Saturday, November 16, 2019

Recreation or Re-Creation? Testing Socks - Base Line Target Heart Rate-No BS Time

Words: (#122 counting down)
(Power) Aware

  1. having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

(Force) Preoccupied
  1. engrossed in thought; distracted.
I was aware of my target heart rate today.
Watched the wildlife out back and monitored my pulse throughout my training session and then followed up with a BP reading after post stretching.  No meds needed for BP.  116/71  & 69 pulse.
I read a book a long time ago: Your Body's Many Cries for Water.
I don't treat thirst with medications, just clean water.

Found that walking at a speed of 3.3 I can keep my pulse and breathing in a fluid, endurance pace.  After all, I am training for an endurance event.  Time for me to start a full regimen and routine.
Nutrition, Work, Rest and Monitoring.  Why not.  It's for my betterment to stay informed on all levels for this adventure.

Today as I Re-Create myself in a recreational way, I'm testing Socks and my body at it's present "Today" stage.

Friday was the last 3.5 mile day I believe I will have for quite some time.  My old hiking socks from "way back" needed to be tossed.
I was getting hot spots in my shoes at 3.5 miles.

Went to a Dick's sporting goods to look at what they had for shoes and picked up 1 pair Merino Wool SmartWool Socks (Med Hikers) and a 4 pack of Field and Stream "wicking" socks for hiking (Med).
No shoes were purchased.  More research on Tactical Boots is required.

Test this morning was a fresh, unwashed pair of Smartwool socks.
At $22 they felt like $22.   No hot spots and I bumped up to 5.0 miles today in 1hr 30 min.  (the 4 pk of Field & Stream = $9.99)

Now I plan on hand washing and air drying, trimming the industrial manufacturing process fluff out of them to see how that will feel.
Getting my feet ready for this adventure.
Treating them better now so that they expect to be treated better later when I'm on the trail. 

Daily disciplined practice and now some forethought for my Hindsight 2020 hike.

Dusting off my Kindle McGuinness YouTube channel.
Only 2 videos posted.  One from an Ice Cream Social and the other from a hike up the mountian here to view from the top.
A Google View was drawn by me on the back of an envelope for a map.  Penny Grateful and I walked up to the view.

Cleaning up the site from my past viewing and subscriptions.
Thinking about doing segments on my gear as I prepare.

We will see.


Almost nailed an angelic 777 in my effort but got a 779 which was a better message with the 11:11 on my BP Cuff.  lol


Which brings up the reason of this post.  Re-Creation.
(not to be confused with Recreation)

I have needs to re-create myself physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, financially, etc-ally ... :)
Who better to consult than "Andy" the master of creation whom I was made in the image of ... or so I am told, if I am to believe that way.  Yep, Learned it in Church School at a young age.

The song goes: Andy walks with me Andy talks with me Andy tells me I AM His own.  (I had to sing it out too). :)   very corny.

That's sometimes even too woo woo for the ritualistic and spiritualists.  What can I say but my experience.   

My Belief:
God (Source Energy, Universe, - "your choice here")
is the Creator. 

I don't own my next heartbeat or breath. 
Both are given to me by something, I'll call "Source Energy".

I was told that I was made in His Image and likeness.
I'm a co-creator then of my own life and existence on this planet.
I do what is within my control (self shell called body & its soul).

God does the orchestration of all the other particles outside (and inside) of me.  Everything I desire in my life is already here.  I need to be patient for it to arrive to me as I arrive to it.

When we both arrive (particles and waves later), life is what I asked for.  On time, every time.  Including the mis-asks that we all make.  God is no respecter of persons or situations.  We all get what we ask for; just not usually in a way we expect. Be aware. Aloha.

"Happy little accidents" as Bob Ross would say.  lol  :)

That's how God has always helped me and it falls into the tribe and group thinking of "God helps those that help themselves." 
Some look for that in the book but it ain't there.  It's common sense.

One push up/crunch/step at a time. 

If you know this, kudos.
If you are reading it and hearing it in your minds ear for the first time then ... choose.  Get busy living or get busy dying.  No choice is still a choice. :)

It was August when I first could barely get down on the floor after painstakingly setting up my floor mat area in the living room.
After 10 crunches before coffee that first day, getting back up and putting away my mat was a 10 min ordeal.

I honestly forgot that it was just a few months ago.
I added 10 crunches after I got tired and added 2 batman's "held" on the inversion table today.
On my way to 100 a day before coffee. 

A quarter of a year was gonna go by either way. 
I participated in time/life with it.  Used it as a gauge.
I feel better and have new goals now. 
Proper disciplines practiced daily leads me to my best future possibilities.  

Sorry Pooh, doing nothing was not leading to the very best of somethings.  At least not with my mid section.

Moving on ....
~ Kindle