Friday, November 29, 2019

Give a little bit - including Black Walnut Shells

(Power)  Conciliatory
  1. intended or likely to placate or pacify.

(Force)  Inflexible

  1. unwilling to change or compromise.

Congrats to the Bills for winning the Turkey day game yesterday.
They played and beat America's Cowboy team 26 to 15.
They should have known America's real team wears Red, White and Blue.  The Colors did not run.  lol
Give A Little Bit
(from Supertramp "Even in the Quietest of Moments" album)

......So find yourself, we're on our way back home

That line from the song stuck with me the other day.
So does the opening.... "All Right, Here We Go Again!"

So find myself ...... that's what I've been doing lately.
My gibberish being mental flotsam and jetsam.  It's quieting.

Did my 100 crunches, I'm having my coffee and thrilled that 8.8# fell off my frame last week.
2 hrs of walking each day is working for me and my body right now.   I'm not silly to think the body will not adapt.  I realize a plateau will happen but it will be short lived if I continue daily in the direction I've designed.


I'm aware of the "little thief" in my head that reminds me of my promises (to self) that I've let myself down on.

The friend in the mirror that each morning will tell me I'm fat and then coax me to eat the donuts that morning because we were all invited to partake in the ritual of getting fatter.  Growing into the Big Bone Tribe.  It's the rites of passage I guess. 
Thankfully it's not breaking an arrow with a throat or something worse, lol.

I'm getting better at catching the devil behind the 3rd tree now.
We should all practice that art and skill.

Also, now I'm on "The Great Adventure" and "Life Quest".

Working with the law of averages, the journeys are small.
Daily journeys. 

2 yrs, 5 yrs, 10 yrs all have one small thing in common, daily time.

I choose whether it is well designed or an un-designed destination.
I go the direction I face and I face the direction I design.  We all do.

Yes, it is only a small journey to change direction to reach a destination.  The key is to START.

Trust the process.  The body eventually knows when it is being supported and will respond with less pain and discomfort.
(21 days to a new habit - 30 days to a new life).


And lastly, yesterday I was writing about dreams and dreaming and thought creation into reality ..... 

Another request that I launched out to the Cosmos that came back to me with an answer decades of years later was how does one obtain Black Walnut Shells?

It was one of those late night work shift delirium type of questions.
The ones where you are so exhausted from working the shift and more "shop coffee" will only give you the runs.

Well, there was one day when I was sandblasting equipment that had a strict requirement that the abrasive used was black walnut shells.  We had pallets with bags and bags of black walnut shells to place in the hopper as we kept working thru the cold evening.

The Machines used can be seen at the bottom of the page link I provided.  We had our own that we maintained and used.
They were portable and could be easily lifted from the pier to the job site by one or two cranes.   Many nights, we did our own lifts too.  It was just a requirement of the job.

So, I had this question: Where do these shells come from?
Pondered it quite some time I guess.

Now the obvious answer is: Black Walnut Trees
but I was looking for the bulk answer: From Black Walnut Farms?

No.  It would take many years later when I arrived here in KY and we have a few Black Walnut Trees on the land that in the Spring, I'm allergic to.
Gathering it's harvest the first fall here, we noticed that we have a business down the road that pays for the collection of the trees fruit.

We found out that it takes a few truck loads to pay for the gas and time to gather the nuts but we learned from the experience with our few 5 gallon buckets full.

None the less, my answer to a late night work question got answered.  The gathering of nuts helps the poor in KY.
It also helps the marine environment where the sandblasting happens.
Watch what you think for.  You will always get it and many times not in the way you expected.  Choose thoughts responsibly.  lol

Moving forward,
~ Kindle

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving - Eclipse 2024

(Power) Abundant
  1. adjective
    1. existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

(Force) Excessive

  1. existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

Hiking and Pre-Hike:
Nat Geo Maps appeared yesterday in the mail.
I like the layout and the detail. 
They do not hold ALL the pertinent survival 
data I need but it holds all the tactical data I need to survive.

Working out the kinks in my first 700+ mile trek of the A.T.
Cost?  I saved over $100 for my data for this ENTIRE adventure.
Then again, I've spent over $100 testing data that eventually I desired to use

I've an old series of "official" A.T. maps for the region of VA that we lived in at one time.  Not much has changed there in 13 years.

I was planning a hike of the Western Section of trail that pretty much parallels I-81 in Southern VA.   Groseclose to Daleville.
I'll eventually do it but it is the reward for doing the other two sections I now have planned before I "get-to" do that section in the opposite direction than I first planned.  The twilight of my hike in 2020.

Still doing 6 miles a day and I look forward to my walk now.
Just finished my 100 crunches and did them continuous today instead of in 2 sets of 50 just to feel it differently.
My reward of Coffee, is in a mug next to me on my new desk I'm testing as well.   VIVO Desk raising frame (102ew model) with a panel of furniture wood from Loews (2' x 6') as the desk surface.  Spruce Pine.   

Since I need to move from sitting to standing often while typing, this desk top has a timer (reminder) to switch to a new position.
It also has 3 programmable levels that can be pre-set for quick change.  I like it!!!!  It works well for me.

Hike Clothes:
The new "base layer" that I now wear is taking a little to get used to as I am "chilled" more now than in the past. 
Cotton is a different kind of comfort that I've grown used to next to my skin.  I will always be a Jeans and T-shirt kind of guy.

Tethering my laptop with my iPhone for updating my blog today.
Our internet is down right now for admin purposes and upgrade.

Our network engineers doin a good GREAT  phenomenal, AWESOME job!   :)


I am thankful for Dreams and the existence of my time continuum on this planet.
Question I'll ponder:
Do we live in a hostile and excessive Universe or a loving and abundant Universe? 

Still, if everything we desire to touch, smell, taste, feel, experience is all here already.   I just have to wait for it to arrive in my path.

Just like the coming USA moon eclipse in 2024.  The last one I experienced when it crossed the nation and KY was awesome.
While it happened, I was singing the verse below to myself silently: 

I mention silently because EVERYTHING (except the chanting and celebrating Druids, Pagans and Drunk Humans in the  distance at a gathering) was quiet.
Nature became eerily still.

For those moments and with those I spend those moments with, I am thankful.

Making my moments count going forward.
2 years, 5 years, 10 years is going to arrive.
Will I be aware and ready for those moments? 
Time will tell.

Moving forward,
~ Kindle

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hey, hey, hey - Inspiration comes from many sources

Words on this Thanksgiving Eve:

(Power) Grateful
  1. feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.

(Force) Indebted
  1. owing money.
    "heavily indebted countries"
    • owing gratitude for a service or favor.

Getting into the holiday mood today.

The meal time football game tomorrow is featuring my favorite team against America's Team. That rarely happens.

Gearing up to just relax for the most part.  No rushes and I can leisurely get in my walk and mat work for the day.

I trust everyone will have a great holiday of introspection.


Michael Franti and Spearhead inspire me with their work.
The name link is for a YouTube but if you just would like to read the lyrics, click here:

Hey, hey, hey
No matter how life is today
There's just one thing that I got to say
I won't let another moment slip away


"... truth be told, you can get what you want or you can just get old"

  ~ Billy Joel 'Vienna'

Inspiration sometimes arrives to me in lyrics.
"....I won't let another moment slip away" and "or you can just get old" hit me today from two different songs.  I am moved.

I logged the event.  Told my mind: "Thank you for Sharing" and then the treadmill stopped.  (Power outage for about 2 hour)

I was at the half way point of my saunter so it was a nice break to stretch and have lunch.  After lunch, power was on and I finished my 6 miles for today.  Sometimes, universal things happen.
I accept them all with a smile. :)

5 Questions for Dream Creation

I have a poster on the back of my door to my office.
It asks these five questions:

1. Does my dream give me life?
2. Does my dream align with my core values?
3. Will my dream cause me to grow?
4. Do I need help from a higher power?
5. Is there some good in my vision for others?
You want to have a strong “YES” to all of these questions.
These questions help me stay focused.

I had no clue what I was doing when I was much younger and began dreaming of things and events that came true in my life.
I just knew that if I asked, it would eventually appear.
Everything we every could want is already on this planet.
For me, I just have to wait until I cross paths with the everythings.

A few dreams (requests) that came true:

1) A White Owl landed on a telephone pole in front of my bike I was riding on my way to a Scout meeting.  Blocked the sun when it spread it's 4' wing span to land on top of the pole. 

All my request was that I wanted to witness a white owl in nature.  The White Owl on my cigar box of trinkets was the inspiration to view one. 
The True Owl arrived on my path one day thereafter.  I've not seen one since that up close and personal.  The owl remained until the rest of the troop could come back and view it too.  I have witnesses.

2) Eleanor Rigby.  After hearing the song one day as a pre-teen, I asked the question: "How can anyone be buried without anyone at the funeral service?" 
I served for several funerals as an altar boy. 
One Summer the party line rang, and the requester asked if I was available on short notice to assist in a service and my mother agreed for me. 

There was I, the Priest, the Organist, the Funeral Director and the casket.  That's it.  Empty Church.

We did the full event for the deceased then made our way to the grave site for the final sendoff before the grave was filled.
Since the cemetery was on the way home, after I did the customary duties of the job back at the church, changed out of the Cassock, got on my bike and rode home but stopped as the diggers were putting the finishing touches to the site.  I stayed a while and thought of Eleanor Rigby.   I hope I helped the ones' soul.

It was an odd memorable day as I was given my request by a higher power.  I kept this one mostly personal until now.

3) A longer term dream that came true from about that same time when I was 11, I desired to someday fix pinsetter machines.
I like bowling and it was the next logical step for my skills.
Or so I thought.

It took until I was 41 but I was then old enough and skilled enough from my dream to materialize.
I maintained 8 Brunswick GSX lanes for 1 year. 
Helping others along the way.

Dreams come true. 
I've had so many appear and I know that will continue to be the case for me. 
The Universe conspires to do me well, just like everyone else.

I just trust I'm the right person when they arrive.  
That's my goal, one day at a time.  :)

Moving Forward.
~ Kindle

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Libraries - my sanctuary

Words for today:
(Power) Challenged


  1. (used euphemistically) impaired or disabled in a specified respect.

(Force) Impeded
past tense: impeded; past participle: impeded
  1. delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder.

This 140 day challenge for the words has been a perfect motivator to blog each day.
I hope to retain the use of the "power" words in my writings.

If it is true, and I have no reason to discount the author, then keeping my words at a Kinesiology energy vibration of 200 or better should help me. 
I am challenged, that is for sure.
I believe I'm also solution focused.


Hiking training routine:
Still 100 crunches seems to be the correct stopping point going forward.  Now I "get-to" work on the obliques.  I can do it!  :)
(If not, we ALL can tell).

I crashed my Biostrap unit the other day so it did not capture my first day of 6 miles distance.  At least it reported it and I got an email from tech support that they are looking into the crash.

Dang, I'm being traced.  lol.

This mornings 6 miles worked out fine.  As for the Treadmill, it has a new "issue".  Sometimes, it just stops.  It's a gradual slow to a stop but it stops none the less and the time clears to 00:00.

All other data remains and just starting the unit again will allow me to finish my distance, but for two days in a row, it's now a concern.
Guess I get to investigate and formulate, figure out a fix.
Might be a loose connection, might be a firmware issue, could be a component issue.  Goal, find out & fix without disabling the unit for longer than needed. 

Now I'll finally read the manual to learn all the buttons on the unit. 



Libraries: My Sanctuary

From the earliest I can remember, the Wyoming County Mail Order Library service was a blessing to me and my siblings.

Many nights snowed in the home, sometimes by candle light, we would read to be someplace else in our minds than where we were and what we visioned around ourselves in that 1800's style farm home.

Library in Parochial school was the mail order one with my new, updated Encyclopedia Britannica.  After reading the Brit and it's 5 annual updates and corrections, Library then became the one at Attica Central.

In Grade & High School, the Library would be my sanctuary.
Bullies didn't hang out there.  If they did, they did not last long.

One person who did hang out there though was my future best friend and wife.  We were introduced in the Attica Central High School Library.
I cannot pin point the day or year but I knew the "when" we first were introduced to each other.  Her eyes still sparkle just as brightly today as that day.

Back to the trail of libraries:
My time spent reading continued in college as the bus transfer stop for my route was in front of the Erie County Public Library in Buffalo, NY.   Every day I could drop of my checked materials, go to classes, return from classes and spend my study time in the Library before going back to my small, one table lamp room.
I lived with my Uncle in his city apartment to ease my costs of schooling.  2 buses each way to school & back each day, 1 hr :45 min in time each way as well.  Library continued to be a sanctuary.
I found out quickly that I did not desire to become a Chiropractor for the family.  A few years ago, I got to relive the walk I did from College to the Bus Stop when I made my decision to quit.
I know I made the correct choice back then and I thanked my former young self, letting him know it was all good ....  fear and all.

Moving forward in my career:
I enjoyed 10 years working in a University Library as well.
It was a nice twilight transition for me.

It was there that I started reading and then accumulating Hiking information specific to the Appalachian Trail.

McConnell Library has an Appalachian Collection within their Archives.  It was a big deal when I worked there before it became it's own section and rooms of the Library.  Many of the recordings and writings helped me understand the region there much better and it includes this area I live in now.   Coal mining.
Also, Kentucky was part of Virginia before it got split up back in the early days.  1777 or so when Kentucky was a Virginia County.

I found it all fascinating.

All we learned up North in Attica was War of 1812 type of history and how the government controlled the Indian Nations.

Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Tuscarora, Abenaki, Munsee, Mohegan, Montauk, Shinnecock, Mohican and Wappinger Are the tribes of New York State.

Mountain Life and Governments many takeovers for the betterment of all.  Homeland security.

So as I listened to the opening session today of the seminar:
"The Day That Turns Your Life Around",  I'm learning to "Appreciate the Disciplines" that I practice.

It brings me to the point of "How the Magic in YOUR Life Happens".  It is the same for all of us.  I needed a reminder.

4 Steps:
* Imagine the Possibilities
* Believe that what you Imagine is Possible in YOU.
* Go to Work.  Make it REAL.
The first 3 are essential to create from nothing into something.
Now, thoughts and ideas are not actually nothing but they can be perceived as such and discarded as worthless but I say Nay, Nay!

A piece of ground can become a hotel.  Just from an Idea.
The next greatest Vaccine had to first be a thought.
A Good or Great Marriage works out from belief and ideas.
Same is true for a healthy body.
The last piece to make the magic or miracle process complete is:
* Disciplined Activity  

Valuable daily disciplined activity. 
Each day is required to have the next 2 years arrive.
Now that the next 2 years will arrive, "where" will you be????
As I was reminded and I'll share:  This is a History lesson.
The last 6000 years was filled with Opportunity and Difficulty.

Future?  The next 6000 will be the same.

For things to change for me, I have to change.

I'm assured that Humans can do the most remarkable things when faced with a challenge.    I agree.

Moving Forward.

~ Kindle

Monday, November 25, 2019

Once in a Blue Moon - The day that turns your life around

(Power) Orderly
  1. neatly and methodically arranged.

(Force)  Confused

  1. (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered.

I was going through the upcoming full moon days so that I can be sure to incorporate a possible full moon lit hike.
Much has to happen for that to happen BUT I'm being open to it.

Pink Moon 7-Apr 21:35:36
Flower Moon 7-May 05:45:35
Strawberry Moon 5-Jun 14:12:43
Buck Moon 4-Jul 23:44:57
Sturgeon Moon 3-Aug 10:59:38
Corn Moon 2-Sep 00:23:12
Hunter's Moon 1-Oct 16:06:55
Blue Moon 31-Oct 09:51:29


The modern day definition of a Blue Moon is when there are 2 Full Moons in one Month.
A Full Moon occurs roughly every 29.5 days and on the rare occasions when the Full Moon falls at the very beginning of a month there is a good chance a Blue Moon will occur at the end of the month. According to this definition the next Blue Moon will occur on October 31, 2020.
Pandora died while I was walking today and I looked to see what my phone had on it ..... I found an old 2003 (6 CD) recording that will keep me busy the next few days.

"Remarkable Success Ideas That Can Change Your Life in an Instant"  (below is from the Nightingale Conant website)

Some people waste years, decades, even their entire lives waiting for that extraordinary lightning bolt that will change everything for them.
But those whose lives really do change in dramatic ways can almost always trace the change back to something much simpler. One subtle, unsuspecting moment.
One episode, one realization, one action.
One seemingly insignificant step that put them on a completely different path... and ultimately led them to their dreams.
There's no reason for you to live with lack, unhappiness, or dissatisfaction - no matter how great or small.
With the tools and information to achieve any change you want to, you'll be astonished by how quickly and easily it happens.
At any moment, you can choose to transform any circumstance in your life and discover the incredible difference one day can make!


It is odd how when I get to a moment in my life when I distinctly make change in myself, I find a former recording or text that I own to help me build on that "change" foundation within.  I love my personal library!  :)

Jim must have been in his later stages of life when he recorded it.
I can hear the age in his voice.  I know there are a few gold nuggets I will gather from listening to it again.

Now, for my record, I'm well past the 30 days to make a new habit stick when it comes to "crunches before coffee".  It is habit.
Walking each day is pretty close to being a habit now too.
I've begun getting up at 5:55 with the hopes that someday soon I will not need the help of an alarm clock to wake me at that time.
I know it can happen because I've done it before with other times.

Like any habit change, 21 days is the "seed" to making a new habit.
21 straight days.  Miss one, start the count again.
After 30 days though, the body and mind seem to accept the fact that the new routine is the new habit desired to keep. 
"It" (the body) will notify you in many ways if the "self " desires to miss performing the new habit.  Especially when the benefits are felt positively by the body.

So it has been with me recently.  August till now, crunches before coffee has grown to mat work before coffee.  Mat work is crunches and push ups and what not.   After how I felt yesterday by taking just one day off from my mat work, I'm now going to do mat work 7 days a week for the rest of my existence.  Not everyday will be crunches but 6 a week may.  None the less, my spine and it's "snap, crackle, pop" ability needs to spend morning stretch time now.

My whole body needs to move in the morning before coffee.
Just how it is going to be. 
I'm very easy to persuade now that I fully know the difference between doing and not doing morning time for me.

I've also been made aware recently that an Ab Workout that I used to hate/love is now on YouTube.
Tony Little built his body back from a total wreck.  A Car Wreck.
His old (1996) ab workout still cracks me up. 
He's annoying but it works.  It is safe for my spine condition.

I tried doing some "oblique" work from my memory of his technique today but I believe I'm missing something. 
Didn't feel right and my VHS tape is long gone.

Now that I have the online video link, 
I'll do his routine tomorrow morning as a refresher for the proper positioning for targeting the correct muscle areas. 

Hiking gear:

Caught a pre-pre-pre-Black Friday Sale for my Base Layer.
Socks, "Tee's" and Briefs.
It still was expensive.   
If I did not test things this past week, I would not have been sold as to their advantage of being the layer close to my skin.

The decision to increase my mileage quickly came with the realization that I was not fully able to increase my mileage due to clothing (fit and material) restrictions.  I listened to my body and it's hot spots, chafe spots and heat traps.  Still, Zero Feet Blisters.
What a blessing to nip it in the bud.

I priced the next thermal layers.  Nothing was a bargain.
(Thermals, Pants, Jacket, Hat)
I'll wait for a better sale maybe towards the end of the cold season.
I will not be needing them until I do my shake down hike and cold weather test in the yard or if I need to shovel the driveway this season.

Too soon for deep snow, at least I think it is.
Moving forward.

~ Kindle

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Don't Surround yourself with yourself - Move on back two squares

Words. (#113 counting down)
(Power) Natural


  1. 1.
    existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.

(Force) Artificial
  1. 1.
    made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.

Today there are two 4:20's just like every day.
I'll be up for both as my body decided to wake me up early today.  
Pain is pain.  
We each have ours that sometimes control us.
Mine is mostly a pain in the neck.


I'm thankful for the assistance for this trip so far.

As I continue to crunch figures on a spreadsheet, the repetition of being up and down the trail is making it seem too easy to travel.

I'm awaiting for the topo maps to arrive so that I can start charting my adventure against the terrain.  
To work out some of the daily disparity, I was tossed up between the A.T.'s box of maps for the entire trail or to just use what National Geographic made for their recent filming of the A.T.
I decided on the Nat Geo as it is water proof and cheaper in price.
That is the tactical map for each "next" day's adventure planning.

The AT Guide (paper) I have is nice and is designed to be used as emergency fuel or lunch and dinner fire starters after I've completed it's pages. 
It's 13 miniature waterproof profile maps will be used as my on the go, fits in my pocket, while walking guide.

As for the A.T.'s FULL BOX of data? It is older and dated as 2009.

Back to the pre-hike preparation:

With that thinking of it being too easy on paper & I'm now at 5 miles on the treadmill daily, I believe it's time to shake things up.
The work is just time spent with a little inconvenience of moving in one place.  I feel good enough to push a little more.

So, I decided that this coming week I'll do 6 miles each day.
The week after 8 miles each day. 
This will allow me to both see and feel how I need to adjust because the fun will soon begin.  Soon is 5 months.

Might as well see what it might feel like to have each day be different than the next for distances and rest days.

Since I've charted out my first 30 days on the trail, (Walking days, Zero Days, Resupply Days, Distances between sleeping, etc.) I might as well use the data by merging it into my training.

Well, many "Experts" recommend only hiking 8 miles per day the first 2 to 3 weeks then begin to open up the miles as the body should be better accustomed to hiking by then.
Where I am starting on the trail is usually where most that hike it are reaching 20 mile days. 
The "others" recommended stops on their spreadsheets did not work out for my 8 mile a day start.  So, I had to come up with MY method.

Seems I start out going about 8 miles a day average for the first 5 days then take a zero.
Next 6 days are about the same with then another zero.
By the third week, I'm at 7 to 8 days straight before another zero.
That works into being how it will continue after that, 7 to 10 days before taking a Zero and working into the 12 to 15 mile a day range.

The mileages vary each day SO I'll mimic the distances on the treadmill in like a 30 day chunk.
Looking at my time calendar, I can mimic my starting month
4 (Four) times before I have to do my final preps to be on the trail.
In all honesty, even doing the mimic 3 times would be a nice intro to the trail and how my body might feel each night the first month.

What does that do for me?  
* Helps me loose my pack weight.
* Safely alters my walking day to allow me to adjust to a new upcoming life.
* Gives me a heads up as to how my feet are toughing up with a safe/clean location to care for my feet properly each day.
* I will begin collecting my mental base data of distance/time street walking information so I can easily know how much time it will take me to walk to a town on a road.

What it does not do for me is:
* give me a realistic stair climb up and down a mountain.

For that, I'll have to train as I go along like every other hiker, letting the trail break me in to it's flow.  My plans can and most likely will change.
Don't get me wrong, I'll have stair stepping muscles, just not uneven height, loose traction, stair stepping muscles.

Today's personal lesson which was the title today:
Don't surround yourself with yourself.
Been listening to two different versions of "Your Move" from the originators "Yes" (9:09 min acoustic/full orchestra version) and I stumbled on "Heart" (3:14 min acoustic/band version) AWESOME!

I like how Heart brings better notice to on how "Give Peace A Chance" was written into the ending of the first movement of the work as it was intended.

I've been seeking different songs to work on as I gain dexterity in my finger digits.  I'm on my second year of having full feeling (most times) in my hands and arms now. This song will be one for my list. 
Hand cramps are less now than before so it's time to tune the guitar.
Lyrics can be found HERE if interested.

The song itself has influenced me all along my life from my teens.
I liked the tune.  The words were about playing chess and I did not put the songs meaning together until recently as to a better way to live life on this planet.  All we are saying, is give Peace a Chance.

I always wondered what the words meant.  Without the album sleeve back then, lyrics were what we understood to have heard.
In my case, I've heard some and remembered some wrong words.
(move on back to squares vs. move on back two squares.)

With google, fixing my memory with correct lyrics has been a blessing.   I now have a much better understanding of the song too.

With a reset throat, my voice feels better than it has the past two decades.  Time to open up the pipes a few times a week as I found my cache of vocal coaching videos, DVD's, books and CD's to follow.

Proper breathing and posture exercises and reminders will help me more than just letting my awakened spine figure out it's own posture for the rest of my existence on this planet.  The better lung work will aid in my hiking and recovery with life.

Moving forward one square, after moving back two squares into the protection of those who love and support me.

~ Kindle

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mix and Match week complete

(Power) Giving

  1. providing love or other emotional support; caring.

(Force) Taking
adjective       DATED

  1. (of a person) captivating in manner; charming.

I'll be honest, before seeing the definitions, I had the wrong meanings for these two words in my head.
"Just now, I was taken by my wife's presence. So radiant!" :)

Hiking Gear test update:

On Saturday when I walked the first 5 mile day, I noticed that things were going to need to change on Monday if I was to continue walking 5 miles a day.  Base layer for sure.

Given this opportunity to test the base layer right off the bat, I did a mix an match of: Cheaper choices, More Expensive choices, their performance, my body's acceptance of these choices, etc.

Briefs, T's and Socks.
Cotton to Woven Wicking Material.

Well, this week is complete.  I walked 5 mi a day Mon - Sat.
Also fit in 100 crunches each day before coffee in 2 sets of 50.

Stretching is a part of every thing I do now.  If sore, I stretch.

Worlds of difference I experienced in my home setting and with a consistent distance.

Zero blisters so far.  Hot spots were worked out to not be hot spots anymore.

It was nice that the creator of the Big Stick emailed me to check out what I thought of the device.  I'm a believer.  I like gear that has more than one mission in the woods.  I'm calculating the options for my back pack from NeoTrekk right now.  Their service is awesome!

It is just another transition.
I guess I'm a self made person, like we all are.

Personally I've had to transition from:
Infant to Toddler (First Son)
Toddler to Child (2nd Gen Polish)
Public to Parochial to Public School.  (School house to Campus)
(K to St. Nicholas Parish to Attica Central 5th Grade.)

Then the standard Grade to HS to Comm College to Drop out.
Single Navy to Married Navy with Zero USN Support.
Zero to Full USN Support.  (What a wave of relief)
Losing most all in a 100 year flood event 7/5/89 just before becoming a civilian.  (FEMA helped at 4% interest)
Military to Civilian (didn't think it would take this long)
Abled to Disabled to Semiabled

Husband to Dad
Dad to Dodd
From being an Ass to No longer being an Ass.  (I'm trying)
Still, no one of consequence.  
the 2nd meaning: importance or relevance.

Being in KY, I'm very OK with that.
I'm truly not a Man of Constant Sorrow.      :)

Many memories on this trail to dreams.

That's what dreams and dream creation for me is all about, not caring about the future but doing "now", today, what should be a part of the person I need to be when the "New Now" or the future me arrives to handle what I desire to have in my future. 
Harnessing the power of my mind and putting it to good purpose.
Growing into my next self instead of learning to deal with it all too late.

T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield and John Kehoe teaches it.

The Mentors speak clear to me. 
Tony Robbins?  I'm not into walking on coals with my bare feet.  Breaking an arrow with my throat was good enough.  Thanks Harv.

~ Kindle

Friday, November 22, 2019

Not my Monkeys, Not my Circus - MMOB Mind my own business

MMOB  Mind my own business 

In everyday life, it is safe to assume that there’s a deeper story behind the choices people make. Trying to help people by correcting their surface level actions misses the whole point of being compassionate. People benefit more from loving acceptance and a healthy example than they do from criticism or preaching.

Above was just some wisdom I found helpful for me today.
Words for today:
(Power) Tolerant

  1. adjective
    1. 1.
      showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

(Force) Prejudiced

  1. having or showing a dislike or distrust that is derived from prejudice; bigoted.


The Circus.
Watching it all from a distance, the 3 rings in D.C.
As the saying goes: Not My Monkeys, Not My Circus.
Some, it seems, did not read the rules of their office.
I lovingly accept their ignorance as the bliss it is for them now.
Responsibility with Accountability.
Power vs. Force
Source Energy vs. Individual
Light Side vs. Dark Side
The Forces of Nature vs. Lt. Dan on the Mast of Jenny

Call it what you will.  I have my favorites.
The plan here in a few minutes is to get in my next 5 miles making it 25 for the week so far with Saturday to go.

I got in the 100 ab crunches in 2 sets of 50.  Targeting the "washboard" area, I was able to do all in a controlled manner with zero neck and hollow shoulder areas of pain.

I had forgotten how much isometrics do work.

Got my coffee and started writing here. 
Sipped my coffee now and it's cold ... :( 
Guess I was focused on my text.  lol

Albeit, impromptu, bumping up the mileage has been an awesome documentation and testing time for me.
I've been highly aware of my feet and hot spots and that "awareness" opened up other channels of communication within my skin that I was not paying attention to. 
I'm still getting used to the fact that my spine is no longer compressed and pinching nerves for the most of my body.
Feeling comes and goes from my injuries but at least it does come.
For those times of feeling, I enjoy how complex the body is.
Its a practice I learned from performing Spring Forest Qi-Gong movements.  
It is fun to move heat within one's own body at will.
Try it sometime. 

Pre-Hike Training (The Whole Self)
Working on all I can control right now.  Me.
Wii tells me I lost a little over a pound this week.  Going down.

After reading the 219 pages of guidelines for the study that I'm a part of with the VA, I found that the goal for the program is to get me to a point of "Accommodation"  ( 
2. a convenient arrangement; a settlement or compromise.)

Well then, I need to build a corporation that will allow for 100% holistic care of its members.  The present rules and structure I'm under are not accommodating for my wholeness needs.  I give a lot to insurance I do not use but am told I need to have to file taxes for the relief I receive monetarily, not physically.  Forced tax filing.

If worded correctly, Holistic care includes nutrition training.
Food could become a write off because it would be central to the holistic care program if followed and documented as being followed. Gym time could be a compensation too.

Let's see: Day care, Gym and full kitchen for classes within the corporate walls.  Incentives and rebates for participation.
All a write off if structured properly within the loopholes of our present or newer present rules after 2020.   Pay people to want to be healthy and change the culture one person at a time from within the structure of the job and hopefully their family.
A requirement for job performance and advancement? Legal? 
(just a passing thought for my future)

In the moment, and I guess in every moment forward, I must be tolerant and most of all, patient (adj), not someone's patient (noun).
I trust Hippocrates.  Basic and to the point.  Treat the whole self with wholesome goodness and common sense movement. 

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
“There are in fact two things, science and opinion;
the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.”
“Wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity."
Patient patient, eventually you will get the lesson.
Help yourself first, help others when you are able.
Moving Forward,

~ Kindle