Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Long overdue thanks

I've begun the process of getting my affairs in order.  The long story short of it is that "I" need to deal with my shit before someone else is forced to toss it all away.
Many dreams have materialized and now only a few that I care to hold onto remain.

I understand that those in Norway and Sweden have it as a life time task, when age 50 or so, get your affairs in order.  Seems logical and common sense.

It started with a humorous book entitled: "I'M DEAD. NOW WHAT?  Important information about My Belongings, Business Affairs, and Wishes."

Accounts are updated, machines are updated, phones are updated.....brain, not so much. :)

Now as life is flowing easier from time to time, (2 forward, 1 back kind of frequency), Penny Grateful and I are finding what we love to do together and we go for it.  Her giggles and smiles are priceless.  I get to witness them daily.

So on to the gist of this post:
Thank you, everyone who has helped me along the way.
I trust that I did not burden anyone with my odd ways.

And the best part of getting my affairs in order, you might ask?
By the end of it, a new corporation is in the seed stages.
Travel the world and spread joy and smiles.
Seeing where the trons I trade become the cash that carries us around the world.

Sweet Dreams for sure. :)

So..the month begins like any other... except

Ah, October.
Buddy Orion is in the sky.

Well, the above was set in October 2018.  Seems I've been vacant.

Today was a new normal.
Shingles head, ear and jaw pain.
Sores on my arms from either the Shingles or Poison Oak.
Twisted my right knee somehow in my tossing and turning sleep.
A mess but enjoying the day.

It's been a year plus since my neck plunked in place.
Some days it misses that and will give me fitz but all in all, it is what it is.
Much has stayed the same, much has changed as change is the only constant.

Newest dream rocket cast to the universe....travel.
The vehicle to fuel the travel has been created.
Now it's time to heal the body more, get a few more pounds off and get it ready for the rigors of our future adventures! 
Route 66 for a month is the next planning. 
Chicago to L.A. and finishing it off with going to a live show of the Price is Right.
Come back home via Denver and K.C. 
That long of a drive requires a better muscle tone from my frame. 
I've tested it recently and it failed. 
1500 miles and I'm still feeling it 2 weeks later.

Lord knows, my body needs a rest and rebuild.  :)

I'll catch up soon.