To those following along … still 71 days or so till I hike … less blogging in 24 days.
(Power) Satisfied
- contented; pleased.
(Force) Salted
past tense: salted; past participle: salted; adjective: salted
- 1.season or preserve with salt.
In the schitt clearing, I found all the little gadgets and information I have saved for my future A.T. adventure.
Now I get to see what still works and test them against others I have doubles of … lots of little flash lights I see for some reason.
Technology has made some of my past items obsolete so they can be sold, let go or given away to some hiking organization in the area.
Organizing, tossing, donating and stowing …. all for when I return to edit film, audio and process the adventure … write the book or manuscript or flow diagram …. my office is just about ready to receive me back in the future.
I choose to adorn no tattoo in remembrance of those who were forced to be tattooed.
Organizing, tossing, donating and stowing …. all for when I return to edit film, audio and process the adventure … write the book or manuscript or flow diagram …. my office is just about ready to receive me back in the future.
I choose to adorn no tattoo in remembrance of those who were forced to be tattooed.
My body art has a story in each scar.
Even the next that are forming on my fingers to remember the day I tried (unsuccessfully) to catch a falling glass in a sink area … the surrounding moments are the memory, not the lost glass.
It took me back to a conversation I had with my grandparents when they both were alive … I was about 5, 6 or 7. Some day I'll realize the day … I was instructed to become an American.
I had questions about being 100% Polish decent.
I wanted to learn the language they all talked while I was around.
It sounded neat … Aunts, Uncles, Bling, Bling, Bling … but no, that was not my instructions.
I think my Dad was removed from his own family in some way.
During these moments, I noticed that some of the women had number tattoos on their arms … my questions about them were answered … concentration camps …. Nazis … I was pleaded to never adorn a tattoo in remembrance of those that did not have a choice … 59 years later, my only tattoos are scars.
My Dad's only Tattoo, a rose with the word under it - MOM.
Her name was Mary … at least that is the one they gave her at Ellis Island …. a planned visit to find out the day is in my future.
I guess he was rebelling in his own way … I never guessed before, but now I fully understand the conversation with his parents.
My Dad's only Tattoo, a rose with the word under it - MOM.
Her name was Mary … at least that is the one they gave her at Ellis Island …. a planned visit to find out the day is in my future.
I guess he was rebelling in his own way … I never guessed before, but now I fully understand the conversation with his parents.
American 1950's punk ass Dad with a Polish family background …
For me personally?
It was a lot of paperwork and it was rough getting a USN clearance and I'll never know why.
It was a lot of paperwork and it was rough getting a USN clearance and I'll never know why.
I honestly don't need to as everything and all did eventually go thru to help me understand how to be an American … all the way and as close to any edge I could get to.
Then my memory faded back to where I found in my Schitt a few quotes I jotted down back in my past ....
~ John Wooden
… "As you move forward on the success journey, you need to remember that what happens IN you is more important than what happens TO you.
Unfortunately .... pg 15 "
Unfortunately for me, my old note ended there.
I can only assume that it came from the book or course:
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield.
The Future Depends upon what we do in the Present.
"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live that life which he and imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."
~ Henry David Thoreau
Here is the KEY reason:
Other people may be responsible for making you who you are.
They did the best they could with what they had to work with.
YOU are responsible for changing it. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Crunches, modified push ups, guitar time (a song right now), trading code learning, sewing, clearing, planning ... Grammar App … all in love.
When I changed the way I looked at things, the things I looked at changed. Thanks Wayne Dyer.
Flip presumed bad Karma into lessons … "looking for the cookie thief" as Wayne Dyer describes … or the dog that takes packages from porches … or the glass that breaks and cuts a few digits to test ones Moxie.
I'm still peeling the layers of the onion … when chopped: tears
Then to sweetness when cooked I can only hope.
Moving forward with a rebuilt laptop that is a bit wonky this morning as it finds it's way thru the 5th set of updates … tethered to my iPhone … might bounce box my laptop and this is my testing of equipment for weight and choices too.
Most all my digital archives are now on a 4TB drive about the size of a deck of cards … I have a few hard drives to convert over before I destroy those …. I had sense enough to label them with painters tape for my future self to realize the video and book data stowed in the most advanced manner in my time line of technology.
Now it's streaming everything … unless you have limited bandwidth on the side of a mountain … flash cards you can swallow and drives that hold a schitt ton of stuff … securely … what a world we live in.
I'll test a wireless keyboard and my phone some day soon to really keep the weight down … just in case I want to be less tethered … hiking my hike, for me, the way I desire … not someone else.
As for talking to the phone … I'm being reminded over and over and over again that my battered brain likes to share …. I've been labeled "Chatty Cathy", "Gabby", "Mr. Talks Too Much" and other monikers over my life … sorry if I bore you with my writing then.
Now it's streaming everything … unless you have limited bandwidth on the side of a mountain … flash cards you can swallow and drives that hold a schitt ton of stuff … securely … what a world we live in.
I'll test a wireless keyboard and my phone some day soon to really keep the weight down … just in case I want to be less tethered … hiking my hike, for me, the way I desire … not someone else.
As for talking to the phone … I'm being reminded over and over and over again that my battered brain likes to share …. I've been labeled "Chatty Cathy", "Gabby", "Mr. Talks Too Much" and other monikers over my life … sorry if I bore you with my writing then.
So talking to a phone that has to have it's microphone on to observe if you are actually talking to it …. sorry … I've been listened into too many times … that is why I talk story …. A lot to choose to use that might cause confusion … to my advantage just like the ass in chief does but on a smaller scale … I've used it my whole life too.
So, talking to record my novel (short story, cartoon play, manuscript) is not going to happen.
So, talking to record my novel (short story, cartoon play, manuscript) is not going to happen.
I'll type until my fingers stop working, then and only then will I go to saying: Computer, what is today's Margin balance? Good! Trading did allow me to purchase a World Cruise in one week.
Actually, 5 star manicured hands might forget how to type for a Season … that is the dream. :)
Actually, 5 star manicured hands might forget how to type for a Season … that is the dream. :)
~ Kindle