I've hiked the entire
width of the
Appalachian Trail!
width of the
Appalachian Trail!
Sometimes it feels that way.
"If my dream is so in me to compel my drive, why have I not completed it yet?"
Only I can answer that one and most times it appears and has some truth to be just a bunch of lame excuses.
Yes, outside things & events need to line up as well, for this adventure does not just include me but includes my partner, film crew and support team.
We brainstorm and dream.
Get out there and test.
Evaluate, ponder & document while we also
decompress, enjoy and savor the experiences and times.
Through this process we did find one answer yesterday to a filming dilemma.
The solution came from watching the Ron Howard film on YouTube:
When You Find Me
Watch it if you have a few moments....it was a very good film.
We now understand how we will get our aerial footage.
Funny how things like that happen.
Just moving forward, always forward.