Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mix and Match week complete

(Power) Giving

  1. providing love or other emotional support; caring.

(Force) Taking
adjective       DATED

  1. (of a person) captivating in manner; charming.

I'll be honest, before seeing the definitions, I had the wrong meanings for these two words in my head.
"Just now, I was taken by my wife's presence. So radiant!" :)

Hiking Gear test update:

On Saturday when I walked the first 5 mile day, I noticed that things were going to need to change on Monday if I was to continue walking 5 miles a day.  Base layer for sure.

Given this opportunity to test the base layer right off the bat, I did a mix an match of: Cheaper choices, More Expensive choices, their performance, my body's acceptance of these choices, etc.

Briefs, T's and Socks.
Cotton to Woven Wicking Material.

Well, this week is complete.  I walked 5 mi a day Mon - Sat.
Also fit in 100 crunches each day before coffee in 2 sets of 50.

Stretching is a part of every thing I do now.  If sore, I stretch.

Worlds of difference I experienced in my home setting and with a consistent distance.

Zero blisters so far.  Hot spots were worked out to not be hot spots anymore.

It was nice that the creator of the Big Stick emailed me to check out what I thought of the device.  I'm a believer.  I like gear that has more than one mission in the woods.  I'm calculating the options for my back pack from NeoTrekk right now.  Their service is awesome!

It is just another transition.
I guess I'm a self made person, like we all are.

Personally I've had to transition from:
Infant to Toddler (First Son)
Toddler to Child (2nd Gen Polish)
Public to Parochial to Public School.  (School house to Campus)
(K to St. Nicholas Parish to Attica Central 5th Grade.)

Then the standard Grade to HS to Comm College to Drop out.
Single Navy to Married Navy with Zero USN Support.
Zero to Full USN Support.  (What a wave of relief)
Losing most all in a 100 year flood event 7/5/89 just before becoming a civilian.  (FEMA helped at 4% interest)
Military to Civilian (didn't think it would take this long)
Abled to Disabled to Semiabled

Husband to Dad
Dad to Dodd
From being an Ass to No longer being an Ass.  (I'm trying)
Still, no one of consequence.  
the 2nd meaning: importance or relevance.

Being in KY, I'm very OK with that.
I'm truly not a Man of Constant Sorrow.      :)

Many memories on this trail to dreams.

That's what dreams and dream creation for me is all about, not caring about the future but doing "now", today, what should be a part of the person I need to be when the "New Now" or the future me arrives to handle what I desire to have in my future. 
Harnessing the power of my mind and putting it to good purpose.
Growing into my next self instead of learning to deal with it all too late.

T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield and John Kehoe teaches it.

The Mentors speak clear to me. 
Tony Robbins?  I'm not into walking on coals with my bare feet.  Breaking an arrow with my throat was good enough.  Thanks Harv.

~ Kindle