(Power) Sharing
gerund or present participle: sharing
- have a portion of (something) with another or others.
gerund or present participle: hoarding
- amass (money or valued objects) and hide or store away.
God Loves a gracious giver ..... It's better to give than to receive ....Hmmm...... sounds like it is all geared towards another receiving ...
No wonder religion uses sayings like those .... It's Sunday and it's weekly profit day! Share the coffers with the Priest.
(For who is it better for?) The receiver .... if they are telling you it is better for you .... Snakes in human form near knowledge trees .... and it's easier to disguise if all the other humans are using the same book that they can twist $$$ out of people with in the name of God and his words. I wish them well ... I really do.
Just sharing ... don't bite me if that is not for you .... I'm just sharing as it is not right or wrong to think this way ... it's just my way.
Freedom of speech and religion ... we each have a Source that keeps us breathing and our hearts beating ... choose your invisible friend .... I served for my freedoms and yours too.
So, my team informs me that I'm not a good candidate for the Trek.
It could prove to be something that I could end up loathing since I'm giving up my words, pictures, videos and likeness to the entity.Time involved to to be on a "schedule" of sorts with deadlines .... weekly input is expected but to keep things safe for me, I have to make sure that I'm not giving up where I might be specifically.
Legal & safety stuff in this day and age of social media and haters.
There is no guarantee I would not end up on Face Space ... deal breaker? For me it very well could be.
I have a few days to mull it all over .... as Penny Grateful told me ... It's my decision after all.
It actually was a job in the Navy to be a Keggler.
The only obstacle?
Qualifying at your command in an ABC sanctioned league.
and then I would have to travel the world bowling ... I had a young family at the time .... it would not have worked but it was a dream.
At the time, I was stationed in Philly. Bowling was an outlet for me as I could crush something with a ball that would allow me to crush it again ... Maple, Plastic coated pins of 3 pounds 6 ounce weight.
10 in the shape of a triangle.
The two times I was sequestered to live in Great Mistakes, Illinois ... the qualifying lanes were there and I was privy to watch a qualifying tournament while attending advanced schooling one week .... and I was rolling 200's when I was not studying .... I thought I had something.
I read the qualifying rules and I tried to apply them.
The lanes in Philly were warped and had waves in them.
The place had a flood once and the wood heaved on some lanes.
Almost like an earthquake moves the earth if you have ever had the experience of seeing our molten planet heave before your eyes in a wave of land coming at you in a tremor.
Needless to say, it was difficult for me to maintain a 193 bowling average to apply for the Navy Team. The lanes do matter.
They should not have even been ABC Sanction approved.
So a dream was killed one season ... I still have the dream of rolling a 300 in league play AFTER the trail and getting a Ring.

To make sure that it really was not me but the lanes, Penny and I took a trip out to Atlantic City to roll at the Lanes Professional Bowler Icon, Dick Weber built and maintained.
I rolled a 202, 226, and a 243 that evening as the lanes were beautiful! Spot on beautiful!
and then we gave $50 to the casinos.
I did not make the Navy Team ... could not qualify ... it would have been the only thing that would have kept me in for 4 more years back in 1990 .... looking back now ... the lanes were slated for demo in 1996 or there after ... it must have been known and was the reason the lanes were allowed to be sanctioned for the troops .... it was also to be that way for my life's time continuum.
God also used another event to seal the deal too ... a 100 year flood in Deleware and we lived in a basement apartment at the time.
July 5th, 1989 if ya care to Google it for Claymont, DE.
The link in the date goes to the Federal study PDF for that event.
My bowling equipment went into a dumpster with many of our family heirlooms and personal other possessions while we cataloged the loss for FEMA to get a 4% loan to rebuild our lives.
I understand the bottom .... hit it a few times pretty hard along my life paths. Young family ... one in Kindergarten and the other in diapers. Tough decisions when home and auto get destroyed by things outside of our control .... changes our directions ...
Opportunity mixed with Difficulty .... Human History.
Laser lights and funny graphics on the TV's that kept the scores ....
Smoke machines and colors flashing like an arcade atmosphere ... recreation play room for the students.
Well, that is not how I understood the position was going to be when I signed on so I still gave them my one year from our employment handshake day and at my one year review I gave my 2 week notice and was walked out that same day.
Hiking: God also used another event to seal the deal too ... a 100 year flood in Deleware and we lived in a basement apartment at the time.
July 5th, 1989 if ya care to Google it for Claymont, DE.
The link in the date goes to the Federal study PDF for that event.
My bowling equipment went into a dumpster with many of our family heirlooms and personal other possessions while we cataloged the loss for FEMA to get a 4% loan to rebuild our lives.
I understand the bottom .... hit it a few times pretty hard along my life paths. Young family ... one in Kindergarten and the other in diapers. Tough decisions when home and auto get destroyed by things outside of our control .... changes our directions ...
Opportunity mixed with Difficulty .... Human History.
So my future still has bowling a part of my life as it was the day when I rolled in a Kids league at age 11.
I always wondered how the machines worked ... those were AMF pinsetters with the Wheel of Death that set the pins in place for the next frame.
At age 51, I was in charge of 8 lanes for one year ... GSX Brunswick for a University College Team.
And I was NOT allowed to "create" lane conditions for their practices as the University wanted to keep the costs low and just put a oil finish that is standard for public scoring .... keeping the game easier for the masses instead of the aspiring pros.
I always wondered how the machines worked ... those were AMF pinsetters with the Wheel of Death that set the pins in place for the next frame.
At age 51, I was in charge of 8 lanes for one year ... GSX Brunswick for a University College Team.
And I was NOT allowed to "create" lane conditions for their practices as the University wanted to keep the costs low and just put a oil finish that is standard for public scoring .... keeping the game easier for the masses instead of the aspiring pros.
Laser lights and funny graphics on the TV's that kept the scores ....
Smoke machines and colors flashing like an arcade atmosphere ... recreation play room for the students.
Well, that is not how I understood the position was going to be when I signed on so I still gave them my one year from our employment handshake day and at my one year review I gave my 2 week notice and was walked out that same day.
I was not going to be allowed to set up collegiate level lanes to host a tournament within the next couple of years so I told them they can hire a monkey to retrieve stuck balls at $11 an hour part time.
I know more now than I did as an 11 year old ... I'm a certified Lane Technician and the place I desire to roll near my home here has 12 lanes of the same type I am qualified to work on .... I might get my ring after all in my future.
Might be at age 61, 50 years after I created a dream at age 11 as it took 40 years exactly for me to achieve pin setter technician. lol.
I know more now than I did as an 11 year old ... I'm a certified Lane Technician and the place I desire to roll near my home here has 12 lanes of the same type I am qualified to work on .... I might get my ring after all in my future.
Might be at age 61, 50 years after I created a dream at age 11 as it took 40 years exactly for me to achieve pin setter technician. lol.
My arms, hands, shoulder and legs need to perform better if I'm to have a shot at 12 strikes in a row. I'll keep the dream alive and I trust my body will help me achieve it in the future.
As it is.
As it is.
Changing EVERYTHING as nothing was coming together ....
Two start dates that are being considered:
I start on April 15th near Marion, VA waking North to Katahdin,
I start on May 3rd in Daleville, VA walking North to Katahdin.
Flip Flop now.
It has to be.
Works best for everyone that is close to me and my safety.
Come back to Daleville or Marion in the fall and walk to Springer.
Philly will still happen as it is a short bus ride and one day in town.
I can handle that on a Zero or Two when I get closer.
Last but not least, my hoarding for my time capsule is getting smaller and smaller as I uncover my layers of onion called schitt.
Piles are being set for their importance in my future ....
Yes, No, Maybe ... burn the Brunswick manuals cuz they are now free PDF's.
Time to make the pile smaller again.
...... And All Was Well.
Moving forward,
~ Kindle