Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Core work is paying off

(Power) Modest

  1. 1.
    unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements.

(Force) Haughty
  1. arrogantly superior and disdainful.


My 100 daily crunch work for my core is paying off.
My lower back is sore but not locked up this morning.
I'll get in some miles as well this morning to keep my body moving in the correct direction. Stairs were taken one at a time down this morning.  Legs need some stretching. lol

Push ups were tough as my upper body took a beating from the cable and tower work. Still got in 60 modified yesterday.

The tower lifts yesterday (several total) let me know that I'm capable to do some heavier lifts now.  Still all "Snap, Crackle and Pop" in the spine but the muscles are taking shape to hold me in shape longer.
Tweaks of major pain happen.  I stop when they do.

Here's a pic with the nice sunrise beginning in the
background today.  Red sky in morning - rain forecast today.
Antenna, Weather Whirlygig and POE (360 degree) camera in the air and mostly working.

I have some cable to trim, full certification testing to do and I need to add cable strain reliefs (drip loops) once they arrive.

I'm very glad the tower is light.  Aluminum is da bomb!


Gear is still arriving.  Mostly clothes from UnderArmor and a few pair of convertible cargo pants from Duluth Trading.
I most likely will be choosing my backpack system this weekend as well and I have tons of data to crunch as I continue to figure out my mail drops and rest stops on the trail.
All subject to change for sure.

Moving forward,
~ Kindle