(Power) Polite
- having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people.
(Force) Obsequious
- obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.
Has anyone watched the movie, The Shift by Dr. Wayne Dyer (deceased)?
The movie at first had a different title at premiere and then the title was changed to "The Shift" a few weeks into it's release.
A time of awareness in one's life when they understand that they are not alone on this planet.
They then can go from "Ambition to Meaning" in THEIR life.
Interesting concepts for sure.
Going from self serve to people serve.
I'm about to do the same as
I was accepted as a video blogger on The Trek ???!!!!! ....
.... now I have to read thru the ROE ("rules of engagement") and see if this truly is something I desire to do for them and myself for others. They have a team that will help me as well.
Taking it like an oath of office kind of thing .... for how we do anything is how we do everything that is evident in our lives .... each of us telegraph our intentions .... others can receive and see our "fruit" from our intentions. Being an ambassador for the trail.
While the methods of (investing/hiking) that are described in this (text or video) are described as being effective, there is no guarantee that the method will be (profitable/successful) in specific applications, owing to the risk that is always inherent in any (investment/hike).
Thus, neither the publisher or the presenter will assume liability for any (losses or death) that may be sustained by use of the methods described in this (text or video), and any such liability is hereby expressly disclaimed.
I'll now be polite and say that the U.S. had a "shift" the other day.
I profited from it.
That was nice for a change.
It was my new job to take what was freely telegraphed and presented to be taken ... and smile. Thanks Donny.
It's easier if you have been abused by those types ... you can see it coming.
It did.
Self Serving, Narcissistic Bastards and Spineless Weasels in office. Except Mitt. He's Mor-Man today than he was a few back.
Right hand in the air, swear to God with hand on a Bible ....
Seems there was not enough osmosis to get from the pages into their crawling skin and have an affect on their morals ... the Grand Ol Party they are ... whoop it up guys and gals ... the white wash hopefully will be coming in the next election wash cycle and more color will appear across the isle from da Dems in those seats.
Thanks for letting us decide BOOMERS.
I dislike the older ones in MY generation.
I'm on the tail end of that World War 1 baby explosion ... like the last few years of it .... the basketball in the garden hose still dictates how we are doing things badly in this country .... jacked up on Pharms, the old folks are not making valid, solid decisions and it does piss me off .... but ... there is nothing more than I can do except get jailed for crapping on Mitch's desk in D.C.
Give him what he gives us ... schitt and promises.
I write to him as he is my representative but I get the same stock reply that, I don't understand how it really works and he does.
Sad. Words do not matter anymore. Make up any definition you care to use to validate a belief ... and the belief continues.
Others follow smart people and some follow reality douche-bags on T.V. that made it to highest office.
Their Golden Boy will be sticking it to them as they desire and don't see it happening ... accepting his shit as gold.
Sheep to the slaughter ... Cows are stupid till death as well and will look you straight in the eyes when you pull the trigger ... 1984 ... take the pills and watch the tube ... enjoy your existence.
I'll just change the game for my liking ... within the rules ... like I do .... thanks for letting me into the worlds banking system, is all I can say.
Time to meditate, do crunches and have coffee ...
Four major changes in my life direction on one day when the U.S. of A. fucked itself by letting a man with twisted ideas control them.
No one controls another ... unless they desire to be controlled.
A sad day for sure and one that can allow anger to make change within ... instead of spouting in a blog.
A Shift occurred in my life.
I have a clearer meaning to my past ambitions ... global scale.
Thank you "The Trek" for the offer of being one of your Appalachian Trail Ambassadors this year and possibly of the other Long Trails in our land.
Time to read the new rules for my office accepted by application ... I'll take the High Road and learn what the job entails so that I can perform as required .... responsibly and held to my accountability of character(s) ... for those caring enough to follow my journey.
Moving Forward,
~ Kindle
(I enjoy tending sparks to flames) ;)