Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rehab, walking and moving forward.....

I again sit here at my writing / trading desk, analyzing all that has transpired since November 2014.
I can already tell this is going to be a long entry.

Update to our adventure:
  • Rehab is a process.  I am learning patience at a physical level.
  • I'm grateful that I've begun walking distances again. Flat paths and soon hills.
  • Walking twice daily is my seed thought to how it will be when hiking.
  • Commitment, desire and drive is the foundation needed.
  • There will be pain, challenges and achievements along the path. 
  • We will be 100% self-funded.  Building slow and steady like walking to hiking.
    I am blessed and grateful.
    Here is a picture from today.

    Fall is here and other than that, it shows not much else but a segue for my wife and I.

    I have my 5th year birthday coming up and I try to do something memorable to me on those days. 
    Recent few:   

    45th - "Lit Candle" Hostess Cupcake in front of the White House,
    when my daughter stated: "Wow, there are people with guns on top of the White House!" 
    50th - Started a trading llc (a long time goal accomplished).
    So for my 55th - I'm going to set up a new Word Press blog titled, 
    "Walking Through Forests."
    Yep, WTF (reference intended).
    Our future adventures needed a better set up for smiles and laughter.
    I trust my new layout will be much easier to read.

    This present blog "To The Trail" has just about run it's course. 
    It was my first attempt at this style of writing and it served me well.
    I also remain optimistic that natural healing will allow me to continue walking for a very long, long time.

    The goal for me initially was to use it as a learning tool. 

    I had questions like:
    •  What type of commitment does it take to blog?
    •  Do I honestly have anything to say?
    •  What is involved with learning html?
    •  How committed am I to better filming and photography? 
    •  Low bandwidth - how does that affect updates?
    Well, I believe I've found a voice that I want to share and I've decided that I would like to continue with a blog.

    In reading a few long distance trail journals and then reading some trail blogs recently, I believe the blog gives me more control and with that more challenge.

    I've been following the adventures of a long distance hiker named "Wired" through her blog: "Walking With Wired"
    I'm thankful that Wired shares her daily events and even her technical challenges with updating a daily blog while hiking.  
    Some of those shared challenges had me look at starting WTF fresh and new.

    So, word press was recommended and that is where I will be blogging next.

    Reading Wired's journey has really helped lately when it takes my full effort to walk down to the end of the drive way just to get the mail.   
    I know I can get where I need to go even if it takes little steps to get there.
    Just so you are aware, the driveway here on this mountainside is steep and even has a switchback in the middle.
    I consider it a training ground.  
    Soon I'll be doing laps around the driveway once I build up some strength and endurance.

    Thank you Erin for documenting as well as you have.  
    I appreciate it.  
    Your travels inspire me.

    So for now, I'm still:
    Keeping it simple, keeping it positive and still moving forward, always forward!

    ~ Kindle