it cause you to grow?
4) Do you need help from a Higher Power?
5) Is there some good in your dream for others?
I thought I finally got to a strong "YES" for number 5 but it could appear to just be promotion.
My dream is to hike the entire length of the A.T. in 3 sections for hopefully the best seasons of all 3. Modified Cool Breeze Itinerary.
It's located on the A.T.'s Flip Flop web page.
While walking yesterday, I was desiring to bring awareness to something besides myself when on this journey.
Wise hikers before me offered a tip to Pre-create business cards that have a message of "why" I'm doing it and point to the trail journals web site.
In this day and age, I'll just have a label on my pack with a link and "Scan Cube". :)
But seriously, I have my physical, spiritual and intellectual reasons for hiking the trail. Each reason affects me differently each day now and self motivation keeps me driven. But when it comes down to a single "why" I'm walking, my overall Health rises to the top.
A friend of my past has done well for her cause:
If Everyone Cares was her dream and I noticed the other day she was awarded space on the UK Points of Light web page sponsored by 10 Downing Street.
It's people and "world view" friends like Jaki that inspire me to do more with my life.
Possibly I'll find a personal larger cause than myself before too long. If not, pointing others away from me and onto a larger entity that is established might be an option.
When hiking, I'll have that luxury of keeping my body fueled during the day because I believe all hikers dream of food and not too many things taste nasty during or at the end of a day.
As it is often spoken in the woods when the 5 second rule does not apply, "God made dirt and dirt is GOOD!" :)
GORP and snacks will be normal but right now, I'm dropping weight fairly quickly and I need to do that intelligently.
Time for me to dial in my protein intake for sure.
I like brown rice so I'll continue with that in my life.
More fruits and veggies.
Quinoa is great but I've needs to find good recipes as I begin to prepare my "camp chef's" spice rack.
I tried it bland.
It is palatable to me but only if that was a last resort.
Fresh fruits and veggies on the trail are going to be a luxury in town as they have too much odor and weight for me to carry in the woods. At least that is my thinking now as I sit at home. It might change when I hike since having a GREAT first meal out of town makes it worth carrying the extra weight that day. That is what I understand at least from my very distant memory of that kind of exhaustion.
Challenge is: most every trip into and out of towns along the trail generally always are DOWN into and UP out of.
It's the UP OUT OF with an over filled pack that makes it worth it. Or so I'm told.
I remember being too tired from the town or life's temptations of pizza (carbs, phlegm causing cheese & dark shade tomatoes - increased inflammation) and Guinness (liquid carbs) my nectar of life choice. My international beer, not a Zero alcohol skunk beer.
As the radio commercial states: "Now you Can have beer breath in the morning meeting and no one will ever know you are still blitz from the previous evening. You go future leader!"
(I might have made that last part up)
Or the TV commercial (I now have to watch commercials in real time for the most part) in which the driver is pulled over for drinking but he proudly points to the "Zero Alcohol" on the bottle as the police man walks away. A shithead thing to do.
I do not understand the times at times.
Here's the truth I can remember just from how I've eaten in my past and understood the messages from the A.T. videos, DVD's, YouTubes and Books:
Towns temptations & pizza delivery on the trail will consume a hiker if they allow for it to happen to them.
More Examples and Warnings. Aloha.
Just like life and the good book. Examples and Warnings.
Last 6000 years: Opportunity mixed with Difficulty.
Most people think that “Aloha” is a word that means both hello and goodbye. ... It is true that in Hawaiian we say “Aloha” both when greeting someone and also saying goodbye. But that is not to be taken literally. The real meaning of Aloha in Hawaiian is that of Love, Peace, and Compassion.
The newest base level for me, Aloha and Mahalo.
[a note: I am learning the Hawaiian language. Long story, not here.]
This is how I desire to start my new existence on this planet of ours on my 60th birthday on the Summit of Springer Mountain in GA.
Pondering while I saunter,
Walking Through Forests.
If life can swing it, and at this point, the smallest of dreams are equal with the largest of dreams ... I'll continue to dream BIG.
I would desire to spend mele Kalikimaka 2020 somewhere, with my wife, on a white sandy beach.
As Bruddah IZ sings that song.
(Israel Kamakawiwoʻole)
We'll have new plans to make about that time.
I know it can happen.
All it takes is faith and belief.
Hindsight to Foresight.
Another transition.
Hiking:With my daily walking and mat work becoming a body requirement now, I'm convinced that my "inner furnace" is burning.
100 crunches and 60 modified push ups this morning before coffee.
I tried out some tactical hiking boots yesterday and they hurt too much to lace up. I tried 3 different boot lacing techniques to get a good fit but I was not that pleased with how much my feet would have to conform to the shoe instead of the other way around.
Free returns are a blessing.
Other than that, today is filled with going into the larger metropolis and handle some business. I dislike crowds and this particular time of year. Too much going on for my liking.
Watching the commercialism play with the subjects enticed by it's spectacle is hard for me to observe.
Bugs and piss ants, they all have their purpose.
Time to practice the "Power" techniques of having an ever flowing shower of protection around my aura. Not sure which color I desire to use today but with a rainbow available, I might try them all on.
As for today: "The world and I, we are still waiting, still hesitating ... Any Dream Will Do."
Moving forward,
~ Kindle