18 short months of FUN! Well, mostly fun.
I needed to let go and HOPE.
Best decision ever.
End result was:
22 year neck displacement (C7--T1 area of spine) allowed for me to instrumentally change careers using the principles I taught to many individuals and groups that society or class label as mishaps but I choose to help the army labeled by me as "Light Bulbs".
Let me back up a bit.
I'm a professional light bulb changer. Got paid to do it for way too many years to display those facts and figures right now. Aircraft warning lights on the yard arms and mast to the bilge rats night lights.
Sewers have lights. So do vent shafts and of course elevators. I did enjoy that career.
It had it's UPs and DOWNs....yuk, yuk.
Granted, those are the physical type of light bulbs but HEY, bulbs were made from mans thinking so mans thinking must be in the bulbs....(trust me for a bit here, please).
Edison...what a putz. Tessla was the man. Crazy fucker and a joy to now study.
I had to be introduced to Nicoli Tessla while attending Radford University as a mindless worker bee under an Oak Tree. A brilliant banking, data and attorney technician befriended me and helped me guide my son to better pastures and his A.I. career on the bleeding edge with lots of Consumer capital to assist in his increase of his "VALUE" in the marketplace.
Trons to Cash....what a perfect business.....I wonder if I can still write off my losses once incorporated? Guess my CPA and Esq. will guide my steps that I learned by "TRYING SOMETHING" lol.
Sure beats owing a bank for a degree...does a degree pay back 2% a day on average?
I'll find out if my A.I. MMM will.
Named after a True Kentucky Wildcat, Milo:
M.I.L.O. Multiple Indicators Logically Ordering
is my next venture.
Eventually, all the markets until I get to the point of my initial Dream.
Trading the markets while having breakfast:
The markets being: Lumber, Silver, Gold, Pork Bellies, Orange Juice, Sugar, Cattle, etc.
Starting from Vapor.....a machine, an account, a pathway to the broker, some time and study,
Oh, it takes money to continue past the base.....that has arrived.
I'm prepared to handle it for I have grown into the person that I needed to be first, then the rest follows.
Applied Knowledge IS Powerful. Tester not the Testy. Tests suck and are easily predictable.
Books have misprints,
From the borrowed ones in Catholic School to the ones required for Regents and beyond.
everything should be questioned.
I read the Britannica and the yearly updates before High School....why did teachers lie?
Did the teaching schools fail to teach the Britannica?
Every class I attended seemed to mis facts.
Not updated.
Could not be trusted.
Service and Installation Manuals.....same.
Government documents and up....same.
So they taught me Technical Writing.....no one is to blame for mis information. Schitt Happens.
Now I share my view.

The journey continues with God's Guidance.
Source Energy: I know you well.
Nimitz, Carter, Einstein,
Thank you.