Saturday, December 14, 2019

Love Requires Sacrifice ... Always.

Words. Set #93 counting down

(Power) Loyal
  1. giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.

(Force) Chauvinistic
  1. feeling or displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
    • displaying excessive or prejudiced support for one's own cause, group, or sex.

Just watched the Army/Navy Game.
It's a big deal for loyalists.
Philadelphia has many moments of memory for me as I worked there for 2.5 years.  Now the Ship I'm shaking out of my head is awaiting to be scrapped there.  I might pass by and wave adieu.
Only when passing thru, not stopping for long if at all.
I'm still processing what I can and cannot share that might help me.
I left off at Damage Control and so far there is too much to handle and I desire to keep a smile on my face for a while during these holidays, so I'll have to set aside some time to get it out.


Been drawn to look at the: Choose Love Movement  concerning victims of the Sandy Hook tragedy. It was on tonight's news after the game.
School shootings and children's development seem to be a concern of mine for some reason.  

The quote I used as a title came from a Movie with Alan Alda starting as a co-star. I'm at a blank to look it up on IMBD but as a life saying, I keep it close.  Love does require sacrifice, always.

Trying to keep my life vibrating at a Log of 200 which is Courage.

Courage is two levels above Anger and I'm traveling thru Pride right now to get to courage.
Above me will be the levels of Neutrality, Willingness, Acceptance and on to Reason.
Beyond will be Love, Joy, Peace and if I care to go, Enlightenment.

That is not to say that Desire, Fear, Grief, Apathy, Guilt or Shame might not happen again in my life, I just am not choosing to dwell there. 

Speaking of Dwell, that is the name of the non-THC - CBD product grown under the KY Proud label.  I get a 50% Military discount so that helps as the stuff is a bit pricey but it does work.  

1/2 gummy drop works for me.
I share the other half with my other half and no complaints from her that I've noticed.

Hiking Gear:
Tarp kit was shipped out the other day so I'm getting ready and setting up my winter sewing sweat shop.  I want to have the kit put together hopefully by the first of the year.

My Kelty Reflective line appeared today.  I'm staying with Orange and Blue as my color choices mostly for lines and gear in homage to Attica High School.   I should have no problem quickly identifying my gear.    I'm loving the non-weight of it all.  This is turning out to be a dream.

I'll be resting thru 2 Guinness and 3 football games tomorrow.
I need to ice up my lower back for a day.  I choose tomorrow. :)

Moving Forward ....
~ Kindle