"The beginning of freedom is the realization
that you are not "the thinker."
The moment you start watching the thinker,
a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.
You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm
of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a
tiny aspect of that intelligence.
You also realize that all things that truly matter -
beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace -
arise from beyond the mind.
You begin to awaken."
~ taken from "Practicing The Power Of NOW"
This has always been a saying I embrace.
Just like with trading, my past events do not predict my future outcomes.
The past few walks have me spending time with my thoughts.
Many times, I let go and allow my mind to wander while walking.
It's a game as I catch my mind go off on some negative direction.
When I catch my thoughts at those times I do my best to flip the process positive.
After catching myself, I then try to quiet my mind to allow new thought to flow through me from beyond the mind.
It is easier for me to get to that level AFTER I catch my mind doing its "committee" work.
"The Committee" I refer to is the self talk that is regurgitated over and over in my thoughts by voices I have heard from my past.
Self voice and the voices of: Mother, Father, Brother, Sisters, Friends, Associates, Bosses, Teachers, et cetera.
Years ago when I stopped blaming anything outside of myself for my personal situation, that is when I learned I even had a committee occupying and fighting for time during my best thinking moments.
I'm told that is the case for many people. Sadly, many do not even know that they argue with themselves silently.
Such was the case for me until I was made aware and watched for it to happen.
Worse yet is that I used to use the advice of that committee without further questioning if the reason and logic was sound.
No regrets at all. At the time, each of my decisions was made by using the best information I had available to me at that moment.
I accept full responsibility for my choices in life and will continue to moving forward.
I can also say that seeking higher council is different in my life now as well.
You see, I am continually training my mind to accept that it is a part of me and it is not me directly.
This is a big step and one that needs continual focus for me as I am more aware of it happening and I enjoy the work.
It has been most beneficial and rewarding.
A spiritual being enjoying a human experience.
There are many trails and sights to witness.
Penny and I are doing it together. I would not want it any other way.
I've chosen to see the world through grateful eyes and it will never look the same again.
~ Kindle