Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Right Place - wrong time, or was it an unplanned disturbance in the force?

(Power) Accepting

gerund or present participle: accepting
  1. 1.
    consent to receive (a thing offered).

(Force) Rejecting
gerund or present participle: rejecting
  1. dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste.


Getting to the trail is an adventure in it's own self.
I guess the same could be said of life.  Some things are in our best interest to Accept and others we need to Reject.

Ever been somewhere you did not expect to be but was there?
Fate. Coinci-God-ly. Sucks to be me, type of thing? 
The President's office set up a short trip to KY that day I was set up with an appointment in the VA, in the morning. 
He can visit all he wants, it's his country too.  The VP seems to be here at least every month.  I find out by passing the news playing on the shit show tube. 
BTW: Dirctv is off - Working the Jar System.  :)

NFL is on my phone now!  Whoot!  Football on your phone! 
(the Manning commercial is what, 7  years old?)
Hey!  I'm catching up to the times, only 7 years back!

Heightened Awareness is a big issue REVEALED to me. 
Didn't realize it until I was in the middle of a drill of some sort recently.  Now that I can understand.  Buy why did I need to find this out during a "drill"?  29 years later?

Most of the ones "gleefully" participating in the drill were eager to be of service.  Hey, it's a big deal when the Commander in Chief shows up in your small town. 

Most were not born when I was involved in my unteenth one for service.  I'm getting older.  That was a cool experience though.

When drills are a part of your life for numerous years, one can sense the "Heightened Awareness" as others vibe it.

My Heightened Awareness needs to be tweaked a little.
"Monday" - that was an elevated comfort level.  I remained calm thru out but still pissed that my time was a little wasted cuz of it.

So, now that this "trinket" is known. 
I did not have to be at their morning brief.  Didn't care I can guess.
Yet still, a part of me was woke. Time to work on my focus then.

I'll soon have a different focus where I am at, which is everywhere.
Find a Chill-ville.  Saunter thru it with a smile and not a smirk.

Well, my new normal days have pain.  I can be grumpy. 
Rejecting that the pain is there, doesn't help.  Masking it does little good as I then over work or injure myself more.  Ain't happening again.  I'm on a lighter workout routine instead. Not popping pills.

Like right now, left side, C1 - eye migraine with the head ache.
Could be shingles too as it seems to appear after I get elevated.
Slept wrong.  Time to stretch and go mow for the last time this season.  I always enjoy the last mowing in November. 

Then this week will be:
Maintenance the machines and get ready for the Spring.
Should have to only mow twice before the hike.  Typical me.
Planning 2 seasons ahead.  Maybe I'm a farmer and didn't realize it.
Naw: 3M manager for too long. 
Planning seasons of work flow, 1 to 2 personnel not hundreds.

As for mowing in the Spring and Summer, might need to budget in a local grass cutting work crew.  

Waiting on the new rules to appear for the business season I will arrive in at the end of my hike.       Reading and following rules,
Adapt as the rules change, perform the changes.  Stay in compliance.  Teams of people making sure compliance is met.
Such a simple art form yet practiced by so few it seems.
Maybe the money then will trickle down ... some day ... somehow.

One other thing for sure: I'm accepting angelic protection, always!.

Iroquois Indians have a saying:
The Fish Rots from the Head First.

I'm trying to not fester, fester, fester, rot, rot, rot. 
Curmudgeon is not my first, last or middle name.  Self: Make it so.




Three little birds sat on our back feeder, told me that I don't need to worry.  The more I resist the change, the more I will stay the same.
As others would say: the kids are alright. Letter Be.

Walking feels GREAT!

Cool.   This Too Shall Pass.  Ok.  Go.
Don't let the domino you knock over, shoot you in the face. :)
Success happens with a shot to the face? 
I Don't know, I just like it.
68 million other people think something too.

WTF 2020!?  (Walking Thru Forests) soon. 
2020 Hindsight Journey.  (A True Blue Moon Year).
7 or 8 moons on the Appalachian Trail - (insert "cause" here)

Considering a some time near Tax Day Start and near or after Birthday / Election End.  What ever rules I'll need to follow starting in 2021 will be available for me to study with a clearer mind and a focus for our planet. Maybe even shave my head AFTER the wedding planned.  Gotta be mindful of the moment.

I trust to not have stepped on toes or upset anything in life. 
I'm just working through my lessons unaware of feelings and protocol lately.  Apparently it has a label and a Guideline book.  I'm now finding techniques for me.  Reading from beginning to end the first time. 

Jumping in the middle (trying to trouble shoot me like a circuit) I was and I Am encouraged to find out why. 
Both accounts and view points.
My research was "enlightening".
Highly Motivated somewhat Spiritual actually.

Starting to sound good to the point of feeling right.  For me.
No BS.  Just finally a life. 
This way I can fulfill a request from someone off the street:
"Fuck You! Get a life!"  Might have been a Brooklyn street.

~ Kindle