Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 Ends - Hope Continues.......

May passed by (so did the whole Summer, Fall and Christmas).

This past September, one word rocked our worlds: "Cancer".

Damn!  Didn't plan for that one and I realize, who could?

As we finish up Penny's last couple scheduled treatments, which will go into the new year, I've been reflecting upon my life's existence and drive.  You see, a "Narrative Medicine" adventure has me opening up to my self through writing.

We both have been spending a lot of time together at the American Cancer Society - Hope Lodge in Lexington, KY.
We are both grateful for the reprieve of cost for the amount of automobile travel we would have been forced into for her 5 days a week treatment.   Each night we can rest soundly knowing that appointments will not be missed due to weather, vehicle breakdown or lack of petrol. 

We truly are blessed.  Dreams continue to manifest. Our requests asked for, "oddly" are granted.  By "oddly" I mean to say that we ask via our methods and by odd twists happening within the day, our requests appear.  Never late, always on time and most always, NOT as we expected!  The Hope Lodge being one of those fears turned into blessing.  
We did not know "how" it was all going to work out, we just knew it would and looked forward to seeing "how" it would happen.
We have not been disappointed at all.  Our joy is overflowing at a place that is not used to seeing a lot of joy.

Living with cancer patients, care givers and volunteers was not on my radar as something I needed to experience first hand.  All I can share at this time is that it has been humbling and enlightening.

We managed to catch the "Tri-fecta" as I've been calling it.
Why not?  We do live in the Horse Racing capitol of the U.S. lol :)
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.  
Three main stream celebratory events while dealing with a life altering experience. 
Not only our personal experience but the experience of all the others walking a similar path on their journeys. 

Since Penny and I firmly believe that Happiness is a choice,
(you either are or are not by choice), it is choice that we desire for our lives in spite of the minutia that is going on around us.

So, moving forward, changes are being made in our lives.
Many are going to be permanent and welcome.
Some not so welcome but we will work with those.  ;)

Hiking is on the radar but far off on the horizon for a time.
Things that are important are exposing themselves to us as we saunter along this journey.

Hope continues and we are smiling.  :)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day! (not mayday) ;)

May 1st, 2016
May Day is Lei Day in Hawaii'!

So much happens when one gets busy creating their life.

This first 1/3 of the year brought with it much anticipation for my future hiking exploits.

  • Through a series of odd events, chance encounters and conversations, it was decided that the PCT will be the first major hike to be planned for Kindle McGuinness and Penny Grateful.
  • Rehab still has me walking vs. swimming laps and it is visa versa for Penny.  
  • May 1st brought with it a eating lifestyle change as we are incorporating the "Reboot" juice to our lives again utilizing the Nutribullet.
  • I'm on task to create the financial robot employee that will fund our excursions.  Proof of concept was very favorable, accounts are being set up in a timely manner to my deadlines (with no stress), and I'm at peace.
  • "To The Trail" timeline has begun with no set start date but both of us are in agreement that it will happen.
  • Recipe tests have begun as to what can be created for our gourmet segments.
  • Local trails of the Red River Gorge are calling us.
  • Progress has been made on going up the mountain behind the home....creating my hiking training ground.
What can I say, I'm living my new dream!
Health is our first priority and soon to follow will be vitality.

Updates to follow.....
~ Kindle

Monday, January 4, 2016

And Life Continues.....

As of October 27th, 2015
It is official: I have been declared disabled.
SS Disability begins in May 2016 for the rest of my existence.

This does make life interesting and a bit more challenging.
I'm very undecided as to where this blog should end up.
Trash or Hope.

I'm going to side with hope.

Life continues....