(Power) Spiritual
- 1.relating to or affecting the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
- excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented.
Feb 1975I was 14.
Snowy Owl I asked for (from a friends album cover) flew to me one day as I was riding to scouts ... it was beauty I witnessed.
I'm not sure of the day but I do remember it swooping down to land on top of a telephone pole ... looked just like the Rush Album Cover .... that is why I purchased that album.
The snowy owl is the symbol of endurance. It represents big dreams along with the ability to achieve them.
It is the sign of new beginnings and moving forward with all might.
Other than that, it tells us about psychic ability, illumination, support, inner knowing, sacrifice, family, clarity, and legacy.
As for my Red Tailed Hawk ... I shared that Birthday Story back when I could barely walk and needed a wildlife sighting ... back then the Red Tailed Hawk .... Failed getting the squirrel ... Today, it circled above my family as 3 were leaving for one to travel by plane ... I was clearing my Schitt still ... I can see the floor and hopefully will have it all done tomorrow, wall included.
Seneca Tribal Elder ... friend of mine ... noticed I get along with nature very well.
Having all three look me in the eyes, Snowy Owl, Eagle and Red Tail Hawk ... the Hawk is my Favorite and came to me on my Birthday ... that sealed the deal for me.
Don't get me wrong, the eagle was cool and was viewed while Penny and I were leaving NYS where the Thruway cuts across tribal land ... that made that sighting special .... it sealed a decision for us to move back to NYS for her Mother when the time was due.
Atoms are smaller than DNA oddly enough.
We all are atoms ... not adams. :(
I'll begin to play with what I know can be played with.
Work with what I understand.
Harmonic Balance with the World ... I have to start there.
Small steps but with better tools now since Valentines Day 2020.
My heart opened up a bit ... thanks World Collective and Mike F.
Your songs help.
As for hiking... I'm really stoked to be going to Springer in a few weeks to see the send off of the "Bubble".
I'll pick up the traditional rock to carry to Maine and I'll also be able to carry one from Maine back to Georgia.
I'm going to go above and beyond and do a swap at the highest and lowest points too just for giggles.
Moving forward
~ Kindle